Am I the only one who reads all the categories?

Marxist said:

What does it say about us as humans in Western society that incest is such a popular fantasy?

Also, getting back to my original question, does a really well done story go beyond the genre it's written in?

I cannot get into the incest stories here. I have read a several and disliked the conent. Quality work in this genre, I can admire. But, i cannot enjoy the story itself.

Also, I could NEVER write one. To write an incest story I would need to be paid well over 3-5 cents a word!

A few movies do transcend their genre. I have found a couple books that do the same. There are probably shorts that out there that can transcend their specified genre.

Try it. I'll read anything and give it a chance. I'd be interested to see how you can execute such a work. Or how anyone can.
The thing about incest...

It represents sex at its most forbidden without all the negatively connotative accoutrements of other forbidden sex like ropes, whips, dogs, bodily wastes, children, or rape. I think people are excited by what's forbidden or taboo enough to fantasize about it. The fantasies of people into the incest thing that I've spoken to generally don't include their own family so much as the idea of a family member. Of course, some do have fantasies about a particular family member, some have fantasies about a particular "role" ie, mom, sis, daddy, uncle, errata.

Now that I understand what you mean by "transcending genre," then yes, a story can do that. Take, for instance, Edgar Allen Poe. The man wrote horror stories. However, can you lump Poe in with the run of the mill horror stories you find on the bookstore bookshelf? Not really. The Telltale Heart is a classic in horror, but it's not scary beyond the fact that it touches the fears of guilt and sin within everyone. It's still horror, always will be, but it's more than just horror, it's literature.

Danielle Steele, Stephen King, Tom Clancy and John Grisham are all examples of extremely gifted writers. However, do they make themselves outstanding in the world of books, or just outstanding in romance, horror, and thrillers?
Marxist said:
I don't want to turn this into another incest is bad / incest is good thread, there are already plenty of those. But the long term effects of Incest are devastating, not pleasurable. INCEST ALMOST NEVER BEGINS AFTER 18. Why don't we put in a category and call it rape? Or child sex? Those are somebody's fantasies too. Here's a clue, if you can put the word "victim" or "survivor" at the end of a category it's probably stroke material for someone doing a nickel or dime in the state penn.

I disagree that the terms "incest" and "abuse" are interchangeable. When people think of incest, the most common connotation seems to be a father abusing his daughter. What about cousin-cousin incest? What about aunt-nephew or uncle-niece incest? Provided that all parties are of age and consenting, I'm not sure any of those relationships can be called abusive. I'm not sure it's necessarily logistically simple or wise to date your family, but that's another topic altogether.

Also, as I talked about in a previous newsletter, the most common incest-related search terms on Literotica by far tend to be "mom" and "son". "Daughter" and "father" aren't even in the top 100. I've exchanged emails with quite a few adult men who are fascinated with the Mother incest fantasy, and who date older women as a consequence. Again, I'm not sure that a son desiring his mother - a theme that is common in many cultural mythology, not just Western - is equivalent to rape or abuse. I have more thoughts on this, but I have to run...augh! :)
Where was I? Oh yeah, incest.

In my totally uninformed, based-on-observation opinion, I think there's two factors that make incest fantasies attractive to some:

1) The power differential. i.e. mother/son, father/daughter, older yet benevolent authority figure / coddled but submissive child.

2) Trust and comfort. Our family are our first experiences with people of the same and opposite sex. I think many people feel extremely comfortable with close family members, particularly parents. They feel loved, cared for, understood. Mom is so much more approachable than the cutie at school. Incest is convenient and non-threatening.

When I was a teen, my baby brother asked me to marry him. He was only 6, and his comment wasn't meant sexually at all, but I don't think it's uncommon for youngsters to idolize their older siblings or their parents. The majority of the time, we all grow out of those crushes, but for some the feelings might last into sexual maturity and become a part of our sexual identity. These comments apply only to nuclear family incest, as cousin-cousin incest is an entirely different matter.

I've never been into relationships with power differences, and I'm not at all comfortable with my family. This may be why I'm not turned on by the concept of incest (though well-written incest stories can affect me).

But the fact that incest is a recurring theme in all cultures leads me to the impression that it's a natural part of our psychology. Are incestuous relationships healthy? I'd say most of the time, no. Are incest fantasies indicative of mental problems? I would say not.

I know so many healthy, functional, intelligent, caring people who have wild, crazy, perverse fantasies. Because they're healthy, functional, intelligent, and caring, they would never act on the majority of them. But having a fantasy is not necessarily a step on the road to fulfilling it. In fact, I think fantasizing can be cathartic, can rid us of the urge to make the fantasy real.

So there you go. Flame away! It's a bit chilly tonight, and a flame or two might warm up my room... ;)
You are a very perceptive person who marries reason with creative thought.:)

PS I think it is excellent how you scare the trolls:D
Rrroysn said "execute"

"Execute" would be right. Maybe all out slaughter. I've been working on the outline here and there and this will definitely require a little story telling time that most readers on Lit. are used to.

