Anyone for random non-sex (but occasionally sex) chat on the thread here?

A hug from my Co-Queen and things begin to look up

Working far too hard!
You mustn’t push yourself too hard! Occasionally, you just need to do the minimum. Unless you’re in a job where that’s not possible, but otherwise, your co-queen insists you make sure you don’t burn yourself out!
*hugs him nicely*
You mustn’t push yourself too hard! Occasionally, you just need to do the minimum. Unless you’re in a job where that’s not possible, but otherwise, your co-queen insists you make sure you don’t burn yourself out!
*hugs him nicely*
Your kindness and hug are so wonderful. I think if I push for the next bit, I can take a rest...I am keeping my eye on the prize (the nap I intend to take)
Just be careful with your footwear choice, I’m not sure how well your glamorous heels will serve you for that 😂
Your complement and note of concern are well received and appreciated, gracious Alchemist.

My choice of stylish shoes for a morning of chasing birdies and eagles do have spikes on the heels. The heels are rather flat, however, suitable for a journey through dew-laden grass and pits of sand.
Your complement and note of concern are well received and appreciated, gracious Alchemist.

My choice of stylish shoes for a morning of chasing birdies and eagles do have spikes on the heels. The heels are rather flat, however, suitable for a journey through dew-laden grass and pits of sand.
Which still bodes the question, are they sexy?
*ponders as I sink back into the beanbag throne*
How shall we create some chaos to entertain our lovely Holly when she returns?
You should be aware your co-queen is currently in an agitated state, so beware what you suggest 😂
Oh my!!

Just popping my head into the court during a break from the lab. Thank you for thinking of me!

It's probably good I haven't been around. Our Queen isn't the only one in an agitated state! I'm afraid I might have just stirred the pot.

You know how you sometimes crave something, like... we'll say ice cream, to stay on the safe side? So you indulge in the most decadent, creamy, rich ice cream imaginable, thinking it will sate you and cure your craving. And it does!

For a minute...

And then you just want more. You want to binge on... Ice cream!

Yeah. That's all I'll say about that! 😁😈

See the court tonight, Queen willing. 💋
Oh my!!

Just popping my head into the court during a break from the lab. Thank you for thinking of me!

It's probably good I haven't been around. Our Queen isn't the only one in an agitated state! I'm afraid I might have just stirred the pot.

You know how you sometimes crave something, like... we'll say ice cream, to stay on the safe side? So you indulge in the most decadent, creamy, rich ice cream imaginable, thinking it will sate you and cure your craving. And it does!

For a minute...

And then you just want more. You want to binge on... Ice cream!

Yeah. That's all I'll say about that! 😁😈

See the court tonight, Queen willing. 💋
My 2nd job is selling amazing icecream, I just decided lol
I KNOW the answer to my question above, is a resounding "Yes, they're sexy on me!"
I just want you ladies to stay in the habit of telling yourselves how sexy you are.... To KNOW IT, feel it, and carry it with you every waking moment of every single day!
Oh @Boat1 , you sure have a wonderful way with words, you silver tongue devil 😈. I think you know deep down that one can tell a person's true character by the type of the shoes they wear...and how they wear them. Just imagine sitting at a table next to an attractive wench and you notice one of her pumps dangling from her toes. Would your heart 💕 start racing? 💋👠