Asshole's Hangout

CWatson said:
As someone relatively new and still getting acclimated to the boards, I'd just like to say that the argument over in the "Drugs" thread between Dr. M and svenska (sp?) really kinda scared me. I mean, free speech is one thing, but I saw the beginnings of a major feud there, something that might have seriously soured the entire board. I post here to relax and have fun. That kind of rage is NOT what I want to see.

And yeah, I know that if I don't like what I see, I can just not look. And I'm NOT reading that thread anymore. But what happens if that label starts to apply to the entire board?

And now I'm going to go hide before someone turns my words against me. :p
Don't take the wrong attitude about this place. Squabbles boil up every now and then. This forum mirrors life itself, but sometimes at a quicker cycle.

Every now and then a little feud will come to a head, then dry up and blow away. After a while, another will fester in its place.

Nothing ever comes of it. Isn't that right KM?
Svenskaflicka said:
I volunteer to start by apologizing. I'm sorry I've been so aggressive. I feel strongly for the subject we've been fighting about, but I should have chosen better words to argue my point.
I may think this or that one is stupid, and you may think the same thing about me, but we don't need to SAY it, just because we have the right to.

*throwing down the axe*
A word to the wise, whoever this might be.
There is nothing wrong with disagreeing on a subject. That is to be expected. This place is full of opinionated people. The problem comes after you disagree and you call people morons, junkies, weirdos, idiots...etc. for their choices in life. Those choices are none of your business.

Politely say you disagree. If you have specific reasons that you feel might help others understand your position, express them. But, name calling is below the belt and childish, at best.
Stupid double post.

so, not to waste it...

Strangers in the night, what were their chances.
Strangers in the night, we turned out alright
for Strangers in...the night.

Shoobedoobedoo badoobedoobe doobedoobedoo badoobedoobe
We turned out alright, for Strangers in the night.

(Sorry Frank, nobody will ever be as good as you)
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Originally posted by DVS
There is nothing wrong with disagreeing on a subject. That is to be expected. This place is full of opinionated people. The problem comes after you disagree and you call people morons, junkies, weirdos, idiots...etc. for their choices in life. Those choices are none of your business.
Agreed. Having opinions is good, I'd be worried if people didn't. What scared me was not the opinions, but the way people started attacking each other for HAVING opinions. Especially when the argument was between two people whose posts are all over the boards, and who seem to be very respected round these parts. If this sort of thing were to be NORMAL... :eek:

But as DVS has suggested, it isn't. Evidently I stumbled upon the one REALLY nasty argument this place has seen in a while. The Law of Bad Timing and all that. So I'm glad it isn't usual, because that means I can keep posting. :D

Speaking of assholes...

I once knew a Jack
who thrilled a Jill
and built a still.
And yet, this Jack
was such an ass
he had no class
and knocked up trash.
But then one day
a slut came by
he made a try
and she got him fried.

Morale: Never stick your dick where your tongue hasn't been first.

uhm, Svenska, you might not want to talk to me then...

I'm a regular weed user who occasionally dabbles in ecstacy...

And yes, both can enhance the sexual experience.
DVS said:
A word to the wise, whoever this might be.
There is nothing wrong with disagreeing on a subject. That is to be expected. This place is full of opinionated people. The problem comes after you disagree and you call people morons, junkies, weirdos, idiots...etc. for their choices in life. Those choices are none of your business.

Politely say you disagree. If you have specific reasons that you feel might help others understand your position, express them. But, name calling is below the belt and childish, at best.

Standing ovation, well done WOo woo wooo!
Destind I could even hear the voice when I re-read it.

D... V. D... V. D... V.

more like...

DVS said:
I think it's a Chinese sexual thing. Whatever, I think it's cool. :cool:

Bad imitation julie roberts in Pretty woman when she is at the polo match..but hey sex is sex right:)

Originally posted by gauchecriticDestind I could even hear the voice when I re-read it.

D... V. D... V. D... V.


Um okaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy

Just-Legal said:
uhm, Svenska, you might not want to talk to me then...

I'm a regular weed user who occasionally dabbles in ecstacy...

And yes, both can enhance the sexual experience.

I'm not gonna start this fight all over again, but I have to say I'm disappointed in you.:(
Re: fight

rhinoguy said:
yes, don't pick at it, it will NEVER get better.

the phrase goes...
Don't pick at it, it will never heal! I heard it often, as a kid.
DVS: that's me on his back. Back off nicely. ;)

So, Rhine, where are we going today?

Rhinosaurus, you're a fine flirt; I like that in, uh, horned/y friends.



I'm flabbergasted, flummoxed and flattered. I think I'll go flaunt myself.

Perdita :kiss: