Any of you motherfuckers move



Some of us might do a little occasional age play here, perhaps, but we don't actually fuck our mothers. Honest.

Perhaps you want the Incest Talk Forum? It's down the hall and to your left. If you walk past the door labelled SRP then you've gone too far.

(A warm welcome to all you wild-assed, panty-raiding type GB'ers, too. This was funny. :D )
Huge army?

We weren't huge in numbers.

But we made up for it in bravery.
As long as you ignore the bit where i hid behind the couch and prayed.

And if you read carefuly,i didn't once say anything nasty or derogatory or abusive to anyone.

The drugs must be working.
risia and cym it was all nevers fault ... look i didnt even post on this thread i was good ... i tried to talk her out of it but she would'nt listen she just had this wild gleam in her eye :)
Hey look. It's cym.
Hi cym. *waves*

Okay, in the future, I do solemnly swear to clean up any GBers I bring to the board. I'll even make sure they wipe their boots before they come in.
You wonton tart! You told me to bring you back diamonds and jewels after I conquered this board.

Guy, do not believe sexy-girl. She's lying through her teeth.
as if i would lie im the good one ... besides where are my diamonds and pearls :)

and i know that dirty boot comment was about me :p
Hi Never!
*waves back*
"Wonton tart"? Some new Chinese delicacy?

s-g, we know you wouldn't have done this without Never leading you into temptation. We know that, baby. Don't fret, don't fear.

Well...Tess. Hello. We usually bend over the couch and pray round here, but you can hide behind it if that floats your boat. :D

(I'm not actually here since i'm still on vacation. I'll be home and back at it on Monday night, probably.)
I dont wear boots.
I wear thongs.

Maybe i could be queen of tacky footwear?
I have ugg boots as well.
And moccies.
I wear Tevas most of the time in the summer - and they're not tacky. They're comfy.

No no no, Tevas are not a kind of nipple clamp.
They're shoes.

We are discussing shoes, right?
i love having credibility thanks cymbidia :) ... its not my fault she is so damn tempting and oh so evil :)


those and a thong ... very sexy :)

Someone translate?

Ugg boots are tacky.
Where i come from they are.

They are kinda only worn by those of the unemployed ranks.

It's kinda a local joke.
People in flanny shirts,tracky dacks and uggies.

However,that is not to say that they aren't worn by people from a more financially stable background.
We just wear them ONLY inside the home,never in public.
sexy-girl said:
i love having credibility thanks cymbidia :) ... its not my fault she is so damn tempting and oh so evil :)


those and a thong ... very sexy :)

*Cracks up*
i GOTTA take a pic of mine for ya.
My sandels from ON look sort of like that only..
Less pink, more rugged, and black.
They are KINDA similar.

The major difference?

About 30 bucks.
What would happen if i posted a thread that no one else posted to?

This is a serious question.
Is it done by the number of reads?
Or replies?
My keyboard just had a coffee bath!



OH, it is replies.

Now where is that lady with the flogger and the violet wand?

"My keyboard just had a coffee bath!"

I was hoping to inspire a little *fear* people.

"Now where is that lady with the flogger and the violet wand?"

Sleeping. But introductions can be made.
AusTess said:

What would pop to the top?

I'm confused.

If you post to a thread, the thread pops to the top of the message board.
That was what you were asking, right?
So if it gets NO replies it makes its way to the bottom?

No matter how many people read it?
Oh we are talking about shoes!

One of my favorite fetishes!

Tess did you know that the adoration of shoes is considered a fetish?


It is something to think about!