Any Oscar winning Fake orgasm performers in the house [ ladies ]

Wow, you guys are getting kind of testy.

I dated a guy(for a very short time) who couldn't orgasm. He had never had an orgasm with any of the women he went out with. (I don;t know about masterbation) So, I don't think it was me. He had some serious mental block on the whole thing stemming from a taumatic event when he was pubescent. I tried everything and finally gave up.

Hopefully Casey, who I'm sure is a dear, tried everything as well. Some people have a mental block, some people have a physical problem. Shit, with so many people on on SSRI's (prozac, paxil, etc.) it's a wonder that the anorgasma rate isn't a lot higher. Those meds all have major sexual side effects. Perhaps the chicks Casey is refering to have been medicated and therefore unable to hit the big O?
HotKittySpank said:
Wow, you guys are getting kind of testy.

I dated a guy(for a very short time) who couldn't orgasm. He had never had an orgasm with any of the women he went out with. (I don;t know about masterbation) So, I don't think it was me. He had some serious mental block on the whole thing stemming from a taumatic event when he was pubescent. I tried everything and finally gave up.

Hopefully Casey, who I'm sure is a dear, tried everything as well. Some people have a mental block, some people have a physical problem. Shit, with so many people on on SSRI's (prozac, paxil, etc.) it's a wonder that the anorgasma rate isn't a lot higher. Those meds all have major sexual side effects. Perhaps the chicks Casey is refering to have been medicated and therefore unable to hit the big O?

Ok let me preface this by saying I've never been with a woman who couldn't have an orgasm.

Good lord, I was just replying to collegeteenm19 who said...

I really hope that a woman never fakes an orgasm with me, id rather she be completely honest than lie. afterall if she didnt orgasm then we can work together on trying to make it happen the next time.

And I said... Some women cannot have orgasms.

Which is true.

*shakes his head in disbelief*
Testy? Not me. I'm been in a pretty good mood all week! Can't speak for Casey though - he is probably pretty upset.

What I said, many many posts ago, before we even got into stats:

I skipped intentionally because I think it is quite unusual, in terms of actually physically being unable. (And I didn't want to chance saying something nasty.) The majority have mental hangups. If I had a nickel for every woman I have ever heard say, "I never masturbate" I'd be wealthy. And they wonder why they can't have an orgasm.

Several posts and "red ink" markings later, and nothing has changed. :shrugs:

By the by, Casey, you aren't being targeted. You only think you are.

I say the same to anyone who makes it sound like Oh well, some women just can't have an orgasm as though it is something common. It isn't. And women deserve to have a happy healthy sex life the same as anyone else, the same as you, and should not have to pretend to enjoy herself for a man's benefit.

Here, a different coversation, but it briefly touches upon the issue:

It precedes the part in which this particular conversation went south, and yet I expressed the same sentiment:
Get over the mental block, and I believe most women have an equal orgasmic capacity.

Note, nobody got all upset.
You must be joking, you targetted me.

Did you read your own quotes in my 3rd to last post?

I'm not going to repeat them here but apparently my request to act like adults has fallen on deaf ears.

On second though, I *will* repeat them...

Originally Posted by LadyFunkenstein
You prefer to throw up your hands every time a woman doesn't reach an orgasm as a result of your "performance" then be my guest.

Originally Posted by LadyFunkenstein
Stand by as you wish. You are fighting hard to win what you perceive to be an argument, and I am merely trying to save you from being a lousy lay.

Originally Posted by LadyFunkenstein
It is unusual. If you have come across a lot of women (25%!!!) who can't have an orgasm in sexual situations with you, you need to work on your technique. You aren't giving it the old college try.

Now, before you reply with anything else, tell me exactly how these werent targetted at me.
I have given a worthy faking performance a few times when the guy's talents' haven't been up to snuff OOOpsies :D
I guess you didn't read my post in its entirety, nor my link. I'm not going to stand quietly by while yet another someone advances the "some women can't orgasm" agenda (no caveat, no nothing) when it is in fact highly unusual. Especially not to a 19 year old kid. And yes, acting like it is common will indeed make you bad in bed. Where's the effort, when you are satisfied to have a woman who fakes it?

Don't like it? What can I say, you shouldn't continue reading my words if it upsets you this much.

You feel like a target? I can't help you with that either. I don't know you. You don't know me. You are words on a screen to me... and believe it or not, that is all I am to you. Or at least, that is all I should be. This much concern over a woman's feelings should be reserved for your partners, not for me.

