Are you a lurker?

Mostly, yes. The things I don't say rarely get me in trouble, missed birthdays being a glaring exception.

Right? I'm in a couple groups on FB where the members are just cruel. I'm usually pretty thick skinned because why let a stranger get me whipped up? Here is a little different because I value people's opinions. I never want anyone to feel judged by my words. Haha. Unless they deserve it.

But I like how you think. It's different than what I'm used to so I appreciate the differences.

When I get in lurker mode, it's usually because words fail me. I don't seem to have the energy to think though l through a reply. Other times I think I have the answer for everything and bounce around in Los of threads.
Pretty much! I spend probably too much time reading threads here, but don’t tend to post much. Love getting PM’s, I don’t get that many, but when I do it’s fun to chat with others.

I remember you posting a bit. :)
I lurked for years. I still tend to lurk in some threads, but post somewhat frequently in others.
OK, you have me,*holds hands up * yes i am a lurker, but to be fair, i am new here and dont know anybody i get a pass ??
I lurk to a certain extent to avoid the drama on the PG - I do most of my chatting via the occasional PM with a select group, but mainly be email with my girl.:heart:
I lurk a lot of places (obviously I am an ampic-posting-type, but outside of my thread? It is rare). Sometimes it is usually because I don’t think I have much to add to a conversation, but am interested and or enjoy the topic, so I read. Lots.
I lurk a lot of places (obviously I am an ampic-posting-type, but outside of my thread? It is rare). Sometimes it is usually because I don’t think I have much to add to a conversation, but am interested and or enjoy the topic, so I read. Lots.

You added a lot to the daddy/little conversation in the PG, which I lurked through. You have an interesting perspective. Glad you unlurked here!

Kinda maybe sorta.

You unlurked to post here! :)

Very much so..

You came out of your cave! Hope you unlurk a bit more. The more voices around here, (usually) the better.