Aprils Sexual Journey with Pictures

When I lived at home I often had sex positioned over the living room chair so I could watch for my parents return via the front window. My bf’s didn’t seem to mind. One guy named it “lookout sex.”
Am sure we all have similar stories.

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Always hot when someone might be watching. Or listening.

That is one sexy picture. 😈
When I lived at home I often had sex positioned over the living room chair so I could watch for my parents return via the front window. My bf’s didn’t seem to mind. One guy named it “lookout sex.”
Am sure we all have similar stories.

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Will be hard not looking at how Sexy a body you have ...
Glad everyone is enjoy my stories.
You are inspiring me to add more.

Just raid Student Aid

I used to travel a 100 k miles a year. I’d see women who were escorts in the hotel bars.

Wish I’d seen you.
Younger days.
Mark trained me to swallow from the very first time I had sex. He was 10+ years older and taught me everything. I realize now he was training me, but I was young and naive.
After Mark, guys loved that I swallowed as it kept their cars clean. I preferred it also as I usually spent hours on my hair and makeup…so the less mess the better.

Read all my true stories for more details.


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Younger days.
Mark trained me to swallow from the very first time I had sex. He was 10+ years older and taught me everything. I realize now he was training me, but I was young and naive.
After Mark, guys loved that I swallowed as it kept their cars clean. I preferred it also as I usually spent hours on my hair and makeup…so the less mess the better.

Read all my true stories for more details.


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In my long life, I dated one woman who would swallow, loved it! But, she was such a total dingbat, I had to let her go.
Younger days.
Mark trained me to swallow from the very first time I had sex. He was 10+ years older and taught me everything. I realize now he was training me, but I was young and naive.
After Mark, guys loved that I swallowed as it kept their cars clean. I preferred it also as I usually spent hours on my hair and makeup…so the less mess the better.

Read all my true stories for more details.


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You could swallow my load any time ...
Younger days.
Mark trained me to swallow from the very first time I had sex. He was 10+ years older and taught me everything. I realize now he was training me, but I was young and naive.
After Mark, guys loved that I swallowed as it kept their cars clean. I preferred it also as I usually spent hours on my hair and makeup…so the less mess the better.

Read all my true stories for more details.


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Good Girl ... being so Bad! Your Body was such a killer body. Then and NOW!
Younger days.
Mark trained me to swallow from the very first time I had sex. He was 10+ years older and taught me everything. I realize now he was training me, but I was young and naive.
After Mark, guys loved that I swallowed as it kept their cars clean. I preferred it also as I usually spent hours on my hair and makeup…so the less mess the better.

Read all my true stories for more details.


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It appears mark was a great teacher.
Younger days.
Mark trained me to swallow from the very first time I had sex. He was 10+ years older and taught me everything. I realize now he was training me, but I was young and naive.
After Mark, guys loved that I swallowed as it kept their cars clean. I preferred it also as I usually spent hours on my hair and makeup…so the less mess the better.

Read all my true stories for more details.

Looks good, do you deep throat as well?
Someone asked me about alcohol so thought I would post it here also.

Being on the petite side I don’t handle alcohol very well…one drink and Im feeling tipsy…those sweet cooler drinks are deadly…taste like juice or pop and go down so easy.
When I was younger i took a pill at a party once…poor judgement induced by alcohol… it was at a frat party where guys out numbered the girls. I willingly went into a bedroom with two guys…after that it was a blur but am sure several guys had their way with me. The next morning I woke up naked on the living room couch with a handful of guys sitting in the kitchen area eating lunch…that was the one and only time I did drugs. I have a story about that, just need to clean it up before publishing.
I bet things like this happen to other women also…comments? Share?
Someone asked me about alcohol so thought I would post it here also.

