Any of you motherfuckers move

I'm claustrophobic.
And no shit,i panic when i cant move.

So yeep,we'll do it my way.

Lke there was ever any doubt.;)
AusTess said:
I'm claustrophobic.
And no shit,i panic when i cant move.

So yeep,we'll do it my way.

Lke there was ever any doubt.;)
I guess it takes one to know one. I understand how that makes you feel, and I won't try to force you. OK?

Did you like that message I sent you?
I hope I didn't lay it on too thick.
Good god,you terrified me.

Here's me,an innocent lil GBer,wanderin over to make friends and you send me that perverted,twisted shit?

Send more.;)
AusTess said:
I'm claustrophobic.
And no shit,i panic when i cant move.

So yeep,we'll do it my way.

Lke there was ever any doubt.;)

See you belong over here, so change sides and we will let you have a couple slave boys for switching over.
MzChrista said:

You talkin to me or DVS? cause if its me, I can show you several different sizes and colors.
Handle them?

I am SO outta my depth.
I think i'll just observe.

DVS,you are becomming quite the smartarse.
Good to see.;)
MzChrista said:

You learn how to handle them they will do whatever you tell them
Isn't life fun? That is just how some little girls are, too. And the best part of it all is they all love doing it. And, I do love "handling" them, too.

Sweetie, you would be surprised how some guys would love to do anything you tell them. I am just the oposite, but also glad there are some gals that are willing to do anything I tell them. Of course, you have to make it interesting, but that is part of the fun, too.
I kinda have a problem with bein told what to do.

I always was a rebellious child.
AusTess said:
I kinda have a problem with bein told what to do.

I always was a rebellious child.
I think I could take care of that rebelious child in you.
Oh, you assies are all alike. So head strong. I think you may change your mind, if you weren't on the other side of the world, as you are.
Oh, I guess that is ausies, not assies, huh?
OK I have to admit I am totally intrigued by the sounds of that wand. Not to mention that I like being tied up.;) :kiss:

A little pain is ok but someone mentioned blood earlier and if that is involved I will truly run for the door!
hatara said:
OK I have to admit I am totally intrigued by the sounds of that wand. Not to mention that I like being tied up.;) :kiss:

A little pain is ok but someone mentioned blood earlier and if that is involved I will truly run for the door!
Well, call me wimpy if you want, but no blood for me, either. Of any kind, at any time.

Yes, that wand is lots of fun, for sure. Hmmm, so you like being tied up, huh? Interesting. I love to tie up.
Incidentally, if you want to see one of these wands in action (well, sort of), you can go to where they have a few pics of one, although not that good. They are animated, but seeing the real thing is much better. And, feeling the real thing is even better.
In case you are wondering, that web site prefers Internet Explorer. It has some applets running that don't seem to like Netscape.
AusTess said:
I kinda have a problem with bein told what to do.

I always was a rebellious child.

But that is because you do not crave it. my boys crave serving Me, and they beg to be told what to do.
