all of a sudden passion suddenly

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is good

This, between you and me

is good

I'd do it forever

The talking
laughing thing
never gets old

Our coffee gets cold
long before we ever do

But the late night warm-ups
are always an option
that is never declined

Legs entwined
knee between mine
chin tucked in the cleft
of jaw and neck

Here we are happy

slow breath into long sighs

"Good night" (don't snore)
In the gutter

Atop the ladder he stands
his perch precarious,
reaches into the gutter,
scoops out the fetid debris
soaking in warm water

only yesterday it seems
the leaves burst green
and full of life,
the water fell pure and clear

but the seasons take their toll
and what was vibrant
soon turns old,
and clogs the pathways
of release

sits and stews
spills over and seeps into avenues
it should not go,
undermines foundations
and brings the body down

he tries to maintain
his balance,
more uncertain every year
keep the channels open

the task seems never ending
the amounts ever increasing
he just feels like falling
did it ever
escape my lips
that what is cradled
behind the world's luckiest
cashmere wrapping
just beneath bare shoulders
just above clandestine
collar bones
could love me blind
make me cry
the dearest tears
you know the kind

you did
that night

did i ever escape
the hypnosis
reading stories
in your heaving breaths
in curls falling lazily
wherever they
damn well please
and in dimples
real and there, like a cliché
that deepens even more
to the evergreen of a laughter
when i tickle them

like i did
that night

did you ever escape my arms
or were you never really there
just a figment of a fragment
of a dream that lasted
longer so much longer
in the acoustics of my memory
than ever the song

we sung
that night
Sometimes I can't see myself. The world fades
to a pinpoint. I am lost to the void,
and walk here leaden-legged on steeper grades.
Out of breath. Lost. I need to be alloyed
in something stronger. I need to be steel.
The thief of time has stolen all I know.
Release from pain would just be not to feel
the repercussions of the fate I sow.
Are your arms stronger than my daily storms?
Your distant friendship braver than my fears?
Perhaps I only live inside these forms
of words, and what I am only appears
in poems, frozen but for your words and song.
Sometimes I must be weak. Can you be strong?
detached, disassembled, but something must be here
to propel me towards tomorrow, and I keep
plodding along, never certain
that what I am seeing is real, if I am real,
perhaps I am afraid to know, this robot called my self
and days are weeks and months and years
they all feel just like yesterday
infected with tiny glimpses of tomorrow
sometimes I think this place would be much better
if my self freed its self from the artificial light
of this temporary time, I am restrained
only by the wondering, about realness of things
and unthings, but most of the time,
without these random thoughts, I am here
but alone, and when I am gone
at least this much space will be left uncluttered
at least we know now
that your stasis is the basics
while I move

and that an anchor cord
would tear roots and cut bleeding
into winds and rivers

one passing out of my lips
the other going in

as I drown another blighter
bursting bubble
in banter and bourboun
this aimless all nighter
counting hours in the sweat beads
trickling down another
aimless hunter's
delectable throat

there's a winter rising outside
and a winter raging within
but this room is Amalfi
Tarragona, del Mar at midnight
and the sway lulls us to
defrost and redefine
such a petty detail
as geographics

so fine
be stasis rock ice whatever

but for this moment
sip your silly straw soother
and run your golden arms
so much smoother
against my last resistance

there is a clue to all of this
somewhere I do belive
but it will find me tomorrow
when the winter outside
has tightened the clutch
and the winter within
has melted
uncomfortable silence

neonurotic said:
The talking
laughing thing
never gets old
Forty years later
at Café Bleu
in our favorite booth
for tea and toast

There, without words
smiling and thinking
we still see each other

But all the while
spreading dry bread with
contempt on both sides

Taking it cold without sugar
more lemon than tea

Flashback to reiterate:

Your hand in mine
eavesdropping quiet content
of an old man with his woman

"I don't want to be
the sort of couple who can
sit comfortably in silence"

erm... ya know, no editing allowed ;)
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proper perspective

tis not always the early bird
that gets the worm
sometimes tis the fisherman

yesterdays immoral winds howled,
wrestled roofs, snapping trees,
scuffled time, shredding lives,
certainty torn asunder,
mayhem suppurated,
then silence screamed…

trickled raindrops,
soundless tears of misery,
torn roots from history,
cyclic, yet more histrionic,
sadistic, devoid reasoning,
inclination, personal belief.

stragglers scattered incredulously,
anguish of entrenched abrasions,
inherent thoughts terrorized
a feather fallen through antecedents
fluttering precariously over adverse
disowned hearts, minds, eyes…
Fall’s whisper

apprehended silvers
slivered pastures,
heightened gold
fell copper, diffused,
stroked by stringent charcoal
shivered vague greens,
scattered hazy obscure,
glimmered hope
and yester-dreams

summer lazy days,
warm breeze,
rustle underneath
dew tinted grass,
soft sighs,
tilted sunshine,
warm glazed humidity
shimmered leaves...
Fall whispered alee
drop that
note but ride
the riffs and reefs
of clef and scale the face
of cities bright lights big eyes
rainy streets shine traffic
wheels the beat turns
off blinks on gone
but once I saw
a ghost there
bird lived and
I dreamed

once seen
never forgotten
enigmatic smile
inviting, delighting
eyes dancing. with light
and entrancing, I left nonetheless
but less for leaving
without receiving
your address
your phone number

is everywhere,
among everyone,
in crowds
in couples

who is in your head
who is in your bed
are they there with you
or among themselves

there is no way of knowing
that dividing line
between you and them
is merely a moment
of self awareness
or conjoinment

this communion
of body to soul,
of half being to whole,
of completion

Know the moment
when touching,
becomes all consuming
absorbs and absconds
with the very heart of being
and you become prisoner
to another
without whom you
cannot be
artificial light

burning bright as natural light
I cannot tell the difference
anymore, but who can assign
a definitive, a concrete structure
a definition of hope?