If these facts seem childish to you, so be it. I feel very comfortable with what I have said and will probably say them again to someone else.
PS - sweetheart, I just checked out your picture thread (which is indeed quite hot) and you say you've had 2 sexual partners. Open your mind up a bit. Maybe there is more out there for you to learn. K?
LadyFunkenstein said:
I guess you didn't read my post in its entirety, nor my link. I'm not going to stand quietly by while yet another someone advances the "some women can't orgasm" agenda (no caveat, no nothing) when it is in fact highly unusual. Especially not to a 19 year old kid. And yes, acting like it is common will indeed make you bad in bed. Where's the effort, when you are satisfied to have a woman who fakes it?

Don't like it? What can I say, you shouldn't continue reading my words if it upsets you this much.

You feel like a target? I can't help you with that either. I don't know you. You don't know me. You are words on a screen to me... and believe it or not, that is all I am to you. Or at least, that is all I should be. This much concern over a woman's feelings should be reserved for your partners, not for me.

If these facts seem childish to you, so be it. I feel very comfortable with what I have said and will probably say them again to someone else.

I just stated the simple truth, no agenda. (which, again, is stated by the article you provided)

Yes, I do agree with you it's highly unusual. Highly unusual but very real.

Can we also agree on not replying to each other further on this thread?
I just fear it will be locked by LadyG, or moved, if our little convo is construed as flaming or baiting (via the rules)

*offers the peace pipe*
HotKittySpank said:
Wow, you guys are getting kind of testy.

I dated a guy(for a very short time) who couldn't orgasm. He had never had an orgasm with any of the women he went out with. (I don;t know about masterbation) So, I don't think it was me. He had some serious mental block on the whole thing stemming from a taumatic event when he was pubescent. I tried everything and finally gave up.

Hopefully Casey, who I'm sure is a dear, tried everything as well. Some people have a mental block, some people have a physical problem. Shit, with so many people on on SSRI's (prozac, paxil, etc.) it's a wonder that the anorgasma rate isn't a lot higher. Those meds all have major sexual side effects. Perhaps the chicks Casey is refering to have been medicated and therefore unable to hit the big O?

great point. why do we expect every one else to be perfect but when it comes to us it's well i have an excuse. this thread like all of my threads is for dialogue not a bashing session... and have you noticed bashing seems to be the only way some can communicate :D
Casey811 said:
And I said... Some women cannot have orgasms.

Which is true.

*shakes his head in disbelief*

Sorry, dude, I must have gotten confused with all the tit for tat that was flying back and forth. I agree with LadyF that your pics are devine. Also thanks ewhopper for jumping back in.

Was that correct that you have only been with 2 women? Wow, you need to share the love baby. Us girlies need more men like you to play with.
Qina said:
Lol, not a past love, but I 'fessed up so no problem there. It actually started because one day my body wasn't in the mood (I say my body 'cause my mind alwasy is!) and it was taking a long time. I could tell he was getting tired and didn't want to hurt his feelings so... It kinda grew until I was ding it all the time. Just a couple of weeks ago we were in one of those late night confess all talks and he mentioned that I sometimes fake. I admitted it but said a little too much. It turned out that he thought I was faking when I wasn't and thought I wasn't when I was. Does that mean my fakes are better than the real thing? :eek:

no only that he has a preconceived notion to what a woman's orgasm should be. So rest easy in your womanhood [grin] :D
I can't believe so many women don't seem to have a problem lying about such an intimate subject. Not only is it dishonest but it is also misleading. If a guy finds out a certian technique gets you off he will probably keep doing it. Which is fine I guess as long as it doesn't actually feel bad but i't not going to improve his technique. I also don't believe you have to cum to get into it. My girlfriend moans and groans and yells oh god yes just because she is enjoying sex. Sometimes it hard for me to tell the difference between that and smaller orgasams but I know either way she is having a good time and her behavior is telling what feels better and what doesn't.
I would be pissed if I found out a woman I was with faked it. To be lied to about something I feel so intimate would give me some trust issues around the rest of the relationship.

I also wonder about these women that "can't orgasam" Maybe there are women who truley can't but it makes you wonder how many of them have been properly seduced by a good lover.
I mean knowing the way most women are setup I wouldn't be all that suprised if she didn't have an orgasam if some guy hopped in bed, scraped his beard over her labia a few times and started bangin her. It seems to me it would help most women to set a romantic atmosphere, maybe an intimate dinner and slow foreplay focused on building up her desires and passion as much as possible before even touching the naughty bits, then having someone who knew what to do with them. I think a lot higher percentage of women would get off a lot more often, even most of these women that can't cum.
Ladies what do you think?

The things I get from you in all your posts is you are one of the guys who truly know how women work, and what you don't know you are willing to learn. I wish there were more like you. But I can assure you that a great lover is not always what it takes to make a woman cum. M is a great lover and he knows which buttons to push, so to speak. Still, it's sometimes hard for me to cum. I can be all excited and horny as hell but can't seem to get over some sort of barrier. We talk about sex a lot so it's not as if we don't know or try to figure out what's happening. It's just a fact and I know it's like this for A LOT of women. And then there are the ones that can't orgasm ever... but that's a whole different category.

