Are you leading a secret life?

It's mostly a secret, for reasons like those of Icing. However, as the good dr. says, in fact, of those told, most couldn't care less.

GaryBob2 said:
Og, all they have to do is explore and they'll find your avatar. Not much guessing needed, just a little computer savvy. :rolleyes:

Yes, but there are so many clones of Henry VIII and even if they find the right one, linking it to the real me would be difficult even though possible.

If they did, I wouldn't be that worried. I'm self-employed and a known eccentric. It might affect my political activities but I'm not going to stand for election as a Member of Parliament.


PS: Edited to add: Most of my stories are so lacking in sex that they could appear on a mainstream site. The only one I should be ashamed of is "The Worst Chain Story Ever, Chap 01" but I'm not - so there :p
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Dirt Man said:
Isn't it strange, that it takes sex to bring children into this world, but writing about sex alienates you from teaching them?

"Dad, where do I come from?"

"Pennsylvania. Now eat your broccoli."
oggbashan said:

I'm not going to stand for election as a Member of Parliament.


PS: Edited to add: Most of my stories are so lacking in sex that they could appear on a mainstream site. The only one I should be ashamed of is "The Worst Chain Story Ever, Chap 01" but I'm not - so there :p

:( you should :) I am in the US, but I still.

I think politicians should let down their hair and live a bit, it's healthy. Heck, these days it is almost a sin to have not tried pot. I tried it once, soooo, now I am eligible to be a politician. :)

I will happily brag about what I write, when there is less to put up with from the headaches... that is about, 14 years from now.

I am not very concerned with what people think, just the actions they take once they start thinking. It's like most other things, it only takes a spark to set a fire.
I'm not sure it would affect my work as a teacher, since I teach adults.

Some colleagues know I write, but not what. Only one does and she thinks it's great for me.
Good friends know and couldn't care less.
My family knows, meaning my brothers and some of their adult kids. They think it's another one of my crazy schemes.
My son knows and ignores it.

Nobody knows my nickname though. But I would tell them if they asked. I think. :D
DirtyJJ said:
... on Literotica that is.

Do you share with friends and family that you read, post, or write for Lit? Or do you keep it mostly to yourself?

Currently, no one else knows that I do this. Sometimes I would like to share, but I also like the private and anonymous aspect of it. I couldn't imagine my friends or family reading about what's in my dirty little mind!

How about you?


Only one other real life, non-Lit person knows.

I don't think my friends and family would be surprised. Some of them would be embarassed. Some of them would be mad I had not given them the hyperlink. A few of them may already be here ;)
Pvt. Mtnman2003

As with some, I am the only one around me that knows. Would catch hell from the spouse!

If I ever win a writing contest, and have to deposit the dollars, it will be hard to explain.

If I can get it together, with or without Laurel's participation, I would love to sponsor a weekend seminar, pull the top authors, have writing clinics, meet the authors hour, etc. Hold it in the north east marketplace. Make it a big deal.

Would we come out from under the covers, and let ourselves get known as real people, or stay hidden behind the white screen with our AV's?

Your thoughts. Would you attend a Lit conference?

Re: Pvt. Mtnman2003

mtnman2003 said:
As with some, I am the only one around me that knows. Would catch hell from the spouse!

If I ever win a writing contest, and have to deposit the dollars, it will be hard to explain.

If I can get it together, with or without Laurel's participation, I would love to sponsor a weekend seminar, pull the top authors, have writing clinics, meet the authors hour, etc. Hold it in the north east marketplace. Make it a big deal.

Would we come out from under the covers, and let ourselves get known as real people, or stay hidden behind the white screen with our AV's?

Your thoughts. Would you attend a Lit conference?


A bit far for me to come mate, but if you could get the support it would be nice I'm sure. A lot of people on the NaNo competion board arranged real life meetings in Cafe's and the like, the Oxford crew met about 4 or 5 times during November in various Pubs and Cafe's.

I have nothing to hide still, that avatar is really me, well minus the silly patch and bird:devil: :D
NorthEast, lets see, that would be Braganca.

I expect Lauren and I could make it. (Though of course not speaking for Lauren)


PS. Take pictures
everytime I see this thread I think of the hook to the song secret agent man...

The (singing) Mrs
I would definitely not go.

Unless it was in Venice. And Perdita went, too. :)
Mhari said:
I would definitely not go.
Unless it was in Venice. And Perdita went, too. :)
Two for Venice. Who else? Person-with-penis welcome (no offense, Mhari).

Re: Pvt. Mtnman2003

mtnman2003 said:
If I can get it together, with or without Laurel's participation, I would love to sponsor a weekend seminar, pull the top authors, have writing clinics, meet the authors hour, etc. Hold it in the north east marketplace. Make it a big deal.

Would you attend a Lit conference?

I would, if you organized something in Europe.

:p :D
Ah Venice. That would be special. I'm in.

Pop's - Count me in as well, (6.5) before the nights over you could be in for a small print run.

my brothers don't know I post here. Neither do my sisters. My parents don't know... one or two friends know. I don't have a wife or girl friend so... er...yeah.
It's not really a secret. It just works out that way. :(

I have M.P.D. (Multiple Personality Disorder) and what we have here, is a failure to communicate. :confused:

Now I better head for home, before they close the Car-Pool Lane. :rolleyes:
Quasimodem said:

I have M.P.D. (Multiple Personality Disorder) and what we have here, is a failure to communicate. :confused:

Thanks, in addition to everything else....I have to find time to watch Cool Hand Luke to get that scene out of my head. *laughs*

Whisper :rose:

Ps. Quasi, if you could do that in mirrored shades.....*drool*
I have been thinking more about this and the replies have been great... I think for me I wouldn't mind telling people ABOUT Lit per se, but I think the thing for me is that I wouldn't want people reading my stories who couldn't separate fantasy from reality. In the future I will probably write about some things that I wouldn't want to do in real life but that I want to write about, and there are probably people who would have difficulty separating that. Should I care? Probably not, but I'd rather just leave it as is for now and enjoy what I am doing.

I like the idea of a Lit conference and would consider going - I don't mind revealing my true self to YOU guys. I know other people have had "Lit-togethers" before. I vote for perdita's location of Venice. :)

Tatelou, that is a riot that someone came to your house and recognized you. That's what you get for putting such tantalizing pictures up of yourself! (But I don't think anyone here wants you to stop).

Loks like Venice it is then Purdy darling, best get my wellies out streets are a bit damp there aren't they?:D
perdita said:
Two for Venice. Who else? Person-with-penis welcome (no offense, Mhari).
I'm a penis with person, Does that count?

Venice ain't all that far away.