Ban Surgery for Athletes!!!

straying a bit . . .


Your tongue pushed so far into your cheek makes me wonder if you've recently had wisdom teeth removed.

I think it is ironic that some of the most recent discoveries of abusers of athletic enhancing drugs is the result of an IRS investigation and not the various enforcement mechanisms set up by each sport.

Kidding aside concering medical advancements, there is a serious concern that is illustrated by the most recent revelations. Too much is made of USE and not enough is talked about ABUSE. Many of the medications involved in sports controversy have valid therapeutic uses.
Jenny _S said:
Anabolic Steroids may make a better player for his 10 or so seasons active seasons, but there are another 30-50 years after his playing years to concider.

Dear Jenny,
I doubt if ten percent of pro athletes give a damn about the long term effects. They will do anything for stardom and big bucks during their playing careers. Most do not use steroids, though. Not because of long term effects, but because they play a position in which steroids does not enhance performance or they're afraid of getting caught.
Ps. I've been told that in bodybuilding competition, they have special events for "natural" bodybuilders. They're quite minor league compared witht the steroid pumped Mr Universe events. There are two women bodybuilders who use my gym. They are both grotesquely muscular, hairy, baritones.
Re: straying a bit . . .

OldnotDead said:
Math, Your tongue pushed so far into your cheek makes me wonder if you've recently had wisdom teeth removed.
Many of the medications involved in sports controversy have valid therapeutic uses.
Dear OnD,
Thank you for noticing that. It makes for a rather interesting thread, though, doesn't it?

My mother is a professor of pharmacology (MD, PhD), and she has been teaching me about drugs since I was a child. Yes, anabolic steroids have a legitimate use in certain wasting, debilitating diseases. The body builders who use them, though, take massive doses. I've leafed through "Muscle and Fitness" at my gym, and there are lots of articles on how to use them for maximum development. Those magazines also have ads from foreign companies that will be happy to send you Winstrol, DecaDurabolin, etc. through the mail if you give them your credit card number.

The "serious" body builders at my gym (a bunch of real jerks) don't chat about exercise and weight regimens. It's all about the latest "step method" for dosing of anabolic steroids.
Ps. Dear PS, Thank you for that comment. Don't hold your breath until your proposal is adopted. It's too sane.
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Re: Re: straying a bit . . .

MathGirl said:
Dear PS, Thank you for that comment. Don't hold your breath until your proposal is adopted. It's too sane.
That's the word I couldn't think of - sane. Pierce simply makes too much sense.

PierceStreet said:


So you have comics like this weeks' Tank MacNamara with a Dad struggling to explain to his six year old son what Sexual Assault means, words he is hearing in the sports report.

What can we do to make ESPN not sound like Court TV?


As a father with children who are very into playing sports, and just beginning to pay attention to the professionals, I found your comment very apt.

Watching some of the behavior by the so-called professionals on screen, I felt like I had been transported to the kid's playground.

Except, the kid's are better behaved, more courteous, and in many cases, better sports.

Since when did professional behavior get dropped from being a "professional" anything?

sailorm72003 said:
Since when did professional behavior get dropped from being a "professional" anything?
Hi, sailor, new in town?,
Thankfully, there are some very good role models. There are at least two in the World Series right now: Derek Jeter and Ivan Rodriguez.
MathGirl said:
Hi, sailor, new in town?,
Thankfully, there are some very good role models. There are at least two in the World Series right now: Derek Jeter and Ivan Rodriguez.

Very true, Jeter is one of the Good Guys.

Paul Molitor, of the Minnesota Twins a few years back is another. I loved taking the kids to the games when we lived there, especially when one of his "family nights" was happening. He did a lot of work with kids, sandlot leagues, little league days, etc.

I don't know anything about Rodriguez, so I'll take your word for it!
