Attn: Biggbear8 - plagerism

Gabriel_Lee said:
[Re: MathGirl & DurtGirl]
Similarity? I always thought you were identical twins, but one somehow had failed!

That's it!

It's kind of like Arnold Schwartzennegger and Danny DeVito in "Twins," right? ;)
I don't understand why things like this can't be handled through pm's, email, ect., why does someone have to come out here publicly and accuse another author of stealing a story? It's even worse that others would start attacking the accused person knowing no facts whatsoever. Grown people acting like 5 year old children, rediculous.

Raindear816 said:
The way I see it, no one has won anything here.
I am personally tired of the bullshit.

Dear Raindear,
I think both sides of the issue were discussed more than thoroughly. As with most subjects like that, after it's been beaten to death, we move on to other things.

Dear Quaz,
Yes, very much like "Twins." I think of myself as being much like Arnold. Well, except for being 4'10" tall, female, and weighing 88 pounds. Other than that, we're a lot alike.
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Re: Plagarism

MathGirl said:
. . . much like Arnold. . . except for being 4'10" tall, female, and weighing 88 pounds. . . we're a lot alike.

Yeah, I know! :rolleyes:

You are both Terminators! :eek:
wake up people......

i have my own website, hell you can CHANGE ANYTHING....this so called Michelle who btw is a virgin to this site.....she can change dates in a heartbeat with NO PROOF of changing the dates....get real people...I hope Laurel didnt fall for this scam.....she has no proof but her website...big hairy ass deal...grow up Michelle and go home.....shoo....:p

love ya BB8

grins...killer muffin you crack me up.....too bad you think with you um........little head......and not the one on top of your shoulders.......

peace out:devil:
Hello folks, I’m new to this site – well new as a member not as a browser. I have to tell you all something. I’m totally baffled by what has been said here in regards to how to deal with plagiarism. It makes absolutely no sense to me. It appears you are all saying writers should lay down and let anybody steal your work. It appears you feel the appropriate way to deal with theft is all hush hush back room whispering. It appears that none of you want to maintain credit for your own work and are all quite happy to share it with anyone who changes the title. I don’t understand…

I’ve followed this thread from the beginning. I’ve heard what everybody has had to say. Doesn’t anybody find it odd that BB8 has removed his stories? Do you not think there is a possibility that he’s taken them down so he’s not found out again? I did browse a couple of them prior to their removal, they were not written by the same person, the styles were far too off for that.

BB8 may be a nice guy, he’s probably lonely and likes the attention he gets from ‘his’ writing. That is all very well and good, but don’t you think ‘he gave up’ is a lame reason for removing work he was supposedly proud of yesterday? Doesn’t anybody see this as bizarre? I mean even the site owner backed up Michelle. Are you saying the owner of this site doesn’t know what she’s doing? If so – why are you all even here?

I am a writer and an editor of a zine. I am not writing here under my known pseudonym because I have enough plagiarism problems without creating more. Let me tell you, when your work, the work you’ve pounded out yourself, created out of your own head, is stolen and claimed by somebody else, it feels like a violation. There is no reason on earth to be quiet about it. It is an illegal activity. Look at the facts boys and girls. Put your emotions to the side for five minutes and consider what has been presented to you and the actions it has caused both the owner and your friend to follow. Just what makes sense here?
Catgurl65 said:
Hello folks, I’m new to this site – well new as a member not as a browser. I have to tell you all something. I’m totally baffled by what has been said here in regards to how to deal with plagiarism. It makes absolutely no sense to me. It appears you are all saying writers should lay down and let anybody steal your work. It appears you feel the appropriate way to deal with theft is all hush hush back room whispering. It appears that none of you want to maintain credit for your own work and are all quite happy to share it with anyone who changes the title. I don’t understand…

I’ve followed this thread from the beginning. I’ve heard what everybody has had to say. Doesn’t anybody find it odd that BB8 has removed his stories? Do you not think there is a possibility that he’s taken them down so he’s not found out again? I did browse a couple of them prior to their removal, they were not written by the same person, the styles were far too off for that.

