
*sits down with a cup of coffee*

Well greetings all, just lovely to be back again.... oh I am fine really just needed a more the extended vacation RL kicked me square in the behind.


I recieved a few PMs and emails over some posting in a thread in the POETRY forum.... huh?!? I do not 'wander' there so why should this concern me?

But alas after reading the postings I really have to just mutter under my breath and think what a shame that some truly great poets are sitting there pulling a GB-Forum in the POETRY forum.

Let me try to be as brief as possible.

My belief system and way of living my life FROWNS on me reliving the past repeatedly when it is counter-productive.

This thread... is simply counter-productive.

There are a SLEW of us that have been hurt, run over, shyte on, stomped on, lied about, lied to and simply taken-it-up-the-whoohaa over someone or lots of someones opinions of 'us'.

I will not personally comment on ANY comments left on this thread.

My request and simply my right as a person and an author: LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.

Simple, direct and to the point.
I have not continued anything with anyone because I don't have enough room on my soul for anyone else's black aura or negative karma. If some feel the need to try and eat each other for lunch then by all means that is your right knock yourself out but do not use my name to do so. If someone truly feels the need to continue on with this or feels the need to ask me something directly please feel free. My email, PM and instant message are always open I just might be slow getting back to you.


PS... Called Joseki and read him some of the postings.... He feels much the same way that I do, leave him out of it.
Thank You for your words of wisdom E~

Ambition is not the drive
nor the motor revved
but rather the view
behind the driver's seat
of where the destination
will be.
Daisy May said:
I'm sure this is the reason why MET had brought up the thread, as well as referring to you as "pathetic". And I'm only guessing on the second part. I could be wrong.

On another note, it seems a lot of threads are being hijacked around here, Lauren. But haven't they always?

I'd like to know why 50% of the time I leave comments, they are deleted. I even left some real nice constructive criticism for somebody on their poem on the forum, and even that was removed. Why is that?

Yesterday, I left a comment for Maria as others did in this thread, and again, my comment was deleted. It was short and to the point while others went into more detail.

If you or another mod have a problem with me being here on the poetry forum, I'd like to know the reason why.

It took a long time for me to express how I feel about Senna's comments, and how I feel about poetry being reviewed on the site in general. It left me feeling that I no longer wanted to be here, and I am entitled to my opinion like everyone else. And if you compare my Senna thread to all the bickering MET and 1201 had in the past and probably still do, it's really nothing. MET and 1201 just have more balls than I do. I don't have any but you catch my drift.

I haven't caused any problems here and I seriously would like to know why my comments are deleted while the others remain.

Why does decayed angel, jthsettra etc etc... claim that I ran off people from this forum? Who? those that left were ... such as saldne...jennifer c... satin n lace...etc that were unhappy with having their threads hijacked and the rash of comments from critics in training... why do I see it totally different than he? perhaps it is his ambition. instead of posting why... I just decided to vent here... since we have been over this way to many times.

Since those that feel the need to tell others what they would rather see in a read rather than absorb what is written.

So ambition... clouds their judgement? Or they crave to quench their need to have others look up to them rather than be on the same level as another. The ambition to be superior to others? Disillusions.
My Erotic Trail said:
Why does decayed angel, jthsettra etc etc... claim that I ran off people from this forum? Who? those that left were ... such as saldne...jennifer c... satin n lace...etc that were unhappy with having their threads hijacked and the rash of comments from critics in training... why do I see it totally different than he? perhaps it is his ambition. instead of posting why... I just decided to vent here... since we have been over this way to many times.

Since those that feel the need to tell others what they would rather see in a read rather than absorb what is written.

So ambition... clouds their judgement? Or they crave to quench their need to have others look up to them rather than be on the same level as another. The ambition to be superior to others? Disillusions.
Quit It!
Until you have in this post, no one faulted any names anywhere
does your ambition
impose upon another

perhaps envious
of anothers spot
and in hopes of gain
rise earlier one morn
to be standing
in another's place
before they arrive
claiming, 'first come first served'