It surprises me there are so many man who just don't want to accept that it's like this sometimes. They think that if they are a good lover (or at least consider themselves to be one) they should be able to make a woman cum. Some will even sort of demand it by pushing the women and constantly asking them if they came or why they didn't while they were trying their best (almost blaming the women in that way....)

And that is why so many women are faking it.......

Some reading material that I found to be interesting....

And that's just a few.... It is a big thing and it's not happening because women like to fool their partners......
Uh oh here he goes

M's girl said:

The things I get from you in all your posts is you are one of the guys who truly know how women work, and what you don't know you are willing to learn. I wish there were more like you. But I can assure you that a great lover is not always what it takes to make a woman cum. M is a great lover and he knows which buttons to push, so to speak. Still, it's sometimes hard for me to cum. I can be all excited and horny as hell but can't seem to get over some sort of barrier. We talk about sex a lot so it's not as if we don't know or try to figure out what's happening. It's just a fact and I know it's like this for A LOT of women. And then there are the ones that can't orgasm ever... but that's a whole different category.

It surprises me there are so many man who just don't want to accept that it's like this sometimes. They think that if they are a good lover (or at least consider themselves to be one) they should be able to make a woman cum. Some will even sort of demand it by pushing the women and constantly asking them if they came or why they didn't while they were trying their best (almost blaming the women in that way....)
So how many women do you think actually cannot cum? The one article that touched on this confirmed what I suspect which would be that generally not being able to orgasam is psycological and or situational. Put a woman in the right state of mind in the right situation and an incredibly high percentage of them should get off right?
If this is the case then faking an orgasam is just propagating bad habits in the man and stealing from yourself one of the great joys in sex.

You say that if they think they are a good lover they think they should be able to make a woman cum. I say damn right they should and if they can't they should learn more, try different techniques and try to understand what could be standing in the way untill it works. If on the off chance she is one of these women who absouloutly cannot get off you should have reasearched the subject far enough to realize sometimes it just doesn't happen or maybe you don't have that magic touch for her. At least you tried and for that you should be proud. If you fake your orgasam you never give that opertunity the chance to present it's self. Not only that but you just reinforced in this mans head that what he did works.

It's so strange to me, two of my favorite activities are driving and sex. These seem to stand out as two things almost every one thinks they are great at and can't or don't need to learn any more. They think just because they got to work and back yesterday that they are great drivers. If you mention a driving school they will agree that all those other assholes on the road need it but never admit they might be able to learn more themselves, even if they are already good drivers. Most people seem at least as bad about sex. (I hope no one gets offended here. One of my fovorite things about Lit is most people here seem to care about their love lives and sex much more than the average person.)
I don't really know what to say though. In order for these things to change our societies overall perception of love, sex, romance, and intimacy needs to change A LOT.
All I know is if I ever found out a chick faked with me I would kick her in the balls and go give her best friend the most mindblowing orgasam of their life.

A one night stand is not built around comunication and honesty. If you want to fake an orgasam then it's your loss.
Relationships and marrige should be built around comunication and honesty, if someone can't maintian those two things at the most intimate times together then I think they need to asses the format of their relationship.

Just my .02c

sorry. couldn't help it.

anyway, i agree with yoshimitsu that faking an orgasms seems a quite silly or even bad thing to me. think about it - all those guys that appearantly pressure you to "have an orgasm" do probably think all women usually have one, because so many women they were with faked it.
yoshimitsu said:
All I know is if I ever found out a chick faked with me I would kick her in the balls and go give her best friend the most mindblowing orgasam of their life.

Step back and get over yourself.
If the "chick" you're with has balls that you can kick, then "her" faking an orgasm should be the least of your worries.

Unless, of course, you're into that kind of thing.
Eilan said:
If the "chick" you're with has balls that you can kick, then "her" faking an orgasm should be the least of your worries.

Unless, of course, you're into that kind of thing.

But my chick does have very big metaphorical balls
You need em to put up with me​
yoshimitsu said:
So how many women do you think actually cannot cum?

It's so strange to me, two of my favorite activities are driving and sex. These seem to stand out as two things almost every one thinks they are great at and can't or don't need to learn any more. They think just because they got to work and back yesterday that they are great drivers.

I don't really know what to say though. In order for these things to change our societies overall perception of love, sex, romance, and intimacy needs to change A LOT.

All I know is if I ever found out a chick faked with me I would kick her in the balls and go give her best friend the most mindblowing orgasam of their life.

If you want to fake an orgasam then it's your loss.

