Anyone from the UK?

That's so cool! I once purchased an old electric guitar for my work. We scrawled a random signature on it and included it on a wall display in a rock and roll themed bar. The bar owner was convinced it was worth a lot of money. Even though we hadn't said who's signature it was supposed to be and told him it was from a junk shop! Smoke and mirrors!
Nice story! The days have gone when you could find the odd gem of an instrument in junk or charity shops
Social media is a lot of the problem. It can be so toxic in society. Hence why I deleted my accounts years ago.... Apart from this platform 😃
It's irresponsible social media that is the problem that was basically fulled by miss guided decisions and lies Facebook and others used to be a force for good but now I just love my block and hide button.
Social media is a lot of the problem. It can be so toxic in society. Hence why I deleted my accounts years ago.... Apart from this platform 😃
:) I did similar, then created an essentially empty one for facebook marketplace. I added a picture, thinking 'well, some people may look at this blank profile and think I'm a psycho'.

As a result I now have various friends and relatives adding me (damn facebook and their 'people you may know..' creepiness) and I'm studiously refusing to accept any of them as I'm truly just there for the shopping :D But now the risk is that people think I'm dissing them or being aloof; a total minefield!
Afternoon all. It's dragging in today. Promises of replies have not materialised so I am moving on from caring. I'll stick to the folks that show an interest. Fair? I think so.