Asshole's Hangout

KillerMuffin said:
I see what happens to the new people who show up and don't appear to be of the same sort of biting wit that the core clique prefers. They get the cybershit kicked out of them and they have a negative Literotica experience.

I don't really think AH deserves this sort of criticism. Have you looked at the general board lately? Now there's a few assholes.

AH is a wonderful opportunity for literate people to say whatever the hell they want. That's a very precious thing. Find me somewhere else on the web where you can discuss the works of George Orwell alongside the right vernacular verb for reaching orgasm.

I submit that those who would be offended by AH are well catered for elsewhere. Sure, it may be a clique, and it may be chasing people away, but I don't think Lit in general has any shortage of readers or writers. We can afford it. Because if everyone else started having to tone down their postings because they were concerned about 'manners' those authors that are already here would start to drift away.

What about the people who don't post here so much? What do you think? If you are normally a reader rather than a writer on this board, sign in here and say what you think. Just a quick line will do. We promise not to bite. Perhaps we should even make this a poll?
"I submit that those who would be offended by AH are well catered for elsewhere" -cahab they're not. This is the Authors hangout. this is the place for authors to discuss authorly things. Get some general help and interact with other authors.

feed back and disscussion circle are all very single story can talk about a story of yours,or several stories of yours but you can't talk about general authorly stuff because they are just not the forums to do it in. Same goes for the general board/playground. They are not the place to have a discussion on tense or discuss who influences your writing etc etc.

I don't post here often anymore, I usually keep to the little non-offensive threads if i do

(Say's she posting on probably the most contreversial thread of the moment)

and that is because I feel KM is is not on to shoot down every poor newbie who posts a thread here, however ironic it is meant to be. Also it's not on to do the same to established AH figures.

A few funny comments are funny....but it has to be obvious it's meant to be funny (I must say i think Math girl does the funny interjection thing pretty well!) and sarcasm/irony online is a difficault humour to pick up upon.

Anyway,thats my opinion.
English Lady said:
"I submit that those who would be offended by AH are well catered for elsewhere" -cahab they're not. This is the Authors hangout. this is the place for authors to discuss authorly things. Get some general help and interact with other authors.

I meant on the net in general, not just Lit.
I think, therefore I am...

I believe that people who get, get it. And people who don't, don't. It's that simple.

Thank you Cahab, I like you more with every thing I read from you (well, almost haha; and probably because I know you're Yorkshire, hahaha).

The main thing that disturbs me, on Lit., to varying degrees, and evident by my one other post somewhere above, is blatant stupidity or the particularly ill use of English. Yeah, I don't like most of the activist -isms that crop up (through stupidity or ill use of English), but then I class them under stupidity or ignorance and there's not much to be done with stupid people except flatter them (even to excess it seems on the AH); with the genuinely ignorant we can try to educate.

So, let anyone say anything, however biased or crude, rude, lewd. Forfucksakes, I doubt Mab. or Svenska have lost any sleep over any of this. And would anyone not think these two can manage for themselves? I love Svenska but see no need to defend or argue with her on any of the above. I don't care for Mab. and have no need to attack him or argue about anything he's said but for the misuse of one word, and that only in definition and context, not to do with his personal intent.

I cannot help but recall my beloved Shakespeare, for many particular reasons at the moment, but mostly for how beautifully he charged some of the emptiest, most abstract words in English. It all depends on who says them, where, how, etc., and 'we' are all still trying to decipher them and will continue to do so for however many centuries (or decades) 'we' have left in this humanity of ours. How much more worthwhile is that than getting one's knickers even slightly twisted about anything that's been said on this thread.

Words, words, words. (Hamlet)
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. (Lear)
come; come, come, (Antony and Cleopatra0
Nothing, nothing, nothing... (any number of the plays)

But then there's Joyce's great "Yes" out of the mouth of Molly Bloom, Yes I said yes I will yes...

It's all past the size of dreaming,


Edit: Just realized this isn't the right 'asshole' thread; but I won't move it to the one on the use of drugs in Lit. or life. I do find humor, however ironic or dumb, that I so easily confused assholeness. Gosh, I'm not even embarrassed, what's that about Purr, Pear, Perdy?
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rhinoguy said: the collar on your previous AV
Rhineman, just to clarify further, it was a silk scarf; no 'collars' for me thanks. :rolleyes:

Nice to see you again, Perdita
Rhino, I really didn't think you were innuendoing but this is Lit. after all, so I wanted to be sure no one jumped any guns. ha ha.

ta, Perdita (not really paranoid)
Re: Seriously though

gauchecritic said:
does nobody else get this?


Well at least the thread starter got it anyway. And then had to beat all and sundry over the head with it before they got it. Sadly subtlety doesn't become you Muffin. (I know, I was that boy)

Oh my God!

They've given the "Clique" thread a new coat of paint, sex lights, and a Hollywood muffler :rolleyes: . . . but it's still the same old "clique" thread! :eek:
Re: highjacking

rhinoguy said:
[Bverbose. and it helps to have typing skills and a series of references handy.

rhino [/B]

Verbose? That I recognise. Typing skills? Two fingers are enough. References? I have a whole bookshop full.

