
two birds, one stone

Senna Jawa said:

sun hangs from dark branch
i gaze
wars go on

Senna Jawa, 2006-09-19

speaking of pathetic... (lauren)
the pathetic comment

Lauren Hynde said:
I'm not going to discuss this shit with you again. Frankly, I have better things to do with my time, and trying to read your posts makes my brain hurt.

You substantiated nothing. You received a PM containing a claim so ridiculous and unsubstantiated that anyone with half a working neuron would know were false. You know that kind of claim, it's the same type of moronic supposition that you make constantly when you say that people like Senna, Jim or RainMan left an ill-spirited anonymous comment on some poem. Instead of dismissing that PM for what it was, or asking me about it, you proceeded with a character assassination campaign for months on end. When finally cornered into revealing the reasons for your disgustingly low attitude, turns out it took less than a second to prove all your crap as lies. Did you apologise for what you had been doing? Yeah, right. You tried to justify them with excuses and added a few more lies and unsubstantiated accusations. It didn't surprise me, though. Never in the three years you've been around here have you offered an apology for any of the stunts you pulled. You see, to do that, it takes honour.

The sad things is that you probably believe you have honour. It's pathetic.

and I believe you were speaking of this...

Honor knows no statute of limitations.
- Mark Twain's Autobiography
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a pat to pat

TheRainMan said:
can anyone who has been here for more than a few months, and has intellect enough to read and the objectivity to be fair, really be surprised that MET is fabricating things again? . . .

surely it is safe to assume that anyone who is intelligent and impartial already knows he is the opposite of all that is good and true.


pat carrington 8/22/05
......i read countless threads here of mediocre poetry, watch it get praised and say nothing, when i should really post saying "that poem is terrible, in my opinion," and then back up my opinion with explanation.

my philosophy, as a writer and a person, is that once i open my work to public comment, the public can say any damn thing they want. it’s okay with me. i don’t have to agree with their opinion to agree with their right to state it. and they can state it in any manner they wish.

yet, your claiming my faults are leaving 'atta boy' (inspirational and encouraging comments) why is that not alright with you? Now you went and proved me wrong with giving me a five ...

(this quote re-arranged to substantiate my claim, subtract the lies <grin
it can be found fully under the poem, 'writing graciously on angry paper' my erotic trail)
TheRainMan said:
The best...
06/07/06 by TheRainMan
...poem I have ever read from you, MET. and it's not even close.

....i gave it a 5, and i never ever vote on a poem anymore. is it a 5? . . . no . . . but it's a 4, and that's 2 points higher than i thought any other poem of yours should get. i did it just to show you how much i think of your effort here.

(but...the comment in question was about low voters, before this comment; you stated you generally give 3's, In my quote as well as my opinion that is a low vote. where this a lie, pat. here doing the math, I would have gotten a 2) see I got that from the kindergarten chat room <grin )

(perhaps you proved me and you wrong) here?...

TheRainMan said:
there are problems i see with it, but they are not important. what i think is important is that you have broken your back to write real poetry, and move away from the silliness. i used to think you would never even try to improve. reading this, i can see i was wrong about that.

thank you (~_~)
(we are all wrong at some time or another, I would only hope that you'll see that I am not a villan... (~_~) here is a quote pulled from the ambition thread that I feel is relative here...

(ambition thread)
some one does something and believes their doing it for good may be a bad thing to others but that does not make it evil, evil is doing something knowing it is bad.


ps: and with that in mind I went back and took out all the 'nonsense' that I knew was nothing more than a low blow that I know would hurt but that is not what I wish to achieve here, no sir, I do enjoy a good conversation (~_~)

Excuse me for a moment.

<pushes back chair>
<walks to window>
<opens window>


<closes window>
<returns to chair>
<returns to keyboard>

Thank you. Carry on.
Lauren Hynde said:
Yeah, imagine: turning on comments and actually getting a well thought-out one for a change. :rolleyes:

Getting told your poem is awful and pathetic is a well thought out comment?