is it light? or perception of right
and desire to be immersed in the glow
I do not know, I do not want to know
for now, the senses accepting
warmth in any form, is good enough

to light my way, to cast shadows
of yet another day,
and yet I manage to always pale,
when I compare my self
to how I feel inside, but I retain
this reflection, yes
even in this artificial light
the seat between us

you moved down to close the gav gap between us
four down to one

but the one filled with a perse
a program
a notebook with yellow leaf noticings and quotes of the celts who circled the towns with masks and flames
to protect themselves from the very thing I beg
and clal to me

there is a seat between us

you ask me if my birthday is coming
there is a print you think I might like

and I wish I knew you

well enough to leave that notebook open
for five minutes

we stutter over common benchmarks

blood donations
auction items
Gerbera daisies

we stutter over the safe words

I wish I knew you
bite halfway between
neck and shoulder

make me hiss
through gritted teeth

if it makes you crazy
don't do it

but if it's what you want
then right now
let the pseudo you
be real
neonurotic said:
bite halfway between
neck and shoulder

make me hiss
through gritted teeth

if it makes you crazy
don't do it

but if it's what you want
then right now
let the pseudo you
be real

if it makes you crazy, do it
hiss the
groan the
how deep do you want those teeth?

sometimes the pseudo is all a man can handle
you got your grips on the real?
why is it
that you and I
are now a slow sad song
played on a piano
in some obscure minor key
echoing in the silence
of gentle fingers no longer
pressing ivory
a song that brings tears to the eyes
not allowed to fall
like a fading melody
on the silence
in which you’ve left me
Uncle Izzy gives us each
five dollars. We walk down
five flights of cracked steps,
dirty linoleum peeling up
around the metal runners.
The walls smell like cabbage,
the shiny brown paint
on the closed doors is chipped.
Behind those doors
are other grandmothers.

I know them all,
in their sleeveless housedresses,
sagging nylons, a slip strap
hanging over a shoulder.
They all stand over cookpots
smoking unfiltered Camels.
These are not storybook grandmas.
They sweat a little into stringy hair
and curse at their brothers,
who give five-dollar bills
to curious girls, telling them
to get some air.

Der kinder!
they tell the grandmothers,
who poke dry briskets
and don't much care.
They call everyone"Sonny" and "Girlie."
Their bedrooms are full
of dusty Depression glass
in carnival colors
and True Secret magazines.

The little girls don't much care.
They sit on the crumbled stoops
in their secondhand coats,
clutch the five-dollars bills
and look into the gloss
of their patent-leather shoes
for the ghosts of generations.
Dark Chocolate Sex?

Hands clutching desperately,
nails digging into cherry wood,
abusing the bed posts
as you abuse me.

Hammering from behind,
Relentlessly thrusting,
pounding me into submission
making me grovel.

Knees scraped,
hands dirty,
begging for more
you harshly oblige.

Sticky fulfillment,
weak kneed completion,
bloody release
same as always.

I still beg you for more,
I probably always will,
but for once would it kill you
to have wine and roses?

Gentle caresses,
tender kisses,
vanilla sex
a dream I barely remember.

Hmm...Eating chocolate and thinking dirty thoughts, while looking through old yearbooks - definately a bad combination...
I am still afraid to go downstairs
and watch the news

instead I will come here where things

never thiought I would say that
did you
did I
I should say


love this twist
usually folks are wishing for the color
you turn it around nicely

mix it up girl, mix it up

black and white shakes
were always my favorite
workin behind the counter at the local ice cream shop

my left bicep always a little tighter
than the right from the dip dip and scoop scoop

brink me back to those days
double scoop
for you
with a cherry on top
annaswirls said:
brink me back to those days
double scoop
for you
with a cherry on top

Don't forget the whipped cream & sprinkles! ;)

Old Age

The feel of aching bones
sore muscles
reminiscent of younger,
days & nights.

Teeth gently gumming
nibbling and sucking
unwilling to bite
for fear of damaging false teeth.

Licking at the whipped cream,
feasting on everything,
decadent rapture
overpowering your addled senses.

Closing your eyes tightly
you finally finish,
your body spasms at every movement,
betraying you completely.

Breakfast in bed must be a bitch when you're old! :D

~The Beach~

feel the breeze flowing all around
seagulls our only sound
waves crashing upon the shore
sand begging for more

palms swaying with the wind
us watching as they bend
hand in hand forever we walk
eyes meeeting as we talk
having the most wonderful day
splashing each other as we play

gulls flying thru the sky
hear their echoing cry
waves washing all our toes
us watching it as it rolls

sun shining upon your face
my hand goin there to trace
feelin your love flow thru their tips
my heart jumps, skips, and dips

holding each other tight
just waiting for this night
watching the beach we see
what our future together will be

waves crashing upon the sand
you tenderly holding my hand
seagulls fliying high
we both lovingly sigh
tension behind soft cotton
presses metal teeth
in a strained battle for release

the zipper loses
when your finger chooses
to loosen and free, we both can win

please baby let me watch
what's the tree saying?
does the rock love me?

she chews her blonde hair
and waistbands fall below her belly
papaw carries tissues
and mamaw bakes cakes

yellow bus comes at 7:20
momma holds her hand at 7:10
they cross over to the stop
to the green hill
wild things live in a pipe
and flashlights sparkle dew

did you buy me a pretty?
don't let hanna take it!

teacher shows her gibbons
there are gibbon images
there are gibbons

purple gibbon waiting
on 2:10 yellow bus
hyper joy stumbles down roads
to baked cakes, tissues

and everything sparkles
like green hill dew
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