BB8 may be a nice guy, he’s probably lonely and likes the attention he gets from ‘his’ writing. That is all very well and good, but don’t you think ‘he gave up’ is a lame reason for removing work he was supposedly proud of yesterday? Doesn’t anybody see this as bizarre? I mean even the site owner backed up Michelle. Are you saying the owner of this site doesn’t know what she’s doing? If so – why are you all even here?

I am a writer and an editor of a zine. I am not writing here under my known pseudonym because I have enough plagiarism problems without creating more. Let me tell you, when your work, the work you’ve pounded out yourself, created out of your own head, is stolen and claimed by somebody else, it feels like a violation. There is no reason on earth to be quiet about it. It is an illegal activity. Look at the facts boys and girls. Put your emotions to the side for five minutes and consider what has been presented to you and the actions it has caused both the owner and your friend to follow. Just what makes sense here?
Judge, Jury AND Executioner? I don't know either individual in this little squabble, but I am going to wait until I see actual evidence of something being done.

Right now, all I have seen is one person accusing another of plagiarism. This wasn't private, but out in the open for anyone to see.

If the plagiarism charge is correct, I could see myself joining in on the bashing, but until I see proof, I can't.

Some have said they have proof, but they are all bias parties, and I don't listen to bias parties when I don't know the truth.

I will wait to see if Lit has anything to say about this before I join in on either side. If Laurel takes any action, I assume a statement of some sort will be made?

Until that time, I won't be doing anything for or against either side. There is enough of that going on.

But, don't ever include me in a rant that assumes I don't care about my work. Don't ever include me in a rant where I condone plagiarism by anyone. But also, don't ever include me in a whitewash or a lynching without proof.
Inanimate hoss whuppin'

Good grief! I thought we had talked through the subject and out the other side. Apparently not.
Re: wake up people......

spiderlady said:
i have my own website, hell you can CHANGE ANYTHING....this so called Michelle who btw is a virgin to this site.....she can change dates in a heartbeat with NO PROOF of changing the dates....get real people...I hope Laurel didnt fall for this scam.....she has no proof but her website...big hairy ass deal...grow up Michelle and go home.....shoo....:p

love ya BB8

grins...killer muffin you crack me up.....too bad you think with you um........little head......and not the one on top of your shoulders.......

peace out:devil:

Well aren't you just the idiot with egg on her face. Bigbear8 is a thief, tweedle dee the wonder dummy. Bigbear8 is a plagiarist whether you like it or not; though even scum ought to have people licking their buttcheeks like you do.

There was more proof than that. Laurel didn't fall for his scam.

At least I think with a head, dollface, you don't think at all. I also find it really pathetic that you're trying really hard to insult me and that's the best you can do. Think with my little head? Because I'm not slobbering my pussy all over BB8's theiving little face like you're doing? So what's he done to earn this loyalty? Sent you pretty cybersmut he stole from someone else? The man can barely string a sentence together with a complete thought and you honestly think he wrote coherent stories? It is to laugh.

Your friend's a thief and you're trying to absolve him. You park in handicap spots and kick kittens, too?
Clicks top of biro, ruffles through notebook for blank page. Sticks tongue out with concentration.

Memo. Never ever cross the KillerMuffin.

Underlines it. Looks at it. Underlines it again.
Re: Re: wake up people......

KillerMuffin said:
Well aren't you just the idiot with egg on her face. Bigbear8 is a thief, tweedle dee the wonder dummy. Bigbear8 is a plagiarist whether you like it or not; though even scum ought to have people licking their buttcheeks like you do.

There was more proof than that. Laurel didn't fall for his scam.

