Are Alito's Comments grounds for Impeachment?

He was showing a conservative bias, everything he said was true, should have been said by a politician not by a SCJ. RBG did the same thing, was irresponsible then and is irresponsible now ( NOT ILLEGAL ).

Glad you can actually see why a person who has the right of free speech should choose not to use it due to their position....
I don't understand why he would even agree to appear at such an extremely biased organization's function.

He probably figures there's no point in trying to keep up the pretense that the "conservative" members on the SCOTUS are anything more than puppets of the Republican Party and its wealthy donors.

He probably figures there's no point in trying to keep up the pretense that the "conservative" members on the SCOTUS are anything more than puppets of the Republican Party and its wealthy donors.

Maybe he figured that if it works for progressive judges it could work for him!
He was showing a conservative bias, everything he said was true, should have been said by a politician not by a SCJ. RBG did the same thing, was irresponsible then and is irresponsible now ( NOT ILLEGAL ).

where was the conservative bias?
Alito is a failure. He has contributed nothing in original thought to the considerations of the court. He has reduced himself to a cypher, a mere number to weight the opinions of more able colleagues.

Even Goresuch and Kavanaugh have shown some marginal independence in recent decisions. Alito and his fellow traveller, Clarence Thomas, are mere echo chambers; they both seem lost since Scalia died.
He's the worst example of a loudmouth Italian-American Boomer rightist like Ghoul-iani. He has no business being on that court.
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Hmmm, no answer?








Oh, all right, if it'll shut you up (but who am I kidding, it won't): The reason why no one is answering your question, BB, is that we all know that when presented with right-wing invective, you'll just insist that it's the truth and why do we hate America so much?
Oh, all right, if it'll shut you up (but who am I kidding, it won't): The reason why no one is answering your question, BB, is that we all know that when presented with right-wing invective, you'll just insist that it's the truth and why do we hate America so much?

Damn, he's still alive?

They're the ones who hate this country and it is clear as day.