Well..... you know.... you are right from your point of view, but it's not as simple as that. I am looking for a 'story' that I found online that pretty much described what happened and why with a woman faking orgasm with her man. If and when I find it again I will post a link or whatever. It's not like she wants to but the pressure and expectations are just too much sometimes. Same reason some men will go soft sometimes, although they are very much excited.

I just picked a few of your comments from that post. "If you want to fake an orgasm then it's your loss"..? Yes, it sure is. But then you never had a boyfriend you thought you loved very much but would not accept the fact that "he could not make you cum" and would even get a little angry about it. Wrong guy? Yeah, maybe... but not at all the exception to the so called rule.... that's why. Ever had a guy (of course you haven't, I know you're one yourself) not stopping while you asked them to because they were so convinced THEY could make you cum because THEY ALWAYS made women cum? (yeah, sure) And it actually starting to hurt so much you would do anything to make him stop? Even fake an orgasm? There are way more men out there like this than you probably know!

Do I sound a bit angry? Well, maybe I am. I hear what you are saying and you are right. Don't get me wrong. But I'm saying there is a good reason why 70% of women fake it, some sometimes, some all of the time.

I have given you just a few examples from my own experience. I could give you a few more. I am now in a relationship where we can be open and honest about these things but the damage has already been done. I am am excellent faker if I "want" to or feel like I have to. You would not notice the difference one bit! It's a damn shame I felt like I had to learn this....

Sure, also most of the sexual experience is between your ears. But this is also another reason why it's easier for men than for women sometimes. Men are historically taught to chase, to conquer women, to 'plant their seed' and reproduce, even with more than one woman. I know we usually don't think that way anymore but it's part of the evolution and does still play a role in how men (some) behave...

Women have been taught, during that same period of time than men would 'plant their seeds' and possibly also leave again, leaving the women with children to feed and no money or support to do that. Thank God (!!) that has changed but this is also still part of what's in our system, I guess biologically. Women have learned to be far more selective for that reason and don't give themselves to the first nice guy that comes along. They were also told for a very, very long time that sex was for reproductive purpose solely and not to be enjoyed. It's not at all that long ago that this attitude changed. And we still feel the stigma; women that are enjoying sex (and show it too) are considered sluts most of the time. A nice fuck for sure, but not marriage material!

And this is just part of the reason why women have a hard time sometimes enjoying sex. There's also the men that think sex is all about sticking their dick in a hole. There's so much rape and assault by men towards women. I find it amazing sometimes that so many women still want to have sex with men and (say they) enjoy it!

OK, now this sounds bad.... I know. It's not all drama. I'm not saying I don't enjoy sex, because I really, really do. But if I hear or read remarks like this I get a little angry.... it's just me and don't feel like I am attacking you per se. It's just that there's way too many men out there who think they are THE KING in bed and really aren't. If they start telling the women that it really never can be their fault if she does not cum ... I can assure you, 200%, that these women will fake it one time or another if they still want to remain in a somewhat nice sexlife!

OK... I'll stop ranting although I could go on....
yoshimitsu said:
I can't believe so many women don't seem to have a problem lying about such an intimate subject. Not only is it dishonest but it is also misleading. If a guy finds out a certian technique gets you off he will probably keep doing it. Which is fine I guess as long as it doesn't actually feel bad but i't not going to improve his technique. I also don't believe you have to cum to get into it. My girlfriend moans and groans and yells oh god yes just because she is enjoying sex. Sometimes it hard for me to tell the difference between that and smaller orgasams but I know either way she is having a good time and her behavior is telling what feels better and what doesn't.
I would be pissed if I found out a woman I was with faked it. To be lied to about something I feel so intimate would give me some trust issues around the rest of the relationship.

I also wonder about these women that "can't orgasam" Maybe there are women who truley can't but it makes you wonder how many of them have been properly seduced by a good lover.
I mean knowing the way most women are setup I wouldn't be all that suprised if she didn't have an orgasam if some guy hopped in bed, scraped his beard over her labia a few times and started bangin her. It seems to me it would help most women to set a romantic atmosphere, maybe an intimate dinner and slow foreplay focused on building up her desires and passion as much as possible before even touching the naughty bits, then having someone who knew what to do with them. I think a lot higher percentage of women would get off a lot more often, even most of these women that can't cum.
Ladies what do you think?

The rare times I've known women weren't faking were the times (one) when they were really into what we were doing, (two )when I stumbled onto what really turned her on(three) She coached me subtley... that way I didn't feel offended by thinking she was aggressive... but she was teaching me. so although I have a fair knowledge of being a romantic, I can't agree with all your points, all women are not the same, and some though they feel they can't orgasm has been for whatever past reason is afraid to let themselves go. I find once they become totally comfortable with you,the orgasms will eventually come. especially if you can make her feel secure in her femininity :D