Are you leading a secret life?

Actually....I was feeling a little out of practice being that I teach CPR and haven't used it in a few I mentioned it at a full family dinner the other night......You could almost see my father and brothers trying to restrain themselves from asking what the site address was. *grin* And mom just gasped for a few minutes.....

A few other people know as well.

My significant other knows....but that's a much longer story.

Whisper :rose:
whispering_surrender said:
My significant other knows....but that's a much longer story.

Good point. Actually, mine does, too.
DirtyJJ said:
... on Literotica that is.

Do you share with friends and family that you read, post, or write for Lit? Or do you keep it mostly to yourself?

Currently, no one else knows that I do this. Sometimes I would like to share, but I also like the private and anonymous aspect of it. I couldn't imagine my friends or family reading about what's in my dirty little mind!

How about you?

About ME:
I person has to have some Secrets, after all Iam a Scorpio and Scorpios do those kind of things;) I delete everything once Iam done on the PC.So although my old Man knows Iam on the Net a lot he doesnt know yet what Iam doing heee,heeee.
Oh my G/F knows but she doesnt have a P.C isnt that a shame:(
I think that i'm pretty typical. i have some friends who know what i'm doing, but my family no, and not all of my friends, as i've discovered that many people are very sexually modest, and that's just Too Much Information.

But telling friends does have it's benefits. a woman friend sent me a couple nude pictures after reading my stories. Which I greatly appreciated. She had no idea i was capable of such eroticism. unfortunately for me, she's married, so looking is as far as this will. But I don't mind getting her all reved up for hubby. Just a small way of bringing horniness into this world.
Re: As I'm sure Perdita knows,

TaffyJ said:
Most priests and people in holy orders know human nature quite well, and are not surprised by much. Priests hear things in confession that would probably curl our hair, but it's part of their job to stay calm and non-condemning.
Perdita's friend may have been a little surprised, but I doubt he freaked out.
I hope you're not angry that I took the liberty of expounding on your post, Perdita.
Not at all, Taffy. I was brief, but I know that if my priest pals found out it would be OK, it's just not something that comes up is all. And this special group are among the most non-judgmental people I know, way Left of Rome in the RCC.

*shrug* Some know, some don't. Those who would be horrified are the ones who don't. ;)
I happen to know 5 people who post on Lit personally, or should I say they know me. I might know more just have not found the perverts yet!

I like what I do and am not ashamed. Should I be? Let me ask my brother and see what he thinks. (now that's funny!)

Don't get me wrong. I do not think certain people in my life want to know. (putting my Literotica sweatshirt on for Christmas service) I also am not afraid of what they think.
Only one friend knows. I told him quite recently and he was quite okay with it so it wasn't that bad.

I don't think I'll tell anybody in the family. I can't even imagine what it would do to them. :eek:

My plan is to tell my future SO about Lit. If it passes, he's in; otherwise, otherwise. :D
The Lit-mus test. ;)
Yup. It's a double life.
There are plenty of people I wouldn't like to know, and why
tell others "Well I'm not keeping this a secret from you;
you keep it a secret from him"?
Almost everyone I know knows what I write about, even if they didn't it wouldn't be hard to find out. I don't exactly keep things a secret. :eek:

All of my extended family know my nickname, as it's one I've had since I was born. All they'd have to do is put 'Tatelou' into a search engine and they'd find me on Lit straight away. I'm not bothered, if I was I'd hide my identity, my family are great and very open minded.

I've actually told about six people, including my hubby, my two best friends, my Mum, my brother and his girlfriend. They all think it's great!

I'm not easily embarrassed and very open about all aspects of my life. Oooh, that reminds me! I was 'recognised' a couple of weeks ago. This guy came to service my boiler (seriously, the gas boiler, not any kind of double entendre) and he kept staring at me. I began to get a bit freaked out, until he asked me if I was Tatelou. :eek: I was a bit shocked, but he was a very normal/non-freaky guy, and he paid me some great compliments on my writing. LOL!

If nobody asks, why should we tell them? That's the real point of this thread, isn't it? Every author wants recognition, however, in any genre dealing with an erotic nature one has to deal with the transitory mind sets. Meaning if we tell someone how do we know they won't go blabbing to other people. Everybody I know knows that I am a writer. Of course only my wife knows that I write erotica as a hobby, and a way to plow through writer's block on my more, shall we say; legitamate work. Everybody wants a free sample of my legitamate work, but I doubt that they'd go out and buy it on their own, and I doubt that most of them even read the free stuff that I send them now. They just aren't readers, they're watchers of the TV. And I wouldn't send them anything if I didn't get it for free anyway.