At least I think with a head, dollface, you don't think at all. I also find it really pathetic that you're trying really hard to insult me and that's the best you can do. Think with my little head? Because I'm not slobbering my pussy all over BB8's theiving little face like you're doing? So what's he done to earn this loyalty? Sent you pretty cybersmut he stole from someone else? The man can barely string a sentence together with a complete thought and you honestly think he wrote coherent stories? It is to laugh.

Your friend's a thief and you're trying to absolve him. You park in handicap spots and kick kittens, too?

lmao yup i do park in the handicap spaces and anyone that really knows me knows i have Multiple Schlerosis.....smartass see what that comment got who has egg on the face.....i hear you're the dollface of this bb....grins...NOT...least i do have the best parking spaces....
Re: Re: wake up people......

KillerMuffin said:
At least I think with a head, dollface, you don't think at all. I also find it really pathetic that you're trying really hard to insult me and that's the best you can do. Think with my little head? Because I'm not slobbering my pussy all over BB8's theiving little face like you're doing? So what's he done to earn this loyalty? Sent you pretty cybersmut he stole from someone else? The man can barely string a sentence together with a complete thought and you honestly think he wrote coherent stories? It is to laugh.

Your friend's a thief and you're trying to absolve him. You park in handicap spots and kick kittens, too?

KillerMuffin---You Rock!!!!

Everything I've wanted to say, you've eloquently said instead! :kiss:
[sticks fingers in ears]

La la la I'm not listening...
Wake up people... It's a scam, plain and simple.

Michelle's only posts to this board are in this thread. A total of four posts of her ranting and raving about her story being stolen.

That's the last we hear from her.

Enter Tate (1 post virgin), who very skillfully jumps to her defense.

That's the last we hear from him/her.

Enter Catgurl65 (surprise surprise... another 1 post virgin) who also very skillfully jumps to her defense.

End of her also.

I think that Michelle, Tate and Catgurl are the same person, at the very least, closely acquainted. It's nothing but a scam to plug Michelle's site (btw, there's a post that Laurel should've edited by now).
The scam is an easy one.. She picks on a very popular bloke knowing that she would get everyones attention. She's had more than 850 views to this thread so far and that's advertising that can't be bought.

I'm a web designer by profession, and trust me, you can chop and change a web site any way you want, especially dates (change the system date on your computer, paste the copy into a blank document, and save it over the previous version. There, it now has a new creation date - easy).

She said that she has two websites, then goes on to say that she posted her stories on her site and her editors. I'm thinking that her editors site is the other site she's talking about... heck, maybe she even edits her own stories. Either way, there's no proof here that she doesn't have access to both sites.

I think you've all been too quick to believe her BS. I have not seen any proof whatsoever that she's telling the truth. Plagiarism is a very delicate subject on this board, and it's natural to react very negative when it gets mentioned, hence Muff's input (no offense - gulp).

I've had my work lifted before on more than one occasion, I've even had parts of sites that I've created linked to and framed within other peoples sites (the bastards even stole my bandwidth). And yes it does piss me off... big time! I'm not going to jump to conclusions here because I've been bitten by thieves before and get vexed by their very mention, and neither should you.
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Re: Wake up people... It's a scam, plain and simple.

mr.Slick said:
Michelle's only posts to this board are in this thread. A total of four posts of her ranting and raving about her story being stolen.

That's the last we hear from her.

Enter Tate (1 post virgin), who very skillfully jumps to her defense.

That's the last we hear from him/her.

Enter Catgurl65 (surprise surprise... another 1 post virgin) who also very skillfully jumps to her defense.

End of her also.

I think that Michelle, Tate and Catgurl are the same person, at the very least, closely acquainted. It's nothing but a scam to plug Michelle's site (btw, there's a post that Laurel should've edited by now).
The scam is an easy one.. She picks on a very popular bloke knowing that she would get everyones attention. She's had more than 850 views to this thread so far and that's advertising that can't be bought.

I'm a web designer by profession, and trust me, you can chop and change a web site any way you want, especially dates (change the system date on your computer, paste the copy into a blank document, and save it over the previous version. There, it now has a new creation date - easy).

