
Thanks, mm.

But linking to that post isn't what would have most user friendly in this situation.


I am certain there is an easier way to do things and when I know what it is or know someone who does, I will be sure to share.

To all:

As for who is snide, who is baiting, who is rude, who is condescending, who posts, who lurks, who worked hard, who didn't, who fluffs the blankets after flatulating in bed *oops*....

who cares?

I am off to find some discussion about hot, kinky sex.

Oh MM, if only you'd shared your skills earlier! I've been asking for months whether anyone knew how to link to a post. UCE had some good suggestions, but with so many of the html options turned off, her suggestions turned out to be impossible.

When Anelize took over the library, I had no good advice for her as far as creating a Table of Contents went -- although it was definitely a priority. She talked it over with MissT, but neither of them could come up with a better idea than what Anelize eventually did.

I, for one, think it all worked out fine.

Three smacks for our new library wench!