Biden admin tightens gun show loophole

It’s a huge blow to 2A. This action, combined with the bump stock ban pretty much destroys our right to own firearms. Basically a bullet to the head of 2A and two to the torso. They won, we lost. I’m melting mine down now before the cops come and arrest me for possession.
No it isn't. You just can't buy a shit ton and sell it at gun shows without declaring yourself a business. Fucking drama queens.
No it isn't. You just can't buy a shit ton and sell it at gun shows without declaring yourself a business. Fucking drama queens.
You take that BACK! You guys saved millions of school children, half the Chicago and Detroit projects, and millions of kids whose parents encourage them to play with loaded weapons behind thier backs. You guys are making a DIFFERENCE! 🤣
No it isn't. You just can't buy a shit ton and sell it at gun shows without declaring yourself a business. Fucking drama queens.
I was being sarcastic. It’s a nothing burger but the action seems to have cheered up some people on this forum and that’s a good thing. Enjoy the weekend.
You take that BACK! You guys saved millions of school children, half the Chicago and Detroit projects, and millions of kids whose parents encourage them to play with loaded weapons behind thier backs. You guys are making a DIFFERENCE! 🤣
You'll never guess where the majority of illegal guns come from.
You'll never guess where the majority of illegal guns come from.
Who cares! You guys and Uncle Joe pretty much cured cancer. Woo-hoo! Pat yourselves on the back! Congrats. The people of America should stop dying due to gun violence in 3...2..1....... Maybe now...3...2...1...
They'd shit if they knew their was a Facebook Marketplace "loophole" page awhile back before the Zuckerbergs took it down. I got 3 great rifles on that page which I have to this day.

And very single firearm I ever bought at a show was Brady'ed. The private sellers ran their stuff through a dealer's books for purposed of being there. There was/is no loophole. There are whingers and liars, however.
Great! So there's no issue with what Biden did then.
There it is .....
Isn't that precious. Got nothing better to come back with after you and Uncle Joe reduced gun violence to nill, and you are compelled to get the last word in via that retardation? If I didn't know better, it would seem you are less than enthusiastic at the fruits of your brilliant move against the rights of fellow Americans. Why aren't you happy about your win? 🤣
Aren't gun shows the only way you can acquire firearms? You obviously couldn't pass a background investigation...
No. There are legal gun stores at least in some states. I hate to say it, but I have nephews who own a couple of them.
The pro school massacre contingent chimes in with the ammosexual opinion.
The dumb fuck drone contingent chimes in with their as always useless shit. They can't refute what is said so you try to character assassinate the messenger. Such a Fascist thing to do.
And not just “guns”; but specific guns, modifications, and accessories that allow psychos to mass murder more effectively / efficiently.

"You can have my extended magazine and bump stock when you pry them from my cold dead hands!"
Isn't that precious. Got nothing better to come back with after you and Uncle Joe reduced gun violence to nill, and you are compelled to get the last word in via that retardation? If I didn't know better, it would seem you are less than enthusiastic at the fruits of your brilliant move against the rights of fellow Americans. Why aren't you happy about your win? 🤣
Yah, I wasn't coming back about my position there, Sparky. The position being commentated on there was the "who cares" position about gun violence

Do try and keep up.

I prefer to stop assholes from selling their guns to the black market at gun shows, so they don't end up in the hands of people who wish to do harm.
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There is no 'gun show loophole' and there never was, you fools have been sold a bill of goods and you bought it, hook, line, and sinker. This latest edict from the wannabe dictator is going to go down in flames like the rest of his edicts.
There is no 'gun show loophole' and there never was, you fools have been sold a bill of goods and you bought it, hook, line, and sinker. This latest edict from the wannabe dictator is going to go down in flames like the rest of his edicts.
If there wasn’t a loophole why would someone make a post about closing a nonexistent loophole “going down in flames”?
The Black Market is in . . . the Black Market. It isn't at gun shows. I've seen people I suspected of being potential straw purchasers and watched them circle a table looking for goodies, and then watched them balk when presented with the background check paperwork and then head for the exits. The Kool-Aid that was drunk in this case is that gun shows are large bazaars where anything goes and thugs roam the aisles. Did I mention the cops working the doors? Cops work the doors. The occasional fed roams the aisles.

"Gun Show Loophole" is a Clintonista false equivalency.