I have found a way to fit it into my "A Satyr In Full" cycle though, so be on the lookout. Someone commented that my stories weren't erotic enough for this website, that they were too "picaresque" a word I hadn't heard since freshman lit. (I had to go the dictionary). So I'll try to keep it on the erotic tip as much as possible.

Regarding the whole incest thing, forget I mentioned it. Obviously by looking at the most read, incest is about the only thing that takes on a huge readership around here. I have to admit to finding some of these kinds of stories interesting when I read them in my early teens in the pages of Penthouse Forum. I guess what made them so interesting was their taboo vibe.

But I think that incest-fantasy is definitely for the weaker minded and immature. Yeah, I said it. Oh yeah, and those that were molested or abused might find it kinda kinky too. But nature is funny that way. The more mature a healthy sexual mammal gets, the wider his variance in mating partners, at least until he / she isn't interested anymore.

Incest, like child sex abuse can be explained away in a multitude of ways including infantilism. Oh yeah, speaking of which, "Lolita" does transcend the genre. But remember Humbert Humbert has an excuse in his childhood trauma. Oh well, the whole damn thing in this case is circular.

Incest is for the weak-minded, but the rape fantasies you write are totally healthy. Suuure.

I'm currently finishing a novella someone posted here. I find them much more enjoyable. It could be because it takes more than a couple stories to get excited enough to do anythng. :)

I doubt most readers take the time to enjoy the longer works here. I find it hard only because of time constraints.

You are next on my read list after I finish this last.

My Halloween submission is short with very Victorian language. Everyone should hate it.

My first feedback on Thespian Rose told me to find someplace better to post. I can't think of a site, more adult friendly, child-resticting, that lets writers grow beyond two page quickies. The readers have a varied taste as well.

I sumbit here to grow. I also want to practice various genre and style.

Forget the incest thing. Sure! Now you say that. I don't read that catagory myself. I can see mother and son's best friend or something. Mrs. Robinson. LOL

I was sexually assaulted by a cousin. I was 15, he was 17. We were learning about gender in an incestuous situation. He took it too far. I had sex twicce at 19 to see if I was over the incident. I wasn't. I didn't have sex again until this May.

On the comment about Lolita. I hope people know he wrote that while he was serving time for his crimes. I didn't find the book very erotic. I don't think it even went into "down and dirty" sex.

Please see my next message. I got my books mixed up. I don't want to edit out the error because that would lead to confusion... besides, I goofed big, you should get to see it. LOL

I bought it for my collection, just as I bought The Prince. Both are my way of preserving free speech. I'll get the McVae book at a grarage sale somewhere for the same purpose. I also collect classics and childrens books. And I can't eeven have kids.

Were I to have a high class party, I might put out The History of Western Art and The Art of War on a glass coffee table. I doubt I'd put out The Kama Sutra. Depends on the party.
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Re: Versatility

Rrrosyn said:
On the comment about Lolita. I hope people know he wrote that while he was serving time for his crimes. I didn't find the book very erotic. I don't think it even went into "down and dirty" sex.

Beg your pardon? What "crimes" did Vladimir Nabokov "serve time" for?

As far as making moral judgments on authors and readers based on the topics they choose to enjoy, all I have to say is, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." :)
My mistake... jumping...

Mixed up my incest books! I screwed up. It will happen often enough.

Lolita is done from H.H.'s view point... There is book similar that was done by a man while he was in prison... I think it was done in German, not Russian. That book is foot-noted with quoted pieces from Lolita to further push the psychological aspects behind such behavior. In a sense, it compared this man's real crimes with the ficticious crimes of H.H.

I think the man did not end up marrying the mother, that they're relationship never developed that far before he was "into" her daughter and caught. His book was not a tale of love, it was a diary of his life edited and compared for psychological analysis.

I'll spending the evening in the closet. Hey, that's where my books are! I need to dig that out for my own curiousity now. You have no idea how nuts I can get, knowing I have the info in my brain (we remember everything) and I cannot recall it.

If this is one of the books sis ended up selling back to the college... I'll scream.

Personally, I don't care what people read or write. I only know my limits.
Re: My mistake... jumping...

Rrrosyn said:
I'll spending the evening in the closet. Hey, that's where my books are! I need to dig that out for my own curiousity now. You have no idea how nuts I can get, knowing I have the info in my brain (we remember everything) and I cannot recall it.

That drives me CRAZY. Like you said, the information is there, hidden in some corner of our head. WHY can't it come when called? lol.
You should see my closest!

Five stacked storage containers. Yes, those monsterous ones from Cost-Co.

Each is packed with books in every direction. As long as the pages aren't bent I don't care. Twelve shelves with books that used to be in alphabetical order and are now doubled up, one book in front of the other. And anything I have not bought or rad in the last 6 years is packed up in huge containers in another room!

I need a library.

I still can't find it and I found my sociology collection. last night I caught myself just sitting on the floor reading Goodnight Moon. LOL

At this rate, I'll never know where it is. Or if sis returned it.

Did I mention I need a library?