Honey, you've got more screws loose than I do.
Daisy May said:
Getting told your poem is awful and pathetic is a well thought out comment?
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought both you and MET were referring to Senna's comment, which says the poem and the language it uses is poor and explains why, giving examples and tips. I didn't read any other comments on that particular piece, so I missed the one you're talking about.
Lauren Hynde said:
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought both you and MET were referring to Senna's comment, which says the poem and the language it uses is poor and explains why, giving examples and tips. I didn't read any other comments on that particular piece, so I missed the one you're talking about.

I'm sure this is the reason why MET had brought up the thread, as well as referring to you as "pathetic". And I'm only guessing on the second part. I could be wrong.

On another note, it seems a lot of threads are being hijacked around here, Lauren. But haven't they always?

I'd like to know why 50% of the time I leave comments, they are deleted. I even left some real nice constructive criticism for somebody on their poem on the forum, and even that was removed. Why is that?

Yesterday, I left a comment for Maria as others did in this thread, and again, my comment was deleted. It was short and to the point while others went into more detail.

If you or another mod have a problem with me being here on the poetry forum, I'd like to know the reason why.

It took a long time for me to express how I feel about Senna's comments, and how I feel about poetry being reviewed on the site in general. It left me feeling that I no longer wanted to be here, and I am entitled to my opinion like everyone else. And if you compare my Senna thread to all the bickering MET and 1201 had in the past and probably still do, it's really nothing. MET and 1201 just have more balls than I do. I don't have any but you catch my drift.

I haven't caused any problems here and I seriously would like to know why my comments are deleted while the others remain.
Daisy May said:
I'm sure this is the reason why MET had brought up the thread, as well as referring to you as "pathetic". And I'm only guessing on the second part. I could be wrong.

On another note, it seems a lot of threads are being hijacked around here, Lauren. But haven't they always?

I'd like to know why 50% of the time I leave comments, they are deleted. I even left some real nice constructive criticism for somebody on their poem on the forum, and even that was removed. Why is that?

Yesterday, I left a comment for Maria as others did in this thread, and again, my comment was deleted. It was short and to the point while others went into more detail.

If you or another mod have a problem with me being here on the poetry forum, I'd like to know the reason why.

It took a long time for me to express how I feel about Senna's comments, and how I feel about poetry being reviewed on the site in general. It left me feeling that I no longer wanted to be here, and I am entitled to my opinion like everyone else. And if you compare my Senna thread to all the bickering MET and 1201 had in the past and probably still do, it's really nothing. MET and 1201 just have more balls than I do. I don't have any but you catch my drift.

I haven't caused any problems here and I seriously would like to know why my comments are deleted while the others remain.

You had comments deleted from this thread? Why does that not suprise me? I lost a whole thread one time <grin (but...)

comments: I really think that it is a personality thing, some use curse words to express themself, or have no concideration while leaving a comment as to thoughts of the person recieving them. some just were not taught to be polite, perhaps they were orphans or some other good excuse for why they feel a need to tell some one their write is 'terrible' then others feel it will toughen up the writer, make their skin thicker and if it runs them off... oh well.

I find that their are all kinds of commentors like writers, I just try to express my comments kindly to balance out those 'very tough' constructive criticism comments. The balance, the ying yang...

oh my, did I call my self that (~_*) ya'll have great day... gone fishing!
My Erotic Trail said:
You had comments deleted from this thread? Why does that not suprise me? I lost a whole thread one time <grin (but...)

No, not this thread but others...

My Erotic Trail said:
comments: I really think that it is a personality thing, some use curse words to express themself, or have no concideration while leaving a comment as to thoughts of the person recieving them. some just were not taught to be polite, perhaps they were orphans or some other good excuse for why they feel a need to tell some one their write is 'terrible' then others feel it will toughen up the writer, make their skin thicker and if it runs them off... oh well.

I would hope by now that you know I'm not even close to being that type of person while commenting on a persons poem. That's why I started "The pathetic" thread regarding Senna. I was shocked by his words as well as not encouraging the poet whether new or not. I said, "You're fucking rotten." at the end of my vent. I was angry and I know it was a bad choice of words now, but never would I tell someone their poem is awful or pathetic. I would point out their errors and tell them why the poem didn't drawn me in, etc. As I always said on here, how hard is it to give kind constructive criticism? It isn't. I still do not understand why anyone would take the time just to write "crapola" anonymously. Of course we can delete the comment the last time I checked, but my goodness. How low! And this is going to help the writer improve how? You know what I mean? I hate the color green. I always have.

