Author's Hangout Poll

Should the AH have a clean up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Re: OK

pop_54 said:
I do object very strongly to the high and mighty attitude of the few regulars who immediately jump on said newbie and tell them to go to another forum with their excitement, to you few, get a real life folks and try to understand real people and their feelings.

Pops, I have no qualms about owning up to having done this. I merely thought I was helping out by directing said newbies to the right place in Litland. There have been threads where it was thought a relatively good idea to re-direct people posting for 'story feedback requests' as this is not the Story Feedback Board.

I do try to be polite and welcoming and if I notice that somebody needs 'guiding', then yep, I help guide.

In relation to your hi-jacking of the threads comment, it is up to the original thread opener to keep the posters on the topic. More often than not, the thread openers are not on Litland 24/7 and are not therefore able to keep people on the straight and narrow.

Gauche, hey don't you go knocking my poll, it's my very first one. ;) I've never really felt the urge before. And, whats more, I didn't ask anything personally sexually revealing in it. So I think all up I've done quite well. :)

Thanks for adding your thoughts guys.
Re: Re: OK

wildsweetone said:
Pops, I have no qualms about owning up to having done this. I merely thought I was helping out by directing said newbies to the right place in Litland. There have been threads where it was thought a relatively good idea to re-direct people posting for 'story feedback requests' as this is not the Story Feedback Board.

I do try to be polite and welcoming and if I notice that somebody needs 'guiding', then yep, I help guide.

In relation to your hi-jacking of the threads comment, it is up to the original thread opener to keep the posters on the topic. More often than not, the thread openers are not on Litland 24/7 and are not therefore able to keep people on the straight and narrow.

Thanks for adding your thoughts guys.

You weren't really included in that dear, neither were any of the folks who guide others as best they can, but there have been a few who resort to a one line* This isn't a feedback forum go somewhere else* sort of reply. This is not guidance or constructive.
These newbies who seek their 15 minutes of fame in here should be given same, then maybe the post could be politely moved elsewhere without the curt replies.

Nice poll dear by the way, stirred up some comment on a serious note, good thing.
Thanks for replying pops. :)

I think that the one liner directive answers are now a fairly rare thing. It's a learning curve for all of us.

For me personally, Literotica has given me a great deal and I figure that if I can give back in a postive kind of way then good.

I also think that each area of Litland has its own special feel, the Author's Hangout is no different in that respect. It's a nice place to call in and chat about writing problems/thoughts/suggestions and it's a nice place to catch up on the locals.

This is a great place to learn with a mostly great bunch of 'normal everyday' people.

I don't want to scare off newcomers... heaven knows it's often difficult enough to make those first few postings as it is without having a dozen people swamp you and smother any writing inkling you may have thought you had.

Just tempering things was all I was ultimately after. :)
I think these problems tend to be self-correcting, too, but I have another perspective on it as well.

The General Board has, by almost all accounts, a terrible reputation everywhere except the General Board itself. But the GB -- despite all the flaming and outright stupidity at times -- has something the Author's Hangout doesn't and (in some ways) can never have: almost infinite variety. Not variety of subjects (although it has that too, most of the time) but variety in the personality of the participants.

The only real problem with the AH forum degenerating with so many frivolous threads, as I see it, is that two things will happen: 1) some of the regulars will stop coming around because they're not comfortable with the threads (because they have no interest in contributing); and 2) fewer new authors will be interested in joining the forum, because they won't see any value and because it'll seem too clique-ish. Both of these things translate into less variety. Since I like variety, I hope that doesn't happen.

Good thread, WSO -- obviously it struck a chord with a number of people.
I think that we chat here because our friends on Lit are here. The problem is that some people (myself included, I admit) have a hard time drawing the line. It's fine to start a chat thread and chat there for a few days, right? but if you start a new thread for every single've got a dozen chats going on and people interested in the traditional AH threads can't even find them. I found this thread at the bottom of the page, for instance.

It's fun but also a problem when a board moves so fast. Things that we might be interested in are getting bumped down by chatty threads, and interesting threads we want to read are getting swarmed by chat within themselves. It's hard to organize our thoughts...

A note to everyone: Keep the chatting up, because that's what makes us us, but keep it to a low buzz instead of a roar. Get what I'm saying?

A Modest Proposal ...

(To those who spotted it: yes, but not that one!)

If Literotica had a separate forum called "Jokes and Jolly Japes" all the scatological humorous threads could be there and not constipate (Sorry) the AH.

Even the GB might become useable.

PS. Incidentally, why do Editors have a Forum but Authors only have a Hangout?
A Modest Proposal ...

(To those who spotted it: yes, but not that one!)

If Literotica had a separate forum called "Jokes and Jolly Japes" all the scatological humorous threads could be there and not constipating (Sorry) the AH.

Even the GB might become useable.

PS. Incidentally, why do Editors have a Forum but Authors only have a Hangout?
A Modest Proposal ...

(To those who spotted it: yes, but not that one!)

If Literotica had a separate forum called "Jokes and Jolly Japes" all the scatological humorous threads could be there and not constipating (Sorry) the AH.

Even the GB might become useable.

PS. Incidentally, why do Editors have a Forum but Authors only have a Hangout?
A Modest Proposal ...

(To those who spotted it: yes, but not that one!)

If Literotica had a separate forum called "Jokes and Jolly Japes" all the scatological humorous threads could be there and not constipating (Sorry) the AH.

Even the GB might become useable.

PS. Incidentally, why do Editors have a Forum but Authors only have a Hangout?