Who is the most versatile author you know here?

Just a thought: Versatility here involves more than posting in different categories, doesn't it? Choice of themes, use of settings, different writing techniques, writing in varied historical periods?
Oh, right. We were talking about versatility. Sorry.
I assume that at least some rudimentary knowledge of cricket is needed to understand that joke. All I know about cricket is that involves a ball(s) 😉
I think the lack of any rudimentary knowledge of cricket is the joke, well, than and they poked at the Dallas Cowboys. :)
Everything I know about cricket I learned from Douglas Adams.
I category hop all the time. But, even so, i tend to stick to areas such as:

  1. Fetish
  2. BDSM
  3. Romance
  4. Lesbian
  5. Anal
  6. SciFi / Fantasy
  7. Erotic Couplings
  8. Exhibitionist / Voyeur (thanks @Djmac1031 )
With the occasional foolhardy road trip into Loving Wives and NC/R - mostly with subversion on my mind.

But who are the true masters / mistresses of multiple categories. Authors who can write Gay Male as easily as First Time? Who can gain plaudits from Loving Wives and then Non-human? Incest / Taboo then Mind Control?

I need to know who these paragons are.

Definitely me.

I can do humorous
I mean, at least it's not Birmingham.. 😅
Birmingham's not so bad, not since they demolished the Bull Ring and half the centre.

It's got more canals than Venice, you know. (As every Brummie will tell you, nearly as fast as every Yorkshireman and vegan will tell you they are one!)
@ShelbyDawn57 I love this exchange from one of their movies. Lou asked Bud, "What are you looking at?" who was staring out the window. "The hull of that ship." Lou looks out, "That's not how you pronounce that word, but yes it is."
Just a thought: Versatility here involves more than posting in different categories, doesn't it? Choice of themes, use of settings, different writing techniques, writing in varied historical periods?
Incoming second person future tense thread.
Just a thought: Versatility here involves more than posting in different categories, doesn't it? Choice of themes, use of settings, different writing techniques, writing in varied historical periods?

When I saw the thread title multiple categories didn’t cross my mind until I read the OP. What flashed for me was along your thoughts-style, person, voice, storyline and all that. But categories can be a fun challenge.