My Erotic Trail said:
I find that their are all kinds of commentors like writers, I just try to express my comments kindly to balance out those 'very tough' constructive criticism comments. The balance, the ying yang...

I have read your comments on the same poems I've commented on. They always seem to be kind. You are being scorned for that from what I've read. If someone can show me different, that would be nice. Meaning, where you've been a dog while reviewing.

The only problem I've seen with you is that you you're not one to point out errors. I'm sure you have your reason for that, but I wish more people would do it.

Have fun fishing! :rose:
Daisy May said:
I'm sure this is the reason why MET had brought up the thread, as well as referring to you as "pathetic". And I'm only guessing on the second part. I could be wrong.

On another note, it seems a lot of threads are being hijacked around here, Lauren. But haven't they always?

I'd like to know why 50% of the time I leave comments, they are deleted. I even left some real nice constructive criticism for somebody on their poem on the forum, and even that was removed. Why is that?

Yesterday, I left a comment for Maria as others did in this thread, and again, my comment was deleted. It was short and to the point while others went into more detail.

If you or another mod have a problem with me being here on the poetry forum, I'd like to know the reason why.

It took a long time for me to express how I feel about Senna's comments, and how I feel about poetry being reviewed on the site in general. It left me feeling that I no longer wanted to be here, and I am entitled to my opinion like everyone else. And if you compare my Senna thread to all the bickering MET and 1201 had in the past and probably still do, it's really nothing. MET and 1201 just have more balls than I do. I don't have any but you catch my drift.

I haven't caused any problems here and I seriously would like to know why my comments are deleted while the others remain.
Let me know which thread and when you posted. Your link only shows a post but no thread. I looked in the mod queue back to the 13th of Sept. and couln't find any deleted poetry board posts in there.
Daisy May said:
No, not this thread but others...

I would hope by now that you know I'm not even close to being that type of person while commenting on a persons poem. That's why I started "The pathetic" thread regarding Senna. I was shocked by his words as well as not encouraging the poet whether new or not. I said, "You're fucking rotten." at the end of my vent. I was angry and I know it was a bad choice of words now, but never would I tell someone their poem is awful or pathetic. I would point out their errors and tell them why the poem didn't drawn me in, etc. As I always said on here, how hard is it to give kind constructive criticism? It isn't. I still do not understand why anyone would take the time just to write "crapola" anonymously. Of course we can delete the comment the last time I checked, but my goodness. How low! And this is going to help the writer improve how? You know what I mean? I hate the color green. I always have.

I have read your comments on the same poems I've commented on. They always seem to be kind. You are being scorned for that from what I've read. If someone can show me different, that would be nice. Meaning, where you've been a dog while reviewing.

The only problem I've seen with you is that you you're not one to point out errors. I'm sure you have your reason for that, but I wish more people would do it.

Have fun fishing! :rose:

saldne? damn I missed you girl... sorry I didn't take notice of that right off, welcome back and thank you, I feel other's will point out the errors and if the poet sends me a thank you in feedback as often they do I may suggest then a further and deeper look at the poem. It seems to soak in a tad bit better and is welcomed so much more after a friendly gesture. My way, may not be the best way but it seems to work. I will always suggest they pursue asking some one with more knowledge than I if they wish to better the poem.

you have great day, going to get CRAPPIE <grin
Saldne, it seems that every time people think their posts are deleted there is an explanation, and it is not random deletion or someone out to get you (you being the person who posted)

I am sorry but I cannot believe 50% of your posts are deleted. I do not think you could physically post twice as much as you already do :) There are many threads that seem the same, maybe you put it in a different thread. I know that has happened to me, though I posted in one thread, when actually it was somewhere else. I had a poem missing in action just the other day but I had put it in the 30 poems 30 days thread instead of poetry in progress!

At any rate, I did a quick "find other posts" by Daisy May, you have a whole bunch of posts from the past day and a half, maybe the one you are thinking about is in there somewhere.

Just a guess.

