all of a sudden passion suddenly

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whoever said
all thingns in moderation never felt the
grip and twist tighter clench than comfort of your

stretched and propped on commandments
thou shall not quiver or

has never felt the stretch past
the moments past okay

degrees above ambience
the click and grind and one more time beyond
nowhere to go
I inherited this orphan pet peeve
seeing passion planned
set up in neat rows and
prom night beautiful

without wrinkle or smudge
well rested
without muss or stuick

52 cards flicked across the floor
remember rolling in the chaos?

nothing sudden about it
suddenly dipped in carmel with pretty swirl

i would have rather have adopted
the cat.............
or mean dog who did not like children
bet he smelled funny too with disease and damp
chasing squirrels without plan the dance of a happy dog day
barking with a


wjp whj
damn it

WHO said it was okay to turn the dial on my poem
clicking that number so even and NEAT up to 5, better than seven
so easily multiplied

okay I accept 5 as a number
but not 05 at the end of my poem
damn it
as lips taste
the deepest corners
of your souls intimate places,
butterflies flutter,
reminding me
the delicious flavor
of tomorrow's enduring kiss
is only a dream away.
Tomorrow is yet to come
and I know not what it brings.
I can only hope
that today my heart can sing.

getting used to your return
muscles used only for you, stretched
of tightness
sit up straith straight
breathe deep, fill the empty parts of my lungs
parts only filled when breathing you in
shake free the binds of my heart
let it beat fully
violently, flushed deep into hidden parts of me

dust off my memories
come, sit, please! I would say I made tea
but I didn't
it is not your drink
the self I had become
burned too, yet ashes remain inside
my core
I have grown b
grown used to their smell
and wieght

no attempts to call out the phoenix
from the dusted pile
she waits for the infinite burn

wrapped in purple satin
tied tith velvet rope to be pulled
someday reunited with the you
that became only with me

then she will fly
only then she will fly
they did not bother getting her a wig
or hat
no one powdered her shine
or colored her cheeks
chin up
still she glows!

Out of the Mouths of Babes

my ex just drove to my house
to greet me and call me
a name much worse than 'whore'

not as small as a mouse
not as large as a tree
my friends i can't take much more

i'm tempted to carouse
the town for a gun for me
and bring it through my door

life was fun but i'm a louse
lost in squalid infamy --
some metaphor

of afterlife might let me browse
the small links of infinity
that close the store.
coffee shop kids
still as tweenie bubblegum green
as ever before

but lapping lattes
hiding in ecologia, eyeliner
black dye sociopunk indie ideals
abstainism, anarchism
playing the nobody's fool
just to look cool

enough of a lone ranger
militant individialist image
to fit in with the crowd

worn like badges
that would had been
the fancy brands
if that had been their flock

but oh no, they are For Real
and this moment is eternal
until the next tide comes
to turn all they deem holy
into so last year

a stream of teenage notion
trying out all the shoes
to see which walks them
that extra mile
down an inevitable path
they're terrified to tread

drink up your moccachinos
zip up your faux nihilist jackets
and step out into this
crisp clear crystal shower

Wittgenstein will wait
the first angel worthy snow
will not
Living with Bukowski
on the precipice of joy and tribulation
must have been a ride, bumpy
with beer cans and sandpaper words,
poetry spilled all over the carpet,
car rides to airports, the folding chairs
in lecture halls or waiting in the car
with the motor running while snow
falls furious as the resolve
of his truth told word by word
over glasses and stained pages.

The ice bucket
next to the lectern

I don't know
if truth and wisdom
are the same, but if
you lived with him, if
you loved him, you'd want
to wash his shirt,
make sure the keys
don't get lost because
you love him or you want
to punch his lights out.

There'd be another blast
of edgy zen, sweetness
would slip between the lines.
It would be late with laughter and ideas
in a tired rapturous way.
there will be caution with words,
in the way i breathe.
what i once said to you
is now unspeakable,
and my breath will come steady,
not rushing out of me like hard-ridden sex.

i will whisper kindly and breathe sweetly.

