all of a sudden passion suddenly

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she so raspy

raspy I said, not nasty
though that applies , and it finally happened
invasion of that voice, into recesses
of my dreams, I became her
Britney, lithe and agile, nevermind
she sounds like Lauren Bacall
after a carton of smokes, and
a couple of tokes of some emperors
hidden hooka, she got me, raspy'twistin
and writhing, all over the darkstage
invading my dreams with her toxic
oh so toxic moves did you see her
twistin and turning, making my breasts
her own, I felt her skin, softer
than a newborn whisper, god
I'd love to drink her, and watch as
she worked her way out of every
pore, consumed with breath, consuming
death as if it were only a dinner mint
an afterthought, the devils dessert
Re: October

OT said:
the bark of rattled branches
over the din of tumbled leaves
warn of biting wind at dusk

sending signals of spring, unsprung
day after tomorrow,
October, undone

Between moon and midnight
I love the view above horizon

From this zenith vantage
the sun shines
while you move
most southern

Tomorrow and tomorrow
I will still feel the kiss at noon
cindarella comes running at the strike of 12


and she is running to you
did you forget your lunch

it may be glass but that is no
damn baby you want me to polish that up for you

with a slide of chair wheels over shine

noon time kiss
under the desk

with your cock in my mouth
you are thin trim
and always take out the trash
become this perfect vision

strong hand
rough hand
slides up the back of my nck
p0ulls ionto hair


in my mouth baby
you are anything I want

you make coffee
and know how hard
to pinch and press

you read me poetry
that makes me want to either
fuck something

become a better something else

mostly the fucking

when your cock is in my mouth
you are whoever I want

I cannot stop writing poems about sucking cocks
or thinking about it at least

doc can you help me
I just cannot seem to stop
this cock sucking scenerio

in my mouth in my mind in my words,
it is a problem

please doc,
is there something,
something you can give me?

It was cold today
I put on a coat and pants
everyone else wore
socks with Birkenstocks

Dumb ass don't you know
I'm not listenin?

Charlie Brown's teacher
has nothin on me
as babies and bills
cram my brain
at one-half wink
before actual sleep


That internal chatter-box
nags and rags
that last raw nerve
until I self-medicate
with butter pecan
and Jerry Springer

Why don't you shut up
and let me sleep?
t a t t—oo

Kiss right there
just to the left
where pain has made
its indelible mark

Sink sharp teeth
into that tender spot
send chills to go deeper
than anything superficial

Let clenched teeth
be reward enough
as curses go raspy
but drip with ecstasy
Lying down,
your body making
intriguing shadows,
naked sculptures of skin
gracing the cotton sheets.

doubt not, my lips transform
opulent softness found,
wickedly, into something
nearly steel.
The third rail.

In a wholly spirited
Newspapered and pinstriped carnival
I saw disciples crosslegged in a Subway cave,

I saw tongues of fire
On the generation,
Faith no more and
No warranty and
No cellullar tower
Or DNA to be construed

No delayed news,
Instant vodka and myths about
Sciences and
In shawls
The tall winter flowers,

Leaving them for last, to herald the begin.

Growing to the size
Of a whale,
Barreling thru automatic
Doors again,

Those tongues of fire
On everyone,
Like Runway lights
And tremolo echos.
Goodnight moon
goodnight jumping cow
dish and spoon
mouse and house
socks and clocks
goodnight nobody
the room is empty
the door is locked
to the old lady
who once whispered
I should have wondered at words
that came so easily. Pretty presents
of praise that anyone would find hard
to resist. The wrapping paper that said
I was special to you, covered with stories
written without one letter, in another language
I never studied and totally read wrong.

I was distracted by the promise of the woo
never realizing the weight of your gift
walked me backwards, while carefully tied
ribbons wound around my wisdom, strangling
it till it fell and rolled across the floor, leaving me
alone but still with you. My strength sucked

out of me and stored in little vials
marked baby xxx. Stolen after the verbal highs
you injected carefully through my skin, leaving me
staggering in vertigo of vulnerability. I fell
back onto the bed you placed beneath me, realizing
too late, I wasn’t being given anything
but affected affection designed to rip me open,
to make it easy for you to take anything
you wanted from inside. I was a plain
cardboard box, a container for your contentment,
tossed aside in a crinkled heap when see
that I am empty now.

Crumpled paper that will never lose
your creases or mend your tears.
I watched as bits
came fluttering down
like ticker tape
and confetti

Panels of glass and drops
of blood
turn a cherry
into sawdust.

But, the flyer is off
to heaven
and since they died with him
his victims go too.

Weep, weep
for the souls who are named.
You mourn them in good

Weep more for those
without grave markers;
a hole is all that dresses
their passage.
just some pornetry

my black shirt zips from the top down
and vice versa, so cleavage and bellybutton are bare.
only three inches of fabric keep me out of jail.

seven and a quarter keep me in clothes
like these--you know, black shirts that zip
and skirts that rip your heart out,

and shoes that hurt my feet
but make you ache...
you know, down there.

do you know why I wear these--
thongs snug in the crack of my ass,
gripped the way your cock was last night?

