Bump up a thread for discussion

Re: Re: bumpidy bump

Ebonyfire said:
I love cats, but am allergic to them.

I have asthma.. always had cats but after my last one.. I loved dearly.
I said no more.. but I had to rescue the 2.. got the male fixed. but the female had kittens
she had 2. .at least only 2. I get to keep the dark one.
not the one I wanted but thats ok.

it kissed me :D SOO cute hehe

cats arent the best pets for me being asthmatic and all.

but couldnt let those cats be killed
Re: Re: Re: bumpidy bump

Pixie Mischief said:
I have asthma.. always had cats but after my last one.. I loved dearly.
I said no more.. but I had to rescue the 2.. got the male fixed. but the female had kittens
she had 2. .at least only 2. I get to keep the dark one.
not the one I wanted but thats ok.

it kissed me :D SOO cute hehe

cats arent the best pets for me being asthmatic and all.

but couldnt let those cats be killed

You sound like my daughter :) . At one times we had nine cats, three dogs, and one hamster.

We got all the cats the neighborhood kids did not want. My daughter is studying now to be a veterinary technician.

She LOVES animals of all kids.
Re: Re: Re: Re: bumpidy bump

I'm rescued a dog that didnt even need rescueing once LMAO
I couldnt be a vet.. I cant see animals suffer cant stand it.
when my cat got into paint thinner.. well first we only have one vet here
and he wasnt in town. anyway I saved his life.
I had to take control of the situation and tell my mom what to do.
She may think doing it is worse.. But telling someone to do things that you KNOW will hurt the animal is ust as bad if not worse. I still hurt for what I had to do. but hey I saved his life...
LOL Thanks to me. if I hadnt been there hed be dead.
had to do SOMETHING . I've had SO many pets over the years
:rolleyes: I should live on a farm or something lol
I have a ferret to

Ebonyfire said:
You sound like my daughter :) . At one times we had nine cats, three dogs, and one hamster.

We got all the cats the neighborhood kids did not want. My daughter is studying now to be a veterinary technician.

She LOVES animals of all kids.
Bumpous - Question

Thought i'd bump and drop a topic.

Has anyone ever wanted to deny/stop/halt (Shadowsdream, is this the repetitveness You were speaking of in Your other thread? ;) ) or just plain ignore the Dom/me, submissive/slave in you? If so, why?

For me, i will always be submissive, but lately ... well, i think i do better with that in low gear or on a very far and away back burner. i have my reasons and being a reader/librarian to my sis works out ok.

watching one of my fav star trek the original serie episode LMAO
its called "Elaan of Troyuus" or something simular LOL
its VERY funny the chick in it is very...... hmmm how shall I say this...
She gives the Captain permition to be dissmist. LMAO
hes the CAPTAIN hes not happy with that.
She acts like a domeneering spoiled child. Capt Kirk decides to teach her to be more......
tame lets just say LMAO! threatens to spank her LOL!
I get a major kick out of this episode always have LMAO
Capt dont take her shit LOL

*shuts up doesnt wanna sound like a trek fanatic lol*

i had a long day. what do Y/you do to blow off steam when no O/one else is looking? i brush my hair (long hair here, so it takes a while) with Maxwell playing in the background. How about Y/you?
Re: Bumpology

s'lara said:
i had a long day. what do Y/you do to blow off steam when no O/one else is looking? i brush my hair (long hair here, so it takes a while) with Maxwell playing in the background. How about Y/you?

sometimes I cry.. or I usualy play bunch of music.
SOMETIMES I read. it depends

Didn't want this one to get away. While I appreciate the irony, this was getting pretty close to archive land.

hmmmm Not sure what to say so I will put a quote hehe

"Think of the solution not the problem."