She said that she has two websites, then goes on to say that she posted her stories on her site and her editors. I'm thinking that her editors site is the other site she's talking about... heck, maybe she even edits her own stories. Either way, there's no proof here that she doesn't have access to both sites.

I think you've all been too quick to believe her BS. I have not seen any proof whatsoever that she's telling the truth. Plagiarism is a very delicate subject on this board, and it's natural to react very negative when it gets mentioned, hence Muff's input (no offense - gulp).

I've had my work lifted before on more than one occasion, I've even had parts of sites that I've created linked to and framed within other peoples sites (the bastards even stole my bandwidth). And yes it does piss me off... big time! I'm not going to jump to conclusions here because I've been bitten by thieves before and get vexed by their very mention, and neither should you.

mr. slick..... YOU ROCK.....but yanno I may BE handicapped Killermuffin but I do NOT have Egg on my face.....i see NO proof nothing nada for YOUR friend MICHELE....carefull what bandwagon you jump on lady....and I hope Laurel sees the same pattern as I SEE and mr. slick sees....ty....sorry i can't walk fast enuff to kick little kittens....but I do so enjoy those Handicapped parking spaces.... :p
You don't have to walk very fast at all to kick little kittens. Just stand there a while and they'll come to you, then you kick 'em. S'easy.

My lad kicks all sorts, he can't walk at all.

Re: Re: Wake up people... It's a scam, plain and simple.

spiderlady said:
mr. slick..... YOU ROCK.....but yanno I may BE handicapped Killermuffin but I do NOT have Egg on my face.....i see NO proof nothing nada for YOUR friend MICHELE....carefull what bandwagon you jump on lady....and I hope Laurel sees the same pattern as I SEE and mr. slick sees....ty....sorry i can't walk fast enuff to kick little kittens....but I do so enjoy those Handicapped parking spaces.... :p

Laurel doesn't see the same pattern you see because she's not snowed by blind allegiance to her good buddy the thief. What she does see is information you are not privy and have no rights to be privy to, even if it is proof that Michelle is telling the truth.

The simple fact is that Michelle offered convincing enough proof to have BB8's story removed. BB8's proof? His good buddies spreading innuendo. Your loyalty, misplaced and amusing as it is, is really sweet but can't overcome one simple fact. The judge in this matter has decided that there was enough evidence against BB8.

By the by, BB8's posting style looks exactly like yours. He has no ability to spell, punctuate, or use grammar. Additionally, I don't think he can even string together a coherent thought in a single sentence. It's like reading someone with only a partial use of their brain. I find it impossible to believe that someone who can barely write legibly with a keyboard could have written any of those stories.
Just curious Killer Muffin?

Reading through all this I saw Michelle had stated at the begining that BB8's story was removed. I did not see where that was confirmed, by anything, but just her saying it.
I take it you are in the know on this. So was BB8's story removed by the site managers?

Omni :rose:
Re: Just curious Killer Muffin?

Omni said:
Reading through all this I saw Michelle had stated at the begining that BB8's story was removed. I did not see where that was confirmed, by anything, but just her saying it.
I take it you are in the know on this. So was BB8's story removed by the site managers?

Omni :rose:

You're asking the correct person Omni(Killermuffin)she is the All Knows Everything....evidently she knows what Laurel does and thinks before any of us do....golly gee willickers(my best Gomer imitation) I wonder if Laurel and Manu know that Killermuffin has these awesome powers!!:nana: :rose:
Re: Re: Just curious Killer Muffin?

spiderlady said:
You're asking the correct person Omni(Killermuffin)she is the All Knows Everything....evidently she knows what Laurel does and thinks before any of us do....golly gee willickers(my best Gomer imitation) I wonder if Laurel and Manu know that Killermuffin has these awesome powers!!


Aren't you not very clever. Laurel and Manu's policies on plagiarism have been posted on the boards prior. Have it from the horse's mouth.