I grip and zip and rip your heart out,
because of nothing less than seven and a quarter.
her seventh year

bees in lime coke
and happy birthdays
kiting into a leafy tangle

they say mormons are taking over town
leaving us behind on the hilltop
where wrappings scatter with day

and wind blows on
till sun and candles tumble away
had an idea
a foul stench
of things
things gnawing tiny bites
crawling in the cupboards
kisses of death
fangs of rot
pestilence moon
penetrating the bloom
tripping on terrible
tiny feet sooted steps
in flour and fleas to jump
cracker jack crazy in flakes
of salt once pure

had an idea
of nevermore
when things
with beady bloodshot eyes
and cadaver breath
snigger scurry snarl
rabid frothed
seeping viral blood
from tails scraped raw
bitten backstabbed
by peers

had an idea
of things
better left forgotten
failed fouled raped
reeking rotten
There's a tremble
in my heart
that makes my throat dry
my head ache
and my right hand
I sit before the empty screen
taunting me
and my mind fills with words
that cannot escape
from my fingers to
the vacant space
before me...
Words of love
Flashes of humor and wit
Great rushes of emotion
all stymied
by their refusal to work together
and act coherently...
I have taken residence in Babel,
my soul no longer speaks
a language
my brain
I want to scream,
but I
address book
full of Frahans
and Limeys
and up country boys-

she tames the crew
on Italian tile
In a one way
towards the heavenly stairs

muted horn,
hush a by crowd
a dimpled grin

the quiet life
midnight and recurrent

a tiny piano
an operator call
do not presume to know those

wind up moisaic tiles
what did I lose there in the halls of Barcelona
my way, certainly but it was something more

feet press boards
these beds never fit
bending low
down to the average bell curce mountain top range

to hear the junior hight whispers

what I missed
from my altitude

finally learning,

my heels rise an inch a year

still to hear those whispered inside jokes
pretending familiarity is not noticed

ecxlusion from a needed pat
is as bad as the slap
a froggy mental meltdown

silent pond, the frogs are gone
maybe off exploring
Magellan, as you may recall,
had plotted, scoped out his Princess
and set off hopping,
but was devoured by an owl
before he crossed the great divide

( I was not witness, was relayed to me
by Froggy Scribe)

Sinister Toad, wretched scoundrel
that he was, made amends with Tammy Toad
they departed in each other's company
set out with their mission
to beget, progeny

( this was NOT supposed to rhyme)

lamenting this solitude, keeps me
grounded, hope is never misplaced
not even at the silent, croakless
koi pond, the fish are gone
the frogs are gone, except for one
and he lurks beneath, to his chin in mud

( i sat and waited on slimy Frog King
he showed himself as if to say
Keeper, you are not alone)

anyway, that ws the message
sent from yesterday, still I long
for springtime, just a few months away
I expect a monumental insurgence
of frogs, and lizards, and toads
and crickets, In March
or April, or May

I just have to wait

and waiting is the one thing I know
I 'm really very good at,
besides slinging curses
at this dismal, mist of a day
a poem about the bullies

annaswirls said:
bending low
down to the average bell curce mountain top range

to hear the junior hight whispers

what I missed
from my altitude

finally learning,

my heels rise an inch a year

still to hear those whispered inside jokes
pretending familiarity is not noticed

ecxlusion from a needed pat
is as bad as the slap

damn Anna, that is so raw, and so very touching, I wish I could just give you a big hug :rose:

I was the girl, ninth grade brainiac
the prissy ones, cheerleader ones
with nice clothes, doctor daddys
you woulda thought they had better things to do
than pick on me...

Latin class I caught Roberta cheating,
and James is a doctor too, I quit school
and got my GED, did some college too

but what I would love to do
is plant my size 8 foot squarely in their faces
and blame my life on all the jerks,
but what good would it do?

ya gotta learn to let it go, I think
me and Jenn were a whole lot stronger
and had those bitches ever once stopped to think
they might have learned something
from the brainiacs, too

the important thing is, wherever we are
we got here cause were are strong
and didnt have to cheat to do it,
so forget them, be tall, be smart
and when you see them in public
just pretend, you dont know
who they are :)

Oh time ebbs like tides, slips away.
The waves of minutes crash to shore
till years elude my reach. I need to stay

within the comfort of a memory, more
to slip under its safety like a blanket gives
warmth for a night. To linger, but before

I know it morning rings again. What lives
is daily frailty, rushing to a momentary need,
a trivia of here and there drifted through sieves

of must and should, flowers opportuning bleed
away in drips, falling unnoticed. In my bed
I dream oceans of what could be were I but freed

of irksome responsibility. I wonder is this bred
in my questions alone? Is my heart unique
in its unending drive to search? When I am dead

and all is quiet there will be nothing left to seek
in the peace of eternity, no rushing day
lost again to something I can't touch, oblique
no more. Secure. Anchored finally beyond the fray.

Compassion's true heart
pursues friend and foe alike
is open to the common
experience of life

Is any one of us
born with the desire
to be hurtful and hateful
or is it foist upon us
in no uncertain measure
thru life's hard lessons

we do not get to choose
our parents
their parents
or theirs
sins of the fathers
visited upon seven generations
but we can be the ones
who turn back tides,
then gentle the seas

all it takes
is looking into others
seeing yourself
and embracing you
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