Are they gonna publish anything?

Fingers crossed, things will brighten. After an essentially empty 2022 even some illustrated poetry made it through the process. So, hope!
I had submitted a few pieces like four months ago, and kept hoping that maybe, with the number of artworks showing December, that my stuff would be accepted eventually. But nope. New wave of artwork accepted, none of my stuff was addressed. So I just left some rants in the drafts (for my eyes only) and took all three down. I'm reminded again why I left this site.
That makes no sense. If they're still in Draft it means you didn't submit them, so how is the site at fault? But you've "left the site" - that makes no sense either, because you've just posted. Are you sure you're pressing the right buttons?
That makes no sense. If they're still in Draft it means you didn't submit them, so how is the site at fault? But you've "left the site" - that makes no sense either, because you've just posted. Are you sure you're pressing the right buttons?
It makes perfect sense. I submitted them, there was no response, so I moved them to drafts (basically deleted them). I used to submit things to the site, I left, then submitted one new piece, before remembering why I left.
It makes perfect sense. I submitted them, there was no response, so I moved them to drafts (basically deleted them). I used to submit things to the site, I left, then submitted one new piece, before remembering why I left.
You probably didn't wait long enough. New writers (in your case, returning writer) can easily take 7 - 10 days to get content approved. But hey, you've gone, twice now, so it doesn't matter any more.
You probably didn't wait long enough. New writers (in your case, returning writer) can easily take 7 - 10 days to get content approved. But hey, you've gone, twice now, so it doesn't matter any more.
Like I said. I submitted the pieces four months prior, in September, before taking them down.

I work primarily on other platforms and websites. I've been creating for about ten years now. Every time I come back to Literotica, I remember what drove me away.

It's all the unmoderated content and trolls. It's the lack of real response to anything. If you've had a better experience than I have, I'm glad for you. And I'm not trying to slight you.

I just haven't felt heard, haven't really known where or how to speak. So I wind up going to another site instead, like Lushstories, Newgrounds, or HF. There, I don't expect to read flame comments every time I make anything, and either I control when my work goes up, or I know it will be up at least within two weeks (and even that's bad).
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Seems that LIT is "on a roll" (as far as erotic illustration posts)
12 MORE on Feb 11, 2023

I still do not feel very motivated to try again there.
We got 6 on Feb 24, 2023

That's about 2 weeks from the previous batch.
Not too bad.

Not quite good enough to entice me back, especially with the lag in comments etc.
I just discovered this thread this morning and I am both reassured and dismayed to see that others are having the same frustrations as me.

I’ve had drawings waiting to be published for two months and with a (very small!) number of images published in the meantime I was starting to think mine had been judged to be not good enough, so I deleted some of them. I’m sure Literotica has lost many, many other artwork contributions for the same reason. On the other hand, I’ve found the positive comments on my one published drawing were very motivating and I have done more drawings (and I’ve tried to improve) since.

It’s a missed opportunity. Literotica rewards writers who can’t spell or use “to” and “too” correctly, but the site seems to go out of its way to frustrate people trying to express sexuality or sensuality in a different, visual manner. I feel trying to publish a drawing or painting takes at least as much courage as telling a tale that could have been spell- and grammar-checked with the click of a mouse. Positive encouragement and constructive comment could, by stimulating instead of frustrating more artists, help make the world a better place.

A side note: I also received baffling notices of comments on my drawing that I couldn’t read until I went into “My Artworks” and clicked on the tiny dialog balloons next to the title.

Lastly, I will share with you that some of the artists I most respect have been contributors to this thread. I am glad to make your acquaintance and I hope we can correspond!

There is a lag time between comments being made, the notice of them and then actually seeing them.
Not a lot of traffic in this forum either, but there's the immediacy of posting images. wheeeeeeee!