Attn: Biggbear8 - plagerism


Don't look for satisfaction, it'll come (oftimes when you least expect it, the best kind).

Loved your whipping tail comma bit, good one - bdsm punctuation.

best regards, Perdita
Re: Gosh, I thought ............

MathGirl said:
Dear AofS,
I think that's just the point. If a person posts a story on what is supposed to be a literary site, isn't it assumed that the person can ..... well .... write? Isn't it sort of a requirement for writing that the person is able to use grammar and spell?

Also, if a person posts a story to a public site, isn't that writer asking to be judged? Sure, everyone wants to hear, "Hey, good story." The person should also be prepared for, "You can't spell or use grammar."

Sure, good writing is all about the story, but some basic skills should be a given. Lacking them, the writer had better either keep the story to himself, have it edited by someone who has the skills, or duck when the brickbats come flying. Oh, maybe make it into a country and western song. They don't care.

I do understand what you are saying. If I write a story and someone edits it, is it not being taking care of. My point is coming down on someone that might have a problem with things. I know I have a problem and I try to check my spelling out, but one or two words might get by.

I have posted poems here where I over check it and it still had mistakes in it that I over look because trying to be to careful. Then it is to late to go back in to change it, once it is posted.

Some of you are writers, some like me just writes with the mood I am in. To me a writer has a job to do, this is not my job. It is something I just enjoy to do now and then. A place I could post poems. It is not like it is a book of poems I am writing to be made into a book. If I go back and read every story and every poem, I bet you a mistake did get thru. We are not perfect.

Sorry about my dots, again it is a place I enjoy to come to. If I want to write I will, if I don't then my mood isn't there.
Re: Re: Gosh, I thought ............

Angelofsex said:
Sorry about my dots, again it is a place I enjoy to come to. If I want to write I will, if I don't then my mood isn't there.

Dear A,
Don't apologize for dots. Like you, I reserve the right to use as many dots as I damn well please. Nobody can tell me different.
Do you hear me?? ................. NOBODY!! .................
P.s. Multiple exclamations, too, when I throw caution completely to the wind.
Pss. Elipse me no elipses.
cahab said:
I'm a dyslexic teacher and a writer.

I've never got why some people seem almost proud to be bad spellers, especially when they're voluntarily writers too.

Work at it. I did.

And don't use more than three periods in a row. What's the matter, you got a glut?

You have to understand that for some of us you writing the wrong way makes us feel ill. Please, put some effort into it.

It is just a fun thing. At my job, I am very good at what, this is a place I come to enjoy. I do not take it serious, life is to damm short. Just like the way I type is my way, and what you do is yours. Here I will give the writers the respect but anyplace else I am myself.
Re: Re: Re: Gosh, I thought ............

MathGirl said:
Dear A,
Don't apologize for dots. Like you, I reserve the right to use as many dots as I damn well please. Nobody can tell me different.
Do you hear me?? ................. NOBODY!! .................
P.s. Multiple exclamations, too, when I throw caution completely to the wind.
Pss. Elipse me no elipses.

Thank you very do know what I mean.:rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: it was an original way...

DVS said:
Oh, now I see why you haven't retuned my affections!

Ah dearest one, you are most certainly NOT on my ignore list. :kiss:
Sorry I didn't get back sooner, this is my first chance in a few days, and I had to wade through the rest of the thread to get to this point.

I'm wondering if anyone has asked Laurel to join the thread?

It's not possible to form informed opinions without facts. I was going to say it's not any of our business except the two parties concerned, but plagerism is our concern and this problem has been publicised.

It is important for somebody i.e. Laurel, to come along and let us know what happened and how the problem was dealt with so we know what we can expect should the same thing befall us.
This is up to Laurel and Manu to decide. The problem is between the two writers involved. We can all sit here and say this one doesn't write correctly and that one likes dots or even that we don't spell correctly. I have not written a story yet but have them in my head and when I do go to write them, I will find someone with experience to edit them for me.

This is a forum of Amateurs. Someplace to have others read what is in your heart or mind and even to tell you where you went wrong. I have not seen the perfect writer here yet.

I also know BigBear8 and I am his friend. No, I have not fucked him, sucked him, or climbed on top of him to like him. We talk on here and on the phone about life and living. He is a kind and gentle person. In my opinion, he would never steal anything from anyone.