But think aobut it the number of offensive, dishonest, slanderous, etc etc etc posts that stay on the boards, I cannot imagine why what you write would be deleted. Strange things happen. Don't assume the worst and before you make harsh accusations of deletions etc, maybe you should write to the moderators instead of making it public.

best of luck,
WickedEve said:
Let me know which thread and when you posted. Your link only shows a post but no thread. I looked in the mod queue back to the 13th of Sept. and couln't find any deleted poetry board posts in there.

In the right hand corner of the post I linked shows the thread, but anyway it's here.

As you can see in the thread (like most) it was hijacked. I came in to comment to Maria because she said, "I give up" then made a saldne comment <enters, farts, leaves> which made me chuckle because it's me.

I remember exactly what I said.

<saldne enters, farts, leaves>

I really miss this forum. =(

What I wanted her to know is how much she'll miss it if she does decide to leave. At the same time, I wanted to make her smile.

I've been slowly making an appearance on the poetry forum because I'd like to get more involved again. I miss it here. You and I had words one time, Eve. It didn't last long. I said something stupid and I do apologize for that, but is it going to be held against me forever that I can't even say hello to anyone here? I do realize there are threads that have been asked for no hijacking, and I've respected that.
annaswirls said:
But think aobut it the number of offensive, dishonest, slanderous, etc etc etc posts that stay on the boards, I cannot imagine why what you write would be deleted. Strange things happen. Don't assume the worst and before you make harsh accusations of deletions etc, maybe you should write to the moderators instead of making it public.
What would be the fun in doing that?
you are upset because your fart post was deleted!?! LOL! I am usually happy when someone oopens the wondow and lets my farts out into the wild... :)

Daisy May said:
In the right hand corner of the post I linked shows the thread, but anyway it's here.

As you can see in the thread (like most) it was hijacked. I came in to comment to Maria because she said, "I give up" then made a saldne comment <enters, farts, leaves> which made me chuckle because it's me.

I remember exactly what I said.

<saldne enters, farts, leaves>

I really miss this forum. =(

What I wanted her to know is how much she'll miss it if she does decide to leave. At the same time, I wanted to make her smile.

I've been slowly making an appearance on the poetry forum because I'd like to get more involved again. I miss it here. You and I had words one time, Eve. It didn't last long. I said something stupid and I do apologize for that, but is it going to be held against me forever that I can't even say hello to anyone here? I do realize there are threads that have been asked for no hijacking, and I've respected that.
annaswirls said:
Saldne, it seems that every time people think their posts are deleted there is an explanation, and it is not random deletion or someone out to get you (you being the person who posted)

I am sorry but I cannot believe 50% of your posts are deleted. I do not think you could physically post twice as much as you already do :) There are many threads that seem the same, maybe you put it in a different thread. I know that has happened to me, though I posted in one thread, when actually it was somewhere else. I had a poem missing in action just the other day but I had put it in the 30 poems 30 days thread instead of poetry in progress!

At any rate, I did a quick "find other posts" by Daisy May, you have a whole bunch of posts from the past day and a half, maybe the one you are thinking about is in there somewhere.

Just a guess.

But think aobut it the number of offensive, dishonest, slanderous, etc etc etc posts that stay on the boards, I cannot imagine why what you write would be deleted. Strange things happen. Don't assume the worst and before you make harsh accusations of deletions etc, maybe you should write to the moderators instead of making it public.

best of luck,

Okay, 50% was maybe exaggerated but y'know, y'know... :eek: I'm really just trying to make a point. I don't come around much anymore and it's strange if you saw any posts from me in the last day in a half because I was away from Lit for a week.

It's happened in the past as well (under saldne) and I confronted Lauren to not get any response. I just want to know why. I'm not one to go hijack crazy in threads, so yeah, in a way, I feel as though Lauren has some beef with me, and it doesn't hurt to ask why.

And you're right, there's a lot of things said in public that shouldn't be, but when it comes to something this simple, I don't think it's all too bad.

I really don't want to contact Laurel again. She's had to deal with a lot lately from the GB with internet threats online coming to my real life to someone trying to steal my identity here.

Why someone would want to steal saldne is really beyond me. *rolls eyes at self*

annaswirls said:
you are upset because your fart post was deleted!?! LOL! I am usually happy when someone oopens the wondow and lets my farts out into the wild...

