The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

"Lust Demon's Orgy" has lost 7 votes and climbed .09 points (4.36 to 4.45).
"By Voice and By Candle" has lost 1 vote and climbed .18 points (4.35 to 4.53) to be awarded a red H.
And in the meantime they're at 4.55 (red H, yay!) and 4.62.

I think I've attracted some new readers with the brother-sister I/T stroker that was published this morning. Boy, are they in for a surprise tomorrow!
Screenshot 2023-10-30 120349.png

T-Totally stunned, two over 4.5. Of course, they aren't going to help me in the contest, as I won't even get enough votes to count. But still, if I hang on for one more vote without my feet being cut out from under me, I get to keep at least one H.
One only has 6 votes, lol.

63k words was a bit ambitious, I suppose.
It’s hard to get people to read / vote on longer works (though 63k is more than twice as long as anything I have written - Coleoidphilia is about that length, but in three episodes).

View attachment 2284520

T-Totally stunned, two over 4.5. Of course, they aren't going to help me in the contest, as I won't even get enough votes to count. But still, if I hang on for one more vote without my feet being cut out from under me, I get to keep at least one H.
Are you sure you need just one more vote? Wanna check again? 🤔
11 on one story (over the limit) and 16 on the other. Oy vey, now, I'm a real writer.
I thew you a quick 5* off the bat but did just finish reading blood sacrifice in earnest and can happily report it was well earned. Good scene setting is my jam and you did this splendidly. I loved the seaside Gothic moodiness.
I thew you a quick 5* off the bat but did just finish reading blood sacrifice in earnest and can happily report it was well earned. Good scene setting is my jam and you did this splendidly. I loved the seaside Gothic moodiness.
It's my tribute to Varney the Vampire. I'm hoping to ride this horse until she dies a painful, slow death. Well, maybe not that long.
Mine rounded out at 4.75. Not a winner, but I'm happy with that. Had enough fun doin it that I'll definitely try to keep up with these contests and keep that goin. Congrats to the winners.
Congratulations to the winners. Well done! Altissimus, Jackie O Hikaru and SimonDoom !
Where was the result announced?

ETA: Never mind, found it.

ETA2: And of course congratulations to the winners, and to everyone who gets a participation trophy!
Well, sometime after midnight, not sure what zone, it'll all be over, but the crying and celebrating. Good luck to us all.
Well, this was a big surprise. My story was published only a week ago, and based on where it stood after one day I thought it had no chance. Additional votes and a few sweeps helped. It's by far the highest-scoring story I've ever had.

This is a cool milestone for me: My $75 for third place is the first time in my life that I have earned money for writing fiction. Woo hoo! I've gone pro.

Congrats to Altissimuss and Jackie.O.Hikaru, and thanks to those who voted on my story.

Thanks also to @TarnishedPenny, who did a beta reading, and whose suggestions, most of which I followed, made it a better story.
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