And Now For Something Totally Different...


My mind was seeking
Acrostically speaking,
To capture her essence.
However, the nonsense and
Godawful scanning
Is deserving of panning:
Rhymes barely possible, but
Lexicographically permissible.
Hi darling, (Not you joe)

BK Glad to hear you're all fine and dandy now, I have regular readers they tell me every story I write is crap.

Hi elle please don't take everything to heart love, life's too short, and 99 percent of us in authors are a load of piss taking bastards, who ever wants to be the 1 pc, feel free.

Eyup Bikini :rose:

I'm in the process of writing something this name would be thoroughly ashamed of and I will have to create a new ID for. It's all sloppy and romantic and if I ever finish it I amy even let on who it is, but don't hold your breath.

Well you can hold your breath if you want but cyanosed is such a difficult colour to match with blusher.

Elle, what are you like? Take this motto and take it to heart. Apply it to life, your job and daily annoyances.

"It's all bollocks"

gauchecritic said:
Eyup Bikini :rose:

I'm in the process of writing something this name would be thoroughly ashamed of and I will have to create a new ID for. It's all sloppy and romantic and if I ever finish it I amy even let on who it is, but don't hold your breath.


oh oh oh... new ID for Gauche. sloppy sweet? I vote for Dirk Tender.

Eagerly anticipating the softer side of Gauche.

:rose: b
I go " off the reservation" regularly- ever read my " Gender Blender" story. Altough, lately, Ross the Boss has occupied my mind, and he's pretty far.

I liked LMM a lot. Lauren is one hot wife.
Step out more often sweetie
off the reservation

sirhugs said:
I go " off the reservation" regularly- ever read my " Gender Blender" story. Altough, lately, Ross the Boss has occupied my mind, and he's pretty far.

I liked LMM a lot. Lauren is one hot wife.
Step out more often sweetie


If you go off the reservation regularly, aren't you more often visiting the reservation?

Gender Blender was a bit different from your usual fare, though. How was it received? The rating is great, so it must have gone over fairly well.

Thanks for the encouragement.

:rose: b
Re: off the reservation

bridgetkeeney said:

If you go off the reservation regularly, aren't you more often visiting the reservation?

Gender Blender was a bit different from your usual fare, though. How was it received? The rating is great, so it must have gone over fairly well.

Thanks for the encouragement.

:rose: b

I get relatively little feedback on any of my stories, but GB generated a bit more than most- interestingly enough, al respectful. Even the propositions. It's fiction guys!

I could use a few more "5" votes though- it has slipped below the magic "H".
happy happy


Thanks for asking. So far it seems that readers like it. I must say thtat the feedback has had a different tone, though.


:rose: b