Bump up a thread for discussion

Ebonyfire said:
It's fun isn't it?

The most fun you can have with all your clothes on, or mostly on...okay well its fun. Thanks for the opportunity, Eb.
Bump - Bruise Nostalgia

Thought i'd bump and throw a subject out there.

Bruises fade and with them so does the good feeling of a scene (sometimes). Anyone else out there get the bruise blues? What about You Dom/me's? Similar nostalgia when You see the marks fade from Your submissive's?

Just an odd thought that crossed my mind ...
Goddess Helena said:
Welcome to lit, s'lara.

Sounds like an idea for a new thread to me. :D

Helena :rose:

thank You Helena Ma'am. i think i You're right. Will take a leap and post the thread ... thank You for the suggestion.

You're welcome, s'lara.
I look forward to your thread.

I am Helena, btw. You are not My pet, so there is no need to call me Ma'am unless your Owner wishes it. ;)

Helena :rose:
Re: Bump - Bruise Nostalgia

s'lara said:
Thought i'd bump and throw a subject out there.

Bruises fade and with them so does the good feeling of a scene (sometimes). Anyone else out there get the bruise blues? What about You Dom/me's? Similar nostalgia when You see the marks fade from Your submissive's?

Just an odd thought that crossed my mind ...

This is good. Why not start it has a new thread as Helena has suggested. Welcome. BTW.
Re: Re: Bump - Bruise Nostalgia

Ebonyfire said:
This is good. Why not start it has a new thread as Helena has suggested. Welcome. BTW.

Thank You Ma'am. i have and am interested to see what the responses will be.

Thanks again Helena Ma'am.
Goddess Helena said:
You're welcome, s'lara.
I look forward to your thread.

I am Helena, btw. You are not My pet, so there is no need to call me Ma'am unless your Owner wishes it. ;)

Helena :rose:

of course Helena. Force of habit and understood completely. *smile*
Bump for equality

Ebonyfire said:
Yep. We are all equals here.

Works for me. Thank You.

i want cold sliced pears and new shoes. Random bump thought.