all of a sudden passion suddenly

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What if?

People think differently
when all bared
just voice
hand guestures

Even with music
playing oft
laying a blanket
of sadness
tad distractively

Yet there is always
an odd reminder
one look
around at something
that has been damaged

So damned sad
that they believe something
so ferousiously
and they snicker
thinks it is daringly attractive

From heart, mind
honesty and touch
Not stopping to think
just once...
what if?

stopping to save this first :heart:
condom conundrum in a condominium

though there was no condominium
or condom, for that matter,
but there was a conundrum,
of sorts, perhaps not,
and it was over aforementioned condom,
which we lacked in that place
far from a condominium.
and there's another thing i keep seeming to do a lot of lately, write a poem, go to save it, think to copy it after and have to hit cancel or no, mostly pressing no instead of cancel and lose the whole thing...duh! :confused:
lost a beautiful email i wish i really could get back and almost cried that i lost it one time...still sigh :heart:

hushed talking

i can feel it
for a cymbal beet twinge
echoed tin

deep inside
a bit changed
but like it used to be
has my perception

making sense
of one more emotion
and it’s weird to be
even telling you this.

hushed talking
lol! lets try this thread, hi there!

she really thought
i was a whore
to screw her man
without morals
just for spite
without reason
i don’t even no if we
should have used
a condom

it would have been easy
i knew he was interested
not at first though
thought he was really
wanting to help me
a helping hand

but the bitterness
and to hold it so tight
for so long
keeping it strong
finding pleasure
no condominium
not hesitated misunderstanding
straight accusations
no questions
not even listening

What condom would hold
or withhold against them
to be constantly worn thing
when serious fucking
is to be done
and the saddest thing
is she probably would
shudder the thought
of watch him writhe
in passion
or element of control

i dream to find a man
i can do this for
can give him control
and kneel at his feet
and sense him
breathing the air and knowing
it is him
from his vibrations
and current
the electricity of his being
that i am home
at my place…
his slave
Highway 66 revisited

black cars
look better in the rain
wet streets
long legs
folded pretty
pouty slick
runway lips
motor purr

no Suburbans
no regrets
no red roses

halogen off tarmac
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Spanning from horizon to eternity,
electric storms rage overhead,
while a million ground bound
beacons holler "I am here"
into the void.

There, among them, yet another
turns the other way,
and peers at peers
instead of swaying, chanting
in adoration of the skies,

and sees the world for real.

A god eat god scenario,
while dogs in desperation trample
and pile their brothers' bodies
to maybe, maybe taste

just once,
the lightning of their sky god,
laughting ever out of reach
at their feeding frenzy folly.

No rhyme,
no hope,
no escape,
she surrenders
and joins again the chanting masses.
Maybe, oh maybe,
salvation will come from above,
and not from within, after all.

hmm... maybe this should be in the dark poetry thread?
breathless anticipation
waiting for approval
have I pleased or disappointed?
trembling, I await your word

you've given so much
I could never hope
to return the favors
but I offer my soul and wait

kneeling and naked,
yours to command.
in thanks I offer
my mind and flesh

hoping it is enough

Do you remember
that first night
we met outside
Dunkin Donuts?

Do you remember
the chill in the
air as we sat
and smoked?

Do you remember
that first night
we fucked outside
the bowling alley?

Do you remember
the laughter
from the guys
by my truck?

Do you remember
that first goodbye
at the airport
outside of Seattle?

Do you remember
our kiss, lips wet
with my tears
as I left?

I remember
every first
night outside.

I remember
every kiss
every touch
every look
into your eyes
but the last.

I always knew
the firsts.
I knew to savor.
I devoured the nights
the kisses
the touches
your eyes.

If only I'd known
that last night.
Maybe then I'd remember.
2 point 5 miles

Catching her breath
"Dirty bastard!"

thighs shaking
flushing pink

(paler to this morning's
endorphin romp and glow)

       Knowing grin
       "Wanna stop?"

"No" Evil glare

       "Good, we've got
       another 5k to run"

"You do know
I'll pay you back later"

       Laughs, "Always"

       (2 point 5 miles left
         to sixty-nine her)
He's a Clever Talker

he talks
I talk
fucking talk

faulty intercom

fucking talk

then quiet
phone call
wife talk

he talks
she talks
fucking talk

if anyone talks
she'll talk
about their talk
Perhaps there's something here?
A definition of that subtlety in your touch
On the steamy seam between my thighs.

It's open, burst through
From the swelling,
A welling up of sensation
That explodes.

I've been wanting to fuck
Ever since I first felt
Those fabulous fingers.

I've been wanting you
Ever since you twirled
Those tantalizing turns.

Crow darling,
You are my cock
That greets the dawn.
Come feed your pussy cream.