Being on the petite side I don’t handle alcohol very well…one drink and Im feeling tipsy…those sweet cooler drinks are deadly…taste like juice or pop and go down so easy.
When I was younger i took a pill at a party once…poor judgement induced by alcohol… it was at a frat party where guys out numbered the girls. I willingly went into a bedroom with two guys…after that it was a blur but am sure several guys had their way with me. The next morning I woke up naked on the living room couch with a handful of guys sitting in the kitchen area eating lunch…that was the one and only time I did drugs. I have a story about that, just need to clean it up before publishing.
I bet things like this happen to other women also…comments? Share?
Ooops, alcohol and drugs don’t usually mix, but young and naive happens
Someone asked me about alcohol so thought I would post it here also.

Being on the petite side I don’t handle alcohol very well…one drink and Im feeling tipsy…those sweet cooler drinks are deadly…taste like juice or pop and go down so easy.
When I was younger i took a pill at a party once…poor judgement induced by alcohol… it was at a frat party where guys out numbered the girls. I willingly went into a bedroom with two guys…after that it was a blur but am sure several guys had their way with me. The next morning I woke up naked on the living room couch with a handful of guys sitting in the kitchen area eating lunch…that was the one and only time I did drugs. I have a story about that, just need to clean it up before publishing.
I bet things like this happen to other women also…comments? Share?
Glad nothing worse was done ... Always a Dad's fear for his Daughter at college.
Someone asked me about alcohol so thought I would post it here also.

Being on the petite side I don’t handle alcohol very well…one drink and Im feeling tipsy…those sweet cooler drinks are deadly…taste like juice or pop and go down so easy.
When I was younger i took a pill at a party once…poor judgement induced by alcohol… it was at a frat party where guys out numbered the girls. I willingly went into a bedroom with two guys…after that it was a blur but am sure several guys had their way with me. The next morning I woke up naked on the living room couch with a handful of guys sitting in the kitchen area eating lunch…that was the one and only time I did drugs. I have a story about that, just need to clean it up before publishing.
I bet things like this happen to other women also…comments? Share?

I’m sure there story will be as hot as your others.

I’m not a fan on non consensual sex, but..
Anyone have time to do a quick read of my new story before I submit it? Just have a quick look for grammar or spelling mistakes, maybe if something doesn’t read or sound right. I have read it over and over but I know I always miss something. Would like to submit tomorrow. I can email it to you in text or pages.
Ich hatte schon immer einen Fetisch dafür, Männern dabei zuzusehen, wie sie für mich masturbieren. Es ist einfach so ein Turn on für mich. Ja, es ist eine Sache der Kontrolle, aber da ich schon immer ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl hatte, erstaunt es mich, dass Männer so erregt werden, wenn sie mit mir zusammen sind.

Jahrelang, als ich zu Hause lebte, hatte ich Jungs im Keller, um sie zu besuchen / fernzusehen. Meine Familie war oben und gab mir meine Privatsphäre, aber trotzdem hatte ich keine Chance, Sex zu haben und zu riskieren, erwischt zu werden. Es wurde also viel rumgemacht, aber kein richtiger Geschlechtsverkehr. Allerdings würde ich dann für mich wichsen ... immer und immer wieder. Natürlich würde ich ihnen helfen. Aber meistens öffnete ich einfach mein Oberteil und beobachtete sie.

Es war nicht nur der intensive Ausdruck auf ihren Gesichtern, den ich liebte, sondern einige schossen mit solchem Druck Ströme und Ströme von Sperma. Das waren die Jungs, die mich verrückt gemacht haben. Als meine Familie endlich ins Bett gehen würde, war ich so heiß und geil, dass ich Sex mit ihnen hatte, bevor ich sie nach Hause schickte. Das ging jahrelang mit jedem Freund oder Freund so. Rückblickend hatte ich Glück, dass mein Vater keines dieser Blaulichter hatte, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass der Keller nach Sex roch.

Ich werde eine Geschichte darüber schreiben, wenn ich mehr Zeit habe.
Mich macht es auch ungeheuer geil, wenn egal , ob Mann oder Frau vor meinen Augen masturbieren, während ich meinen Kolben massiere.