Anyone from the UK?

Evening all

Had a good day. Went to a neighbours kids party, had a few cocktails, got a bit of sunburn and now relaxing at home with some wine.

What biscuit pairs well with rosé?
Plain cheese biscuits with a nice ripe, runny brie or camambert wouldn't go amiss...
Maybe the weed seeds the clouds, producing rain?

So does weed - the leafy stuff - smell nice, but dope - the resin - smell like dog-piss and dandelion?
Oh, I remember smoking resin with the boys in the park or in the back of a Vauxhall Nova. The days, the leafy skunk came in and I didn't like that so much, plus I got pregnant and had to behave myself. Another reason for mum and dad to disown me, lol.

I could've eaten @orangecurious whole biscuit tin after a good old smoke.
Oh, I remember smoking resin with the boys in the park or in the back of a Vauxhall Nova. The days, the leafy skunk came in and I didn't like that so much, plus I got pregnant and had to behave myself. Another reason for mum and dad to disown me, lol.

I could've eaten @orangecurious whole biscuit tin after a good old smoke.
Imagine how I paid for the smoke in the back of said Nova, or in the park after I was stoned, ha ha.