California lt. governor seeks to remove Trump from primary ballot

And that makes it right for the him to impose higher taxes on everything
People are leaving because they can’t afford to live here anymore
No comment on the poop map
Net population changes in 2023: California’s population has declined by 75,423. Florida has added 365,205 residents.
Nope just unfortunately live here
The only thing he cares about are illegals homeless and tranys
Why do you think half a million people have left this state
Hmm? Because being retired they could buy shitloads more house with the value of their homes in California. Be happy! Californians will raise your property values, and the price of everything because.. they have GOBS of money from home sales here!!

Hopefully all of the State of Jefferson will move out!!

Oh.. and sooner or later we will figure out that our homeless are really yours! You want to move to Ca? Show that you have bought a house and have a job. No freeloaders looking for handouts and better weather

Shit! Disneyland even let hopeless stay in the park over night.
Enough!! Send other states’ homeless home!!! Here’s your bus ticket! Bye!!!