Are you a lurker?

I have not once mentioned that this is my first account..
The people I chat with know who I am.

(You don't actually have to have a account to lurk and read. Took me a lot of reading before I became comfortable enough to start the first one.)

Indeed. I lurked and read the boards here for nearly 2 years before I ever made an account. Which made me feel like I *knew* people on the board who had never seen me (obviously) post and I was fully read in on yards and yards of conversations before my first post.

So, yes. I know exactly what you mean.

Welcome XBSX - glad you decided to take the plunge, make an account and start posting. :rose:
I don’t like to think of “not posting” as “lurking”.

If I have something to give that more valuable than silence, I will post it. But IMHO “lurking” is about withholding what you could give, and just absorbing the content of others.

I have not once mentioned that this is my first account..
The people I chat with know who I am.

(You don't actually have to have a account to lurk and read. Took me a lot of reading before I became comfortable enough to start the first one.)

I am glad you decided to join the conversation as well. Don't pay attention to some. They can be territorial, judgemental and sad. Then again, you probably already know that. ;)
Indeed. I lurked and read the boards here for nearly 2 years before I ever made an account. Which made me feel like I *knew* people on the board who had never seen me (obviously) post and I was fully read in on yards and yards of conversations before my first post.

So, yes. I know exactly what you mean.

Welcome XBSX - glad you decided to take the plunge, make an account and start posting. :rose:

This is a secondary account I will clear that up right now. Due to threads I previously started leaving me uncomfortable now with the general public having that kind of information about me I decided a do over was in order.
But yes I did do the same and was still a infrequent poster on the last.
I want a bit more in depth knowledge so better to mix with people than lurk lol

I am glad you decided to join the conversation as well. Don't pay attention to some. They can be territorial, judgemental and sad. Then again, you probably already know that. ;)
Yes I do know what you are saying number one reason behind lurking in the first place.
I am currently lurking. So then this post is relevant, however, now that I have posted, I am no longer lurking, therefore my post is irrelevant.
My God, what a day:)
This seems like a suitable place to break cover. I recently made this account and have been poking in and out of here for the last year or so. But I'm the kind of person who prefers to quietly read a room first rather than kicking the door in. Get a sense of the environment and the culture. Hopefully I'll have the confidence to interact more around here in future.
This seems like a suitable place to break cover. I recently made this account and have been poking in and out of here for the last year or so. But I'm the kind of person who prefers to quietly read a room first rather than kicking the door in. Get a sense of the environment and the culture. Hopefully I'll have the confidence to interact more around here in future.

Your first post! :rose: Welcome!
This seems like a suitable place to break cover. I recently made this account and have been poking in and out of here for the last year or so. But I'm the kind of person who prefers to quietly read a room first rather than kicking the door in. Get a sense of the environment and the culture. Hopefully I'll have the confidence to interact more around here in future.

No kicking down door needed! (Usually)

Always nice to see new people. I'll throw you a second welcome.

Just wondering if anyone out there is lurking and probably needs to de-lurk?

You should say hi. No. Wait. I'll be all dommy.

Say hi. Now! :cattail:
I'm a lurker. Always have been. I like to observe. Everyone has their own opinions and unique way of doing things.
I lurk on a lot of threads, feel I should get involved more in them but sometimes find it hard to find the right written words to put myself across clearly without it turning into a TLDR pile of drivel, so don’t.
Are you a lurker? Do you spend time reading, perhaps even messaging people but never really post? Or maybe you post a lot in one forum but lurk around in others?

I have to admit I'll read through a thread, which takes me to another thread, which takes me to someone's profile and suddenly an hour's gone by.

Fess up.... do you lurk?

Total lurker - I rarely ever post anything ;) :)
I lurk on a lot of threads, feel I should get involved more in them but sometimes find it hard to find the right written words to put myself across clearly without it turning into a TLDR pile of drivel, so don’t.

Thanks or saying hi.

Ummm, well, you've had a pic thread going on for three years - you have stuff to share! :cattail: But words are harder sometimes. Thank goodness for tumblr pics. And emojis. :rolleyes:

Hopefully you'll be inspired to jump in!
I lurk on a lot of threads, feel I should get involved more in them but sometimes find it hard to find the right written words to put myself across clearly without it turning into a TLDR pile of drivel, so don’t.

I would love to hear what you have to say. Sometimes the pile of drivel resonates with someone who really needs to know they aren't the only ones feeling or thinking a certain way. You have to sift a lot of dirt to get a nugget sometimes.

*goes back to lurking and post stalking cookie*