I am also on the playground all the time and roam to other areas of Lit to see what is new or happening. I have that right. I could care less if you like my name, sig line, av or what I have to say. I talk from the heart not my asshole but someday I might write about it and you can all then read it.

I've known Michelle for couple of years and she is exemplary in the way she runs her site and deals with other authors.

I believe her when she says the story is hers, word for word, except changing names. The exact thing happened to me when my most popular story here was stolen and posted over at with a slight title change and main characters names changed. I was steaming and if a forum like this existed there, I would have asked the plagiarist why?

I don't know the gentleman in question. Michelle asked me not to post in her defense, but I decided to anyway. So if you want to lash back out, then do it at me, not her. I haven't been posting here for at least six months because I've been busy trying to earn a living at writing.

As to the handicapped reference, I am handicapped-I walk with a cane, wear oxygen 24/7 (no, I never smoked) and somedays life sucks...especially when I see someone park in a handicapped spot and hop out of the car and run into the store.

I do believe that most authors have a style. Is that not why we keep returning to read one particulars authors stories, or buy this author's mystery book over that other one?

I hope the big bear's heart is ok. I wouldn't like anyone getting so upset that it injures them over this.


visit me or email if you wish.
Re: Re: Re: Wake up people... It's a scam, plain and simple.

KillerMuffin said:
By the by, BB8's posting style looks exactly like yours. He has no ability to spell, punctuate, or use grammar. Additionally, I don't think he can even string together a coherent thought in a single sentence. It's like reading someone with only a partial use of their brain. I find it impossible to believe that someone who can barely write legibly with a keyboard could have written any of those stories.
With all due respect Muffie, although you have a very valid point, you mustn’t forget that there are a lot of creatives that are brilliant in their field without knowing the basics. Take Irving Berlin for example, who wrote over a thousand songs (including White Christmas and God Bless America). He couldn’t read or write a note of music. Same goes for Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles. A lot of famous fashion designers hire professional sketchers because they can’t draw. If a writer can’t string a decent sentence together, help is at hand. See where I’m going?

The bottom line is if someone has a talent (or vision even), menial things like being able to spell shouldn’t get in the way.

As for BB8, he does have vision. He may be lousy at displaying it first hand, but it’s there. Go to the limerick thread ( and flip through the last 40 or so pages and you’ll see him churning them out like sausages. Not just any old crap, but the bantering, to and fro type where quick thinking and wit is involved.

BTW, it’s funny how Michelle (or Tate or Catgurl65 – take your pick) hasn’t resurfaced again. Instead, she’s looked good and hard to find a ‘non’ one post newbie to continue her scam. Along comes mlyn (who, oddly enough, hasn’t posted here in over six months), to beef up her story and to cheekily add a link to her own website at the end of her post.

It’s a scam people. Michelle’s clocked over 1250 views to this thread so far, many of which must’ve clicked on her link. I must admit, it’s quite ingenious.

*edited to add*
It looks like mlyn’s website link has mysteriously disappeared (Hi Laurel), but it was there for a while just on top of the “visit me or email if you wish.” line
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I apologize about the web addy and email

I didn't realize those were now a "no no." No big deal.

beyond that, I wish I had more time for the boards, but I found that I was reading all these posts and not writing... and that was not good. Something had to go.

But I owe a vote of thanks to the readers who read my stories and encouraged me. without the words of praise I never would have submitted a story to an epub.

find my email and addy on my info page :rose:
Good God! What is it...

I am not plugging my website. I didn't even say the name in the second post. I just want to give people a chance to contact me, if they choose. I won't post here and then disappear. But I am seeing the major reason I did stop before- it is wasteful 2 word posts like this! Why bother!

Now, don't bother to visit. No, not plug plug. Just ignore. As I shall hopefully go back to writing my 6th book to be published.
Re: Good God! What is it...

mlyn said:
I am not plugging my website. I didn't even say the name in the second post. I just want to give people a chance to contact me, if they choose. I won't post here and then disappear. But I am seeing the major reason I did stop before- it is wasteful 2 word posts like this! Why bother!

Now, don't bother to visit. No, not plug plug. Just ignore. As I shall hopefully go back to writing my 6th book to be published.

First visit my website, then buy my books

The whey I sea it, this thred is just a humungus reasin to be a editer. I kan due theez wurds with al body openins shut. Most exspecially the ize. Sind me a privit mesage if ewe want asistince.

(No, MG, I'm not attempting to emulate you, just have the desire to add my 3 cents.)

