Bisexual or bicurious women.

Girl watching

Recently while sitting in an Applebees bar in the Jacksonville Florida airport, waiting for the mechanics to fix the plane so it doesn’t fall out of the sky, I realized I have a sort of new hobby. It’s not that I didn’t indulge in this hobby before but, I now do it for totally different reasons, at least that is what I think. Okay so the bartender is very cute, about 5 foot 6 inches tall, she has long straight hair just touching her shoulders, the color I would have if I didn’t get it colored every other week, but she is probably 25 years old at best. She has wonderfully blue eyes, and just enough makeup to be just enough. Her body appears to be quite athletic, with a perfectly shaped ass, in my mind, just perfect (I don’t know how to describe it any other way) very sexy. She has a very confident way of going about her job, flirting just at the right moment, and in a way that makes every customer want her, male or female. I want her! My mind is full of indecent naughty thoughts. Which brings us to the adjustment in my hobby, I will admit I have always been a “girl watcher,” but mostly only to admire fashion, makeup, or hair style, maybe attitude and the way she carries herself. Now it is with lust. I stare at women, almost all women, I still notice fashion, and style, but now I am prone to undressing them with my fantasies. There are many choices, starting with what kind of lingerie she may have on. What do her nipples look like, are those real breasts, and is she shaved, well trimmed, or an unruly tangle of pubic hair between her legs. I look at her legs, when she is wearing a dress, or shorts. I study her ass if she is walking away, and often turn to watch her ass if she had walk towards me. I love a woman with sexy lips, and if I can get close enough to inhale her fragrance I’m in heaven. I also imagine what she may smell like when aroused. Now, when I was younger (certainly not before I turned 18 or was it 21) I was often the object of male stares, off handed comments, and hands that should not have touched me. Even now it happens, the other day it was a comment by a younger male something about a “cougar.” I always thought “just a dirty old man” what do you expect.
So, the question is… I’m I now that “dirty old woman”… I certainly do enjoy watching women, but, in a completely different way then before, now that I’m filled with lust for the romance of a woman, I stare, I follow, and I fantasize…

Oh what a beautiful posting. I think I am that dirty old woman, too. It can be very stimulating to watch a woman, include her in the fantasies and looking forward to masturbating on the memories of her. Makes it sooo intense!
You are really a lovely pervert, Petereater.

And I almost missed this thread because I thought it doesn't apply to me being lesbian, not bisexual.
Oh what a beautiful posting. I think I am that dirty old woman, too. It can be very stimulating to watch a woman, include her in the fantasies and looking forward to masturbating on the memories of her. Makes it sooo intense!
You are really a lovely pervert, Petereater.

And I almost missed this thread because I thought it doesn't apply to me being lesbian, not bisexual.
I never thought I would find such enjoyment watching women, well maybe not only watching, but lusting after, my mind truly can undress her, cause all kinds of naughty thoughts, leaving a smile of pleasure from just a moments glimpse. It is fun.

I think this thread is for all like minded women, and all women are welcome no mater the label society, or they themself place on one’s self. Enjoy and smile. 💐💋
Is anyone else just kind of lingering and bored this morning?

Not yet but I just got here a few minutes ago. Hopefully I'll find enough on here to keep from being too bored :)

Plus I always want to give a happy "Good Morning!" to all of the ladies here, and hope your Tuesday is pleasant and fulfilling.
Since joining this site I have made a few wonderful friends, not a lot but a few. It has been nice especially during the craziness of the last two years. I have been chatting with, getting to know, and sharing with a wonderful lady friend from this thread. Sometimes it is such a wonderful experience to just be able to let go, have discussion, clear your chest and share parts of you that you don't normally share. The secrets we normally keep from the rest of the world. It has also been a delightful turn on being able to share and chat openly about everything and not have to hide who I am.
Since joining this site I have made a few wonderful friends, not a lot but a few. It has been nice especially during the craziness of the last two years. I have been chatting with, getting to know, and sharing with a wonderful lady friend from this thread. Sometimes it is such a wonderful experience to just be able to let go, have discussion, clear your chest and share parts of you that you don't normally share. The secrets we normally keep from the rest of the world. It has also been a delightful turn on being able to share and chat openly about everything and not have to hide who I am.
Its great to connect in this time with someone you can share and be open with
So glad for you
Its great to connect in this time with someone you can share and be open with
So glad for you
It is and I don't mind chatting with people about anything whether it's just chatting about or life or erotic topics. I just like talking and getting to know people in general. It is always fun to make friends even if it isn't strictly a sexual conversation. Any of the ladies in this thread can feel free to message me anytime even if it is just to say Hi.
Hi ladies! I’m gone for a while and come back to a whole new look for Lit. I like it! How are you ladies this morning?