As for just telling someone else, when would it come up in a conversation? It's doubtful to me that it ever would unless people know that you write in the first place. And even then they'd have to be a real fan of your work which means they read a lot, and I don't know anybody that close to me that does read for pleasure other than my wife. You see it's not that I don't trust people, as I know everybody has sex, and has their own sexual fantasies too. But tell me, how many people that I know personally do you think have every heard of Dirt Man? Unless they have seen my work they haven't. It's a mute point.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
oggbashan said:
Some of my friends and my wife know that I write for Literotica.

None of them have been told what my Lit name is but some have guessed.


Og, all they have to do is explore and they'll find your avatar. Not much guessing needed, just a little computer savvy. :rolleyes:

I tell everyone, almost. Hey, I'm a mercenary, okay? I send out emails to people to check out my latest story (though I haven't done it for Summer Stock yet). One of these days I may sign off and sign back on using my real name. GaryBob2 sounds like Thomas The Tank Engine's coal tender.

I especially love it when they get shocked looks on their faces. Those are the ones I know are going to read, and gossip about it too, leading to still more readers. The odd lady offers to help with research, which is an added bonus.:p

Can't find my quotations book so I'll have to do this from memory:

"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde
My SO and my adult offspring know. They are my worst critics on anything I produce here on the SRP or any other forum I write on.

As they are really the only ones who could and perhaps have the right to ask, why? then being open with them is the best course. As regards friends and the rest of my family, it is frankly my business, my writing, my work. I don't want too know all their business, god forbid, so they can keep their nose out of mine.

Not as if it is a major crime is it...*sigh*
Tatelou said:
Almost everyone I know knows what I write about, even if they didn't it wouldn't be hard to find out. I don't exactly keep things a secret. :eek:


If you wanted it to be a secret you wouldn't link to your website which gives your maiden and married names, would you?

oggbashan said:
If you wanted it to be a secret you wouldn't link to your website which gives your maiden and married names, would you?



I just don't see it as anything to hide, or be ashamed of. I am what I am. ;)

I don't think it's about shame or anything. It's about what do you have to lose? If people know what you do or don't do would it cause you more a hassle?


If you were a preist and wrote Erotica... that could be bad.

PTA Mom, that could be bad.

School teacher, that could be bad.

Lot's of stuff could be bad. Also, you have to keep in mind, that for the most part serious literature type people think Erotica is, I don't know, but bad.

Depends on your lifestyle, before you can run around wearing that tag around your neck.

I don't tell people, because I don't have time to explain to them what it is. I don't have time for any of those silly little "What will you do if so and so finds out?" The people that do know are not usually judgmental. Some of them even read it. None of them go around telling people in the local communities. No hassles.

LOL I am just not old enough to deal with the mentalities that would arise.
reohoko said:

If you were a preist and wrote Erotica... that could be bad.

PTA Mom, that could be bad.

School teacher, that could be bad.
I write, among other things, education material for kids. I could lose that contract. Bad.
Mine's fairly secret. I used to have no-one who knew and quite enjoyed the double-life thing I had going on. Now I've opened up the RL me to some people on here and opened up TheEarl to a couple of people in RL it's diminished the feeling slightly, but I still enjoy having the secret. Only my sister, ex and my beautiful girlfriend know atm.

Aside from that, there are some of my friends who wouldn't be able to take it, some of my friends who I couldn't bring it up with (Mum and Dad), some who I couldn't trust with the secret and some who I feel I could tell, but I don't want to devalue this by spreading it too widely. You have to be something very special to be told.

The Earl
Icingsugar said:
I write, among other things, education material for kids. I could lose that contract. Bad.

Isn't it strange, that it takes sex to bring children into this world, but writing about sex alienates you from teaching them?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
My goal is to write erotica good enough that I don't have to hide it or be ashamed of it. It's possible.

Meanwhile, people know. It's surprising how little they seem to care. I think most people find the fact that I write more curious than what I write about.

dr_mabeuse said:
My goal is to write erotica good enough that I don't have to hide it or be ashamed of it. It's possible.

Meanwhile, people know. It's surprising how little they seem to care. I think most people find the fact that I write more curious than what I write about.


Good goal.

Everyone knows that I write and I tell most that I'm 'published on the internet somewhere.' But they also know that I very rarely let anyone I know read my stories and so won't give them the web address. Shame.

The Earl
Originally posted by DirtyJJ
... on Literotica that is.

Do you share with friends and family that you read, post, or write for Lit? Or do you keep it mostly to yourself?

Currently, no one else knows that I do this. Sometimes I would like to share, but I also like the private and anonymous aspect of it. I couldn't imagine my friends or family reading about what's in my dirty little mind!

How about you?

In as much as Dirty Slut is my alter ego, and perverted side, the only one who actually knows that I submit here is my other significant half. I started writing erotica as a means to defeat writer's block for my other endeavors. I feel it is best for an author to write something, anything every day, and if what I'm working on isn't going well then I'll write something else, like the porn I submit here. But would I actually tell anyone about it? No. I figure if I'm going to have any skeletons in a closet, the best thing to do is to keep the closet locked up until I need something from it.

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