Toothless grins to all,
Why said:
I still am. Have a recurring nightmare, being chased by a comma the size of the dome. Keeps trying to whip me with it's tail :eek:

Seriously, I am never satisfied with anything I write. Even forum posts.

:rolleyes: :eek:

I say this to the kids, to my friends, and I'll say it to you (not to imply you're not a friend, necessarily); the best way to learn to write is to read.

Very few people read enough to be good writers, but because so much of what they see and hear is written they aspire to do it anyway. if you read enough, it will come naturally; writing anything the wrong way will look wrong immediately without having to analyse why it's wrong.

I used to read about two or three novels a week, on average. If you're serious about writing, it's something you have to do.

You can be a writer without it, but chances are you won't be very good. You can be a bad writer even with it, if you really try.
cahab said:
Very few people read enough to be good writers,
Cahab, you are so right on. I tell people this too, and it's why I began reading anything (the newspaper) aloud to my sons as infants. They love to read, and write very well (and had a shit American public school education). My parents were bi-lingual but illiterate, yet my father had my brothers and I reading an encyclopedia at 5.

I have many foreign friends who speak fluent English (better than I could speak their language) and when they ask for help with their writing in English I always tell them to read (anything). Watching TV seems to help many pickup English but only reading helps w/writing it.

I realized after I began writing (in my 20s) that I could do what I could do because of what I'd read, and so kept doing it (though I love to read for a great variety of reasons).

Thanks so much for your post, Perdita
cahab said:
I say this to the kids, to my friends, and I'll say it to you (not to imply you're not a friend, necessarily); the best way to learn to write is to read.

Very few people read enough to be good writers, but because so much of what they see and hear is written they aspire to do it anyway. if you read enough, it will come naturally; writing anything the wrong way will look wrong immediately without having to analyse why it's wrong.

I used to read about two or three novels a week, on average. If you're serious about writing, it's something you have to do.

You can be a writer without it, but chances are you won't be very good. You can be a bad writer even with it, if you really try.

cahab: I do read ;) A lot.

You seem to want to lecture me. lol

So some long winded words for you.

I have been trying to get published mainstream for over 6 years, only now making any head way. Slow progress, one day at a time, but plodding on. Quite sure I will fail in the end, but it is fun to do and keeps me sane.

The reason I came to this site was to read an author on the "role playing" thread gave me the link. They wished me to read their work and give them a critique. I duly did and have lurked a while since. Mainly because I was interested how people here approached the subject they were writing in.

A lot is pure puerile porn and as interesting as a left over plate of cabbage. There are some gems, but you have to look hard to find them among the cardboard cut out stories. But the same can be said of every writing fourm on the net, in whatever genre you wish to look at.

Good and bad.

I could supply you with my reading list if you wish? ;)
Why said:
cahab: I do read ;) A lot.

You seem to want to lecture me. lol

Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Sorry, everyone, if I sounded a little pompous, bit this gets on my tits just the teensiest little bit.

I could supply you with my reading list if you wish? ;)

God god, no. I have enough trouble keeping up with the stuff I have to read for work, and the genre I write in, without adding more to the pile. And I'm an editor. Am I nuts? What the hell am I doing reading this? [falls over backwards frothing at mouth]
cahab said:
Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Sorry, everyone, if I sounded a little pompous, bit this gets on my tits just the teensiest little bit.

God god, no. I have enough trouble keeping up with the stuff I have to read for work, and the genre I write in, without adding more to the pile. And I'm an editor. Am I nuts? What the hell am I doing reading this? [falls over backwards frothing at mouth] [/B]

:D Glad I have the same affect on you as I do others.:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Wake up people... It's a scam, plain and simple.

mr.Slick said:
With all due respect Muffie, although you have a very valid point, you mustn’t forget that there are a lot of creatives that are brilliant in their field without knowing the basics. Take Irving Berlin for example, who wrote over a thousand songs (including White Christmas and God Bless America). He couldn’t read or write a note of music. Same goes for Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles. A lot of famous fashion designers hire professional sketchers because they can’t draw. If a writer can’t string a decent sentence together, help is at hand. See where I’m going?

Grrr Arrgh Bleccch... No, I'm sorry, I can't even be bothered any more.

Crap crap crap crap crap. Crappy crappy crap crap.

See, someone else can do the menial stuff like turning that into a reasoned argument for me.