Laurel removed the story because there was enough evidence to do so. Whether you suck the sweat off of your best good buddy's nads and call it champagne or not, Laurel is not swayed by someone's claims of plagiarism unless there are facts to back it up.

Yes, Omni, the webmasters had the offending story removed and then BB8 requested that all stories be removed. I wouldn't be so snotty about this otherwise.

I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know either Michelle or BB8 and I have no reason to believe either of them. I do know Laurel and I have every reason to trust her judgment. I've watched her deal with plagiarism claims for three years and I have never once seen her do so unfairly or without subtantiating evidence.

Drama is so fun, isn't it? Shameful of me to wallow, but oh so much fun.
Re: Re: Re: Just curious Killer Muffin?

KillerMuffin said:

Aren't you not very clever. Laurel and Manu's policies on plagiarism have been posted on the boards prior. Have it from the horse's mouth.

Laurel removed the story because there was enough evidence to do so. Whether you suck the sweat off of your best good buddy's nads and call it champagne or not, Laurel is not swayed by someone's claims of plagiarism unless there are facts to back it up.

Yes, Omni, the webmasters had the offending story removed and then BB8 requested that all stories be removed. I wouldn't be so snotty about this otherwise.

I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know either Michelle or BB8 and I have no reason to believe either of them. I do know Laurel and I have every reason to trust her judgment. I've watched her deal with plagiarism claims for three years and I have never once seen her do so unfairly or without subtantiating evidence.

Drama is so fun, isn't it? Shameful of me to wallow, but oh so much fun.

yeahhhhh but peeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuu what are you wallowing in??????pigsty????geez ya can smell ya all over the really are fun to give "crap" to killermuffin...but alas you make it to easy and I've grown bored with your but it was fun...thank you i needed that!!!!!! have a pleasant day and remember stay outta the handicapped parking spaces or I'll turn your license in.....efg....
First of all, I just finished reading this thread and I know BB8......I to am not a good speller and I will admit it.......but one thing I will never do is come down on people for what they can't do.....Who are we to judge.

KM for someone who can come down so fast on someone for something they can't do......I feel so sorry for you and your cold heart......I will say your stories are very good.....but that is all they are all you have.......because you can not deal with real life.with every day people.......You talk about the playground and I see the coldness in you, what ashame that I don't see a smile or a person who is happy......If anyone is handicapped it is you.

The only one to take control of this are Laurel and Manu and no posting from them yet.
Gosh, I thought ............

Angelofsex said:
I to am not a good speller and I will admit it.......but one thing I will never do is come down on people for what they can't do.....Who are we to judge.

Dear AofS,
I think that's just the point. If a person posts a story on what is supposed to be a literary site, isn't it assumed that the person can ..... well .... write? Isn't it sort of a requirement for writing that the person is able to use grammar and spell?

Also, if a person posts a story to a public site, isn't that writer asking to be judged? Sure, everyone wants to hear, "Hey, good story." The person should also be prepared for, "You can't spell or use grammar."

Sure, good writing is all about the story, but some basic skills should be a given. Lacking them, the writer had better either keep the story to himself, have it edited by someone who has the skills, or duck when the brickbats come flying. Oh, maybe make it into a country and western song. They don't care.
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Angelofsex said:
I to am not a good speller and I will admit it.......

I'm a dyslexic teacher and a writer.

I've never got why some people seem almost proud to be bad spellers, especially when they're voluntarily writers too.

Work at it. I did.

And don't use more than three periods in a row. What's the matter, you got a glut?

You have to understand that for some of us you writing the wrong way makes us feel ill. Please, put some effort into it.
cahab said:
Work at it. I did.

I still am. Have a recurring nightmare, being chased by a comma the size of the dome. Keeps trying to whip me with it's tail :eek:

Seriously, I am never satisfied with anything I write. Even forum posts.

:rolleyes: :eek: