
WynEternal said:
LOL. You're right. He's beyond "evil." ;)

You're just saying that because I made you stand outside in a parking lot naked while I took photos :D

And anyway, "EVIL" spelled backwards is "LIVE"
And we all want to LIVE, don't we? :devil:
bondagegurl said:
~*giggles*~ not that evil it bad... but... damn!

Boy, if you think that was bad remind me never to tell you about my friend Tew's b-day "present".......
bunny bondage said:
being tickled gives me super-human strength! i'd have to be lashed down with iron bars or something! :p

Yes, tickling my sub is not the wisest of things to do. I don't think I have ever seen anyone react that badly to that sort of thing ever. It's like 0 to bitch in .3 seconds.LOL I try to avoid that, it makes our playtime go a bit more smoothly.
James G 5 said:
You're just saying that because I made you stand outside in a parking lot naked while I took photos :D

And anyway, "EVIL" spelled backwards is "LIVE"
And we all want to LIVE, don't we? :devil:

AGHH!!! :eek:
James G 5 said:
Boy, if you think that was bad remind me never to tell you about my friend Tew's b-day "present".......

i must admit, i'm curious... but afraid to ask.. lol
lektra said:
I'm asking. Pretty Please?

Since you asked nice :D
As Wyn can confirm, Tew is one of THE biggest pain sluts I know
(I asked her once what her idea of a good time on a Saturday night was and she said "Being chained naked to a rough concrete wall I can rub my nipples against while I'm whipped till I bleed, then being let down to be fisted until I'm relaxed enough for a nice, dry anal fuck", if that lets you know how far out she is pain-wise)
I had given Tew b-day beatings 2 birthdays in a row, and we were talking one day about her upcoming birthday
She commented that I couldn't POSSIBLY do anything REALLY cruel, since she'd had 2 times already for me to work my way thru my toybag & all my tricks. Her exact words were "You can't make me cry. You can't make me beg."
Of course, throwing out such a challenge to a dedicated sadist such as myself is just dangerous.......
Tew was collared at the time & I knew her Dom. He worked a job that kept him away for 6 weeks at a time. He left 2 weeks before her b-day and wouldn't be back for 4 after. I set it up with him that he wouldn't play with her OR give her sex for a week before he left. Tew NEEDS attention, so she was ITCHING when she saw me on her b-day, thrilled that she was with someone who her Dom had approved (no matter how shaky she got she wouldn't do anything he didn't approve).
SO. We met at a local scene club. I striped her down to her panties, strapped on her collar & cuffs, laid out all my toys, blindfolded her, and bound her face first to a cross
I then proceeded to spend almost 2 HOURS taking out my toys, running them softly across her body, snapping whips right NEXT to her head, thumping crops on the cross, etc etc, all without ever actually HITTING her or giving her any sexual stimulation
After about 30 minutes, she figured out the game
By an hour, she was begging for me to touch her (anyone ever see the original "Devil In Mrs Jones"??)
As the second hour was nearing a close, I whispered in her ear "I arranged it all with your Master...NO one may touch you, not for play or sex, nor may you play with yourself, till he gets back next MONTH"
Then she cried :D
So much for her coments ;)
Then, as some friends laid out plastic on the floor, I unbuckled her and laid her back on it and 5 of us got birthday cake candles (hell yes they burn, told you she liked it!) and we dribbled hot wax on her while we sang "Happy Birthday"
I had to give her a LITTLE treat, now didn't I? ;)

BTW, as a disclaimer........I share a lot of things here, and before anyone says anything about me telling others' private business, our conversations leading up to this were carried out in public chatrooms online, and the event itself was at a scene club.........I don't discuss stuff that the other parties involved want kept private ;)
bunny bondage said:
i'm beginning to cringe at the mere sight of your avatar, james.

