all of a sudden passion suddenly

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fuck change.
i just made
chicken soup,
which I believe
in, and which will
be finite.

Fuck the chicken soup
It's for the soul
I believe I'll have a glass of wine
It's for the spirit!
Image said:
Fuck the chicken soup
It's for the soul
I believe I'll have a glass of wine
It's for the spirit!

My grandma said
chicken soup is for both.
My grandpa drank
schnapps every night,
one before dinner
over the sink. Their spirit
saturates the broth. I
remember tablecloths,
white and endless
silverware, the braided
memories of bread
comforts my spirit.

Fuck you all
I have brie and grapes.
Somethings should not

One letter changes
to chance.
Tristesse said:
Fuck you all
I have brie and grapes.
Somethings should not

One letter changes
to chance.


A letter morphs
and changes to chance
But change is real
Chance doesn't exist
And still the possibilities are endless
eagleyez said:
Spoken well by the Chairman.

;) ;)

(did you get this freakin snow down there?)

chairman of the Bored

we got snow, then sleet, then rain
tis a fine fuckin mess

but tomorrow...near 60
gotta love New England
we'll all be sick next week
Tristesse said:
My garden is full of chances.
Last years bulbs may be
daffodils or
tulips or
two lips.


Being there or here,
snow hides gardens.
Pines group here.
Straight. Unyeilding
sentinels of change.

Chance and rebirth.

Ancient promises
are fulfilled in cycles
of petals. April is less
cruel than the later
leaf drifts, the cold wind,
but even the brittle stasis
of frozen stems await
blithe spring's renewal.
I lie on the floor,
the carpet, really,
my foot throbs
and my head aches
neither are foremost in
my thoughts

I lie upon my side,
but good,
and the main thing
running through my brain is
how badly
both floor and carpet
need to be vacuumed

damn squirrel
Whipped, lashing air
Striped rivulet
Stinging cascade
Crystalline droplet

Silent keen
Livid tempo
Pulsed angrily
Muscles ground
Purpose relax

Expression of dream
Acceptance of fate
Gentle, serene
by so much grief

typo should have said

then swarmed
by so much grief
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it is never as easy as hello
but it could be

why doubt what everyone knows to be illusion
it all wraps aroung the same post

why not enjoy the scene

paint me a sidewalk
tripping down the pastel chalk lines and I promise not to question
the physics of this reality

let us laugh up to the ceiling
I will make the tea

high wire walker on a woreless connection
my balance stick is studded with lead
one end only
such a trip watching so unbalanced
walking the invisible wire without a net

suspended all disbelief

did I mention I am already asleep and it is much to early
to be an insomniac

pastel toe and sole
leave traces of where you have taken me
across the floor as I make my way to bed
my bed

remind me
stay light stay light
this cloud cannot hold the weight
of the stern heaviness of reality

pass the popcorn
Breathless before 99 steps

From the view point above
sun rays slice holes
into thick gray clouds
a warm spotlight
on Pacific waves
highlighting cold white caps

Northwest beaches in the winter
are nothing less than spectacular
~ and we see it is true

Rainy weather intensifies
wildness of cliffs
waterfall down
fog settles in misty veils
tucks between rocky crags
lacing evergreens and ferns

“Beautiful!” She states the obvious
as we walk down 99 steps
that lead to the slate sand below
The woman gave me a book
and said it was a journal
even though it said "diary"
written in gold

(Men don't have diaries
they keep journals
as real secrets aren't kept
behind flimsy locks)

The old book opened
to empty pages
or they were until
the pages turned

Inside held horror
confessions of pain
living nightmares
thoughts, not mine

When the words were read
they disappeared
but didn't cease to exist
they were written in my mind
Spread it thick
'butter' on cornbread

A meal of lies
is easily swallowed
if you take them down
with your own

Are you full yet?

There is always more
ripe off the vine
ready to be plucked
had for dessert

Or saved for later ~
denial only makes merlot
merlot was always my favorite
went through a white zin-fan-dahl
stage before I knew
of the red
damn where is my red

merlot mixed with merlot
such a pretty combination did you see them

coat the pill in butter
coat the cock in oil
lies slide in easy
self lubricated shine
metaphor, shaken, not stirred

there is a shape of you,
the color of nothing that eclippses
all light from behind
I do not see your face, just the space
where I know it should be

or is it a shadow
eral self hovering above,
toughing me only with the weightless
black shade that leaves me cold

I see what must be touching
me, like a hand to a shadow puppet
but it is an illusion

no aural glow
its a black shaw sunday
all toe no ice

the fringe shivers as she spins
contintental clockwise

no one noticed the world
stop for this breeze
seventeen yards and holding
holding for the receiver
the tone

the tendon torn

try again

it is another black shaw sunday and the preacher says
hell hath no fury

that was not the preacher it was the
whoopwhoop or Auntie someone

sheer and supported
nylon tight over all
Here's the plan.
If I can just maximize
dopamine output,
then fuck seratonin.

I've taken that mother
up to the 13th floor elevator
where elusive neurons
are plastered with the stuff,
cha-chaing, swilling toxic cocktails
in a veritable rooftoop pool party
of the cerebrum that I must crash
to inhibit these gala sweeps
of imagination.

Who wants to go ballroom dancing
with those besotted neurons
misfiring, pissing anxiety
down my spine?

I want the still pond,
not the whirlpool, or soon
here it comes my 19th
nervous breakdown,
which will occur
in usual frenzied silence.

So the plan
is to put the dopamine
on a leash and walk it
twice a day with gusto
and meditatively. Hell,
there may be chakra
activity, my forehead
aglow like ET's finger,
bursting red aura.

Somewhere between
the inhale of brain chemistry
and the exhale of ohms,
I may yet again hear
lake water lapping
in low sounds by the shore.
I understand

How strong I fear
continuance, no more
long since lastly thus felt
and written,
my last goodbye,

deserter by emotion,
a slide gentle,
black dropped forgotten hush,
terror wrenching heart
mind, being,


to let me go faintly
would be the honorable
to do now
would it not?
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once again

Your hearts valiant
influenced feats impossible
only to show guidance more
sadly still I cannot be tamed

No matter the gentleness
kindly accepting manner
radiant hearts wishing
joy, peace, to be complete

Instead of an empty life
Again silent hush
by sad tender memories

specter shadowing
casting numb grayness
constant foreshadow
mute again
Pyramids cast in vortexed destruction
Disintegrating dust
Letting loose hysteria
spitting confusion
sand stinging eyes
asphyxiation, pain
no, not pain
I refuse to cry

Something so wrong
Walls creeping
As shadows shortened
Some dance
In mocking gesture
The crickets chirped
A distract from gasped sanity
Too loudly to hear laughter
from obscurity

Searching for immediate threat
Unable to move
Helpless as terror mounts
And danced
with sweltering air
breathing gasps and falters
seared whimpers
I am going crazy
Surely this time.
if they want to run, we'll let them
ducking beneath branches
we'll breathe and enjoy the ride
This morning, coffee was served
between the sheets
along with breakfast

which were leftovers
from last night's
midnight munchies

Don't eat cookies in bed
as the crumbs remain

They cling to
shoulder blades
back, dimples

Once I lick them off
we mine as well stay ~
take in lunch
and dinner too
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