If the bookshop was full of customers I wouldn't have time to post.

CWatson said:
As someone relatively new and still getting acclimated to the boards, I'd just like to say that the argument over in the "Drugs" thread between Dr. M and svenska (sp?) really kinda scared me. I mean, free speech is one thing, but I saw the beginnings of a major feud there, something that might have seriously soured the entire board. I post here to relax and have fun. That kind of rage is NOT what I want to see.

And yeah, I know that if I don't like what I see, I can just not look. And I'm NOT reading that thread anymore. But what happens if that label starts to apply to the entire board?

Oj with the poodles already... :(

No, CWatson. I think that since I was the first one to get really angry on that thread, I will be the one pointed out as the Rage Starter, and if so, then I'll bear that responsibility. The whole thing started when Jefferson-don't-remember-his-entire-name asked if anyone would be offended by him writing a story where the people used drugs. I, who hate drugs, and who's very passionate about this, told him yes, I would be offended, and I would not read his stories, to avoid being offended.

From this, a debate started about the dangers of drugs. I upset a lot of people by saying that I think that drug users, no matter if they smoke marijuana or inject heroin, are idiots, AND that I despise drug users as much as I despise paedophiles.

This upset two groups of people, from what I can see: a) those who use marijuana, and don't want to be called idiots-on-the-same-level-as-paedophiles, and b) those who don't use drugs themselves, but are drug liberals nonetheless.

When the liberalism went as far as Dr saying that he didn't find marijuana good for creativity, but LSD, on the other hand... I had had it. Joke or serious advocating for the use of LSD, I thought that Dr was being stupid, so I put him on my Ignore List, and told everyone so, in a very angry post.

A lot of people have since either told me that I'm being too hard on Dr and on glspade, who made a few provokative jokes that I snarled at; OR plainly told me that I shouldn't critisize drug users since I myself write about teachers who rape their students and couples who break into other people's houses to have sex.
Apparently, you have to be an angel to be allowed to critisize others. Or maybe it's just a case of the old "You may say whatever you want, as long as you don't critisize ME".

Summoning up this insanely long post... you still with me? Good.
AH isn't always this hostile. Sometimes we're very nice and friendly. Every now and then, we have a blow up, because a passionate debate turn into a take-side-and-yell feast. We've seen a lot of them. Some involve drugs, some involve garderobes...
My point is, we have a problem here, and we all have to work together to solve it. We have a gang here at AH, and we have a certain "way" of gabbing, and even when we DON'T scream at each other, our sarcasm and tough attitude scares away the newbies. Without newbies, it will forever just be us in this old gang, scratching each others' eyes out. We need to be nicer.

Newbies - grab your amulets, put on your lucky underwear, and come back for a second try - maybe this time we'll be nice!

Old gang - try to be nice!

I volunteer to start by apologizing. I'm sorry I've been so aggressive. I feel strongly for the subject we've been fighting about, but I should have chosen better words to argue my point.
I may think this or that one is stupid, and you may think the same thing about me, but we don't need to SAY it, just because we have the right to.

*throwing down the axe*
Just to say, I don't think anyone on this forum is an asshole. Things do, however, piss me off, and I haven't been online lately for that reason. Tough skin my ass...I don't have to put up with anything, and I know it. So, if the going gets tough, I take a break. I suggest anyone else that feels frustrated do the same.

Svenskaflicka said:

I volunteer to start by apologizing. I'm sorry I've been so aggressive. I feel strongly for the subject we've been fighting about, but I should have chosen better words to argue my point.
I may think this or that one is stupid, and you may think the same thing about me, but we don't need to SAY it, just because we have the right to.

*throwing down the axe*

[claps frantically]

People apologising? Whatever next? Ah, but if you stick around long enough you see a lot of that too. That's the thing with written free speech. Gives you a chance to look back and see what you actually said. Then you apologise and everyone's happy. Except those who ran away at the first sign of trouble.

See? It's not so bad, is it?
KillerMuffin said:
Is a thick skin a requirement to post here? Let me know, I've been holding back and remembering my manners. If I can rationalize my behavior away by insisting that you just need a thicker skin to put up with me, that'd be cool. I can significantly increase my AH enjoyment at your expense.
Damn! I thought this thread was about some weird medical condition. Someone out there must have an outy. I suppose I must keep looking.
Svenskaflicka said:

I may think this or that one is stupid, and you may think the same thing about me, but we don't need to SAY it, just because we have the right to.

*throwing down the axe*

Thank you, Svenskaflicka. That's my motto--mostly because it always comes back to bite me on the ass when I forget it. ;-)

And no, I don't buy the idea that a writer advocates what she writes about, and I'm sorry if I gave that impression. I'd be in deep doo-doo myself on that score...

Rectal prolapse

alltherage said:
Damn! I thought this thread was about some weird medical condition. Someone out there must have an outy. I suppose I must keep looking.
Dear All,
That was hilarious. Good luck in your search.