Says the girl who writes "violent rape" fantasies :p

Really, I'm not so bad :devil:
Wyn, Moon, tell bunny what a sweet, sweet man I REALLY am as a Master :D
violent rape is one thing, being tickled is another! and being denied ANY contact whatsoever is something completly unrelated!!! i used to date a guy who was VERY good at witholding himself from me, he'd wait until i was begging, literally tugging at him and his clothing until he'd even aknowledge my existence. *shudder* i'm not sure if i'd call that fuel for nightmares or the most fun sex ever. and oddly enough, he'd delight in tickling the soles of my feet and the backs of my knees. sound familiar?
bunny bondage said:
violent rape is one thing, being tickled is another! and being denied ANY contact whatsoever is something completly unrelated!!! i used to date a guy who was VERY good at witholding himself from me, he'd wait until i was begging, literally tugging at him and his clothing until he'd even aknowledge my existence. *shudder* i'm not sure if i'd call that fuel for nightmares or the most fun sex ever. and oddly enough, he'd delight in tickling the soles of my feet and the backs of my knees. sound familiar?

You've met my evil twin?
Oh no wait, I'M the evil twin
Oh wait
We're BOTH evil :D

Sadism is a happy thing :D

Most fun sex EVER! :D
bunny bondage said:
i'm beginning to cringe at the mere sight of your avatar, james.

LOL His avatar shouldn't make you cringe. It's the mind behind the sweet looking avatar. :D

But honestly, James is one of the sweetest guys I know in r/l. Wouldn't harm a fly (unless they asked for it). ;)
James G 5 said:
Says the girl who writes "violent rape" fantasies :p

Really, I'm not so bad :devil:
Wyn, Moon, tell bunny what a sweet, sweet man I REALLY am as a Master :D

Yeah, he's sweet alright. Will even give you the cape right off his back if you're nekkid. hehe :devil:

And no, I'm not being bribed to say this. LOL
Happy Birthday TEW you From James

As a friend to both James and Tew, I can honestly say that she lives for her birthday knowing James will be somewhere in the celebration. I truly believe that if he wasn't, it would cause her her more pain than any weapon, mind fuck or torture anyone coud give her. If James hasn't been a part, I am sure she doesn't look forward to them like she once did. As for James being cruel ::vicious smiles:: Its all in the perspective of the person considering the act. Cruelity is a choice made by getting what you wish for. So be careful what you wish for, you may just get it...and by James. Also be careful what you say CAN'T be done, because it can be and done right! ~M~ :kiss:
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Lookie, I've dragged another one in here :D
Folks, say hi to my Mentor's long term partner :D

MystiqDrgn said:
As a friend to both James and Tew, I can honestly say that she lives for her birthday knowing James will be somewhere in the celebration. I truly believe that if he wasn't, it would cause her her more pain than any weapon, mind fuck or torture anyone coud give her. If James hasn't been a part, I am sure she doesn't look forward to them like she once did. As for James being cruel ::vicious smiles:: Its all in the perspective of the person considering the act. Cruelity is a choice made by getting what you wish for. So be careful what you wish for, you may just get it...and by James. Also be careful what you say CAN'T be done, because it can be and done right! ~M~ :kiss:
James G 5 said:
Lookie, I've dragged another one in here :D
Folks, say hi to my Mentor's long term partner :D
Thank you James. I just can't get used to this "virgin" it like eating cherries until it grows back? ::vicious smile:: ~M~
MystiqDrgn said:
Thank you James. I just can't get used to this "virgin" it like eating cherries until it grows back? ::vicious smile:: ~M~

Unlike real life where doing it once undoes it forever, here you have to do it 30 times :D
Bunny! He ain't so bad....(Where's my ten bucks James?) Really though, James is a very good Top and excellent at what he does, and he isn't to scary once you get to know him :) But don't let him know I told you that! <<snickers and hides behind the scenes again>> :kiss: :rose:

James G 5 said:
Says the girl who writes "violent rape" fantasies :p

Really, I'm not so bad :devil:
Wyn, Moon, tell bunny what a sweet, sweet man I REALLY am as a Master :D
MoonduskSub said:
Bunny! He ain't so bad....(Where's my ten bucks James?) Really though, James is a very good Top and excellent at what he does, and he isn't to scary once you get to know him :) But don't let him know I told you that! <<snickers and hides behind the scenes again>> :kiss: :rose:

Yeah, hide
Remember, elaphantine memory and I know where you live :p

And you seemed pretty scared when I threatened to dry-fist your ass
James G 5 said:
Yeah, hide
Remember, elaphantine memory and I know where you live :p

And you seemed pretty scared when I threatened to dry-fist your ass

psst. Weren't we supposed to be convincing bunny how sweet and nice you really are? ;)