Who betrayed me?
Yielded secret yearnings
Carefully buried
Dark treasure
For my eyes alone
My pleasures
Exposed by you
Stealthy thief
Stolen, displayed
For all to see
Adorning your body
Mesmerizing me
I am yours

My Angel,
happiness is like
your velvet wings,
the consistency
of whitest clouds
in my blue sky,
the soft run
of your fingers through my hair:

and I love you.
New Territory

He tumbled from her mountains
into her valley, stunned
by the tree growing there.
I am not salvation
but a walk along that road
that I have to give
just this small gift
that I give and take
equally this time
on my kness on my back
as naked as my breath
and your fury combined

come unraveled unwound
no shackles bound
and no barriers left to cross

I am here as you
and yours as nothing else
will ever dare to be
so come conquer me
open unwrapped laid out
bruised but brave again

I am not solution
just illusion of gold
but this moment
all things new and old
will fade to black
to timeless now
and this that is me
dreaming thousandfold
salvation dreams

so come closer now
I am spread out thin
to let no delusions hide
all safeguards taken down
defensless disctraction
claimed for you alone

come take and taste
come push and pull
penetrate unleash unload
beat and batter, devour
all that will ever matter

demand deny devour
do any fucking thing
posess control
lose sight of soul
explode in power

that is all I have to give
just this smallest gift
that I give and take
equally this time

yours to own
and equally
you're mine
done and done
took a plunge
a final step
and walked the ledge
to balance on an edge
for a while

for a while
a breath mint sized
revolution ringing
small but true
will vibrate
like a ladybug
not ready to fly

not ready to fly
but to put one foot
in front of the other
and gain maintain
sustain momentum
down that road
to discover yet again
like adolecence's adventure
what wonders awaits
behind the rigde

behind the ridge
grass is no greener
than present mud
but smells of water
instead of diesel
and of tomorrow

and of tomorrow
I will try to scribe
when cause and effect
finally correlate and
should and could is
done and done

Hmm, pretty blah. But hey, this is the write, post, no regrets thread.

People often justify their prejudice
by blaming their victims

Bystanders too, as they assume
the world is just—
and therefore
"people get what they deserve"

Commonly, we teach our children
that good is rewarded
and bad is punished

If that is so, then we are to believe
those who suffer, must be bad

What did the Holocaust victims do?

Such reasoning makes
the rich see their wealth
and the poor's misfortune as earned

Hindsight bias has us believing
what is NOT true to life:

Rape victims asked to be raped

The abused are too weak

AIDS patients got their 'comes around'

Just-World is a phenomenon
nothing is ever "just" desserts
extra postage required

dont move
dont speak
let me greet you
on my knees

breathe through denim
my first hello,
hot and slow

your shoulders salted
with my cries-
be still, now -
time to salt mine

my friend
dont speak
dont move
dont look below
or watch me as I go

I need to deliver this to you
remember nothing
except the feeling
that you have felt this all before
Re: extra postage required

Relaxed—kicked backed
short skirt, tall boots

Eyes flashing just beyond
for a little peek-a-boo peep

One that lures my
ever, philandering mind
into risqué cocksure—

just where do her legs stop?

Some where under there
up high they meet
in that hot, sharp vee

But wrapped around me
they surely will be
damn him, all the way to hell

anna- your poem made me remember, shoudl I thank you? sorry, I cant

you wanna talk rape?pinned, non consensual
fucking sex!!! goddamn that bastard
sixteen isnt old enough to fight,
or fight back
35 is too old to fuck a kid, like I was
all I needed was a ride home

that bed wasnt soft and his hands
hard and calloused
were like burlap, suffocating, holding me down
drool in my face, salty tears merged with vomit
seeping from my head, my heart
he should have just killed me
and make no mistake, I look for him
in eyes of tall strangers...named Phil

remember me? the sweet girl, with green eyes
I know you saw them, I know you remember
when you fucked th elife out of me and
then dumped me by the road like a piece of trash
in the rain
and its been 25 years and its still raiining
I hate the rain, it stings like he did
it clings like he did, it reminds me
that all that really awaits me is death
and as hard as I try, I cant seem to live,
this life here
and there, and wherever I might be,
this happiness is an illusion
this smile is just me, faking it
and Im still here, waiting
on that ride home

somebody, please, take me home
Re: Re: extra postage required

LeMatou said:

just where do her legs stop?

morning lesson for the virgin of france:

they only stop
when you say please
crushed by the press of knees

you need no lure
for fly fishing
this is what I have learned

feather and hook

pretending to have wings
low over water deep
below something sleeps--

waiting for the buzz and bite
resting well for tonight
for the feasting


my apologies to the master of the board italics added post passion, and friendly flirtation, suddenly out of nowhere a weight is lifted fly when you have the chance
Re: damn him, all the way to hell

Maria2394 said:
anna- your poem made me remember, shoudl I thank you? sorry, I cant

anna is in the shower (finally) and asked me to say this:

no thanks anticipated
for the stirring waters
where dirt and muck perhaps had settled
clouding more than one--

on this spectrum
of non-consent,
some face all the colors-
blinding white
blinding darkness

my poem painted red

I am so sorry
for your pain,

and sorry it is so damn "common"
one in four?
one in six?

for you, young Maria I would offer

a dry towel, oversized
arm around shoulder
clean clothes,
shared tears
come, sit
and tell me the way
I would try to take you home

once you were asleep, safe and sound-
I would go out castration bound
I've seen it done to many calfs, but never to a pig

:( :heart:
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Re: Re: damn him, all the way to hell

SeattleRain said:
one in four?
one in six?
one in one

what goes around
never quite comes around
and also a single tear
is rain
liquid lead
polluting everything


every unique perspective
is a universe untarnished
and an eternity abused
is always one in one

and too much
for a clenched jaw
and closed fist
to fathom

:rose: & :rose:
Re: damn him, all the way to hell

Innocence lost
Ripped out and discarded
Litter to the roadside
Cast thoughtlessly, cruelly

Hopes trampled
A glowing ember
Under a jackboot

Life’s joy
Perverted, subverted
Pain’s tortured prisoner

How long?
As long as it takes.

:rose: :heart:
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