Farts are funny, yup. But my comment still shouldn't have been deleted. I was trying to send her a message. She's been good to me and I wanted to let her know I didn't leave. I just had the account deleted. I'm not even quite sure if I understood her comment, but....blah..
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Daisy May said:
In the right hand corner of the post I linked shows the thread, but anyway it's here.

As you can see in the thread (like most) it was hijacked. I came in to comment to Maria because she said, "I give up" then made a saldne comment <enters, farts, leaves> which made me chuckle because it's me.

I remember exactly what I said.

<saldne enters, farts, leaves>

I really miss this forum. =(

What I wanted her to know is how much she'll miss it if she does decide to leave. At the same time, I wanted to make her smile.

I've been slowly making an appearance on the poetry forum because I'd like to get more involved again. I miss it here. You and I had words one time, Eve. It didn't last long. I said something stupid and I do apologize for that, but is it going to be held against me forever that I can't even say hello to anyone here? I do realize there are threads that have been asked for no hijacking, and I've respected that.
Sorry that it took me awhile to get back to this. I just turned my kid's white cheerleading shirt PINK! I'm bleaching and freaking out.
Anyway, I'll see if I can locate your fart. Lauren and I can only move posts, not delete. That's something that only Laurel and Manu can do, I believe. So, if the fart is still around, it'll be on another poetry board thread or in the mod queue or... sometimes they never show up anywhere and I guess only Laurel would know why.
WickedEve said:
Sorry that it took me awhile to get back to this. I just turned my kid's white cheerleading shirt PINK! I'm bleaching and freaking out.
Anyway, I'll see if I can locate your fart. Lauren and I can only move posts, not delete. That's something that only Laurel and Manu can do, I believe. So, if the fart is still around, it'll be on another poetry board thread or in the mod queue or... sometimes they never show up anywhere and I guess only Laurel would know why.

Maybe it's best left in the wind *cough* but seriously though, I don't feel my posts are anywhere near inappropriate that they should be moved or deleted. That's the only point I was trying to make. I'd like to feel comfortable here, not be afraid to post.

And good luck with that pink shirt. Maybe soak it for two hours in bleach and water in a bucket then rewash it. My daughters cheerleading outfit cost 75.00 and I'd be freaking out too.
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If I may make a guess of a plausible explanation to the missing fart... (and apologis in advance for continuing the hijack) ...could it be because it was Daisy May that posted, but said that Saldne did the E/F/L thingy?

If I was a mod of some sort and stumbled upon that post, I might see it as slander of poor Saldne, if I didn't know that you were in fact the same person.

Just a thought. Maybe I'm naive, but I tend to try out a few other perspectives before drawing the I'm-being-targeted conclusion.

Same goes for harsh or mean looking comments btw. It's quite possible I misread the intent.
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Liar said:
If I may make a guess of a plausible explanation to the missing fart... (and apologis in advance for continuing the hijack) ...could it be because it was Daisy May that posted, but said that Saldne did the E/F/L thingy?

If I was a mod of some sort and stumbled upon that post, I might see it as slander of poor Saldne, if I didn't know that you were in fact the same person.

Just a thought. Maybe I'm naive, but I tend to try out a few other perspectives before drawing the I'm-being-targeted conclusion.

Same goes for harsh or mean looking comments btw. It's quite possible I misread the intent.

That was some real poor sarcasm, my dear.
Daisy May said:
That was some real poor sarcasm, my dear.
No, in fact it was not.

But if your hell-bent on woe is me, and blankly refuse perspective shifts that makes you a non-victim, I don't see why I should bother.

I tried. Good luck with whatever.
But by all means, what's your plausible explaination?
Liar, I'm not saying poor me, poor me. :rolleyes: For Christ sake, I'm just trying to make a point. Why are comments being deleted? No one is doing any harm.

If you're gonna read what I had to say, why not read it all? Not only one of my comments were deleted but many - under saldne and Daisy. And I've asked Lauren a few times in this thread what her beef is with me but she has yet to say.

I pm'd with a few other poets a while back after they left this forum. It was shortly after the Senna thread. They said the same exact thing about Lauren deleting comments after feeling attacked by her. And I don't buy into the bullshit about mods only being able to move comments. To me, she fails doing a good job as a moderator. She holds grudges and I'd like to know what for. Growing up would do her some good.
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