(there is potential here. just messy at the moment. too many thoughts to get down before i forget.)
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Supagirl u know it
I tingle when u show it
to the world, baby...the match, the jive, the dirt
It ain't no disrespectin'
Cuz tonight u are affectin'
every trooper taunted...swing yer ocean skirt

Supagirl u crazy
turn a head all hippy hazy
with them finger fearin' nuffin in the hall.
Lettuce duck n rush to hide,
to a sacred shack inside,
as your fingers linger...knees n ocean fall

Supagirl u tripper,
swirl dis honey dipper.
To da b-b-b-bone, baby...where it fits soooo fine.
You oughta be a-tellin';
'taint mah wallet swellin'.
In da z-z-z-zone, baby...where it's yours n mine.

Supagirl u kitten,
ain't no rhymin' written
to ex-xxx-plain the gain, the power u possess.
Over mojo in surrender
to a tongue, so steady, tender.
Supagirl, angelic swirl, thank you, God bless.
slow motion lulls frenzy,
slumbers the day world.

century hands
hold humming birds
and weary leapers fall
like ledge cats.

slow motion
crashes softly.
concrete gels abstract.
WickedEve said:
there will be caution with words,
in the way i breathe.
what i once said to you
is now unspeakable,
and my breath will come steady,
not rushing out of me like hard-ridden sex.

i will whisper kindly and breathe sweetly.

(there is potential here. just messy at the moment. too many thoughts to get down before i forget.)

girl messy is encouraged always
especially within these walls electrical potential stored between
copper and zinc plates
just far enough to

someone injected elecrticity into my veins
I have been twitching ever since
I do not feel poetic,
today my muse is starved for recognition,
funny though I fed her just last night
awake in bed, my left hand between my legs

I allowed the right to wander upwards
towards the scar below my navel,
and when that hand reached up
and felt the smooth across my chest,
the length of my belly became a tomb

the womb is there, though empty
no place for anything, yet the child still clings
to insides remembering
giving birth and losing life,
and invasion of one hun and two rapists, I
envision them all dead

and try to capture sleep elusive
while petting my own breasts
a wreck right now
twisted in unseen knots
spearing pain
slicing terror
fear a scream of air
rushing by

hidden sadness
neutral stance
coifed and crisp
laughter expressed softly
scarcely felt

no words spoken
only confusion
barren sentences
vacant thoughts
living each as moment
passed by vaporous
a-whumpa a-whumpa

152 beats per minute
the fetal heart rate
says "Hello, I'm a girl!"

Or so I'm told

It's an old mid-wife's tale
much like the one
if she's low
that baby is a boy

So she can tell me
"Wait and see."
rather a surprise then to know

It's okay, I already do

That fast pulse and high belly
they both tell me
I make girls
We stood on the stoop
toes numb
stamping feet
to see winter

This evening
snow fell
before midnight at moon

Lacy white
old fashioned
paper cut-out flakes

Our first was a
'Norman Rockwell'
Found Poem

"The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear."

The indication of belief
is constant assertion.
Fear is constant.
The belief in fear
is an indication
of constant belief.
Re: Re: Found Poem

Tathagata said:
If I don't assert my beliefs
I fear
something may slip in
and prove them

And yet you fear
the overassertion
of belief? I'm
constantly proven
wrong, I fear.
An indication of fear
is a constant denial of change
Change itself is the only constant
And therefore does not require belief
Never changing
Ever changing
Change is the only reality
Re: Re: Re: Re: Found Poem

Tathagata said:
belief should change
according to
what asserts itself
as true
not what you fear
and how can you be wrong
if you believe?

If I believe
I can swim
and I can't, I'll sink.
Change is constant,
and yes, belief
is measured
in finite spaces.
Change occurs
whether one believes in it
or not,
Regardless of their assertation
Belief is finite
Change is not
change your mind and
I'll believe.
Who is right? Who knows!
We can all change if we want
but change will happen
It's a certainty.

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