Trump sentencing delayed till Sept at earliest

He doesn't have to, the whole damn thing is going to be overturned with extreme prejudice.

Smith has already asked for a 30 day delay in resumption of his remaining cases against Trump so that the government can fully process the immunity decision. I expect that same type of request to be made in the remaining cases too, including his sentencing and the pending vacatur issue.

These delays will push the everything past November 5th. IF Trump is elected then the pending cases will magically go away and the convictions reversed. If he isn't elected then the delays will stop and the cases will proceed.
Smith is going to be busy defending his ability to even exist in the role he's playing.
Smith is going to be busy defending his ability to even exist in the role he's playing.

It's possible. Depending on the outcome, he might even be facing a section 1987 civil case AND a section 292 criminal prosecution.

I have a personal observation I try to abide by and not run afoul of: The closer you are to the Government in business or profession, the greater the risk you're going to end up in a jail cell.
It's possible. Depending on the outcome, he might even be facing a section 1987 civil case AND a section 292 criminal prosecution.

I have a personal observation I try to abide by and not run afoul of: The closer you are to the Government in business or profession, the greater the risk you're going to end up in a jail cell.
Donald Trump made a big mistake running for President in 2016. If he’d stayed away from government work he could have lived out the rest of his life playing golf and partying at Mar-a-Lago.

Now he’s facing spending the rest of his life in prison.
Donald Trump made a big mistake running for President in 2016. If he’d stayed away from government work he could have lived out the rest of his life playing golf and partying at Mar-a-Lago.

Now he’s facing spending the rest of his life in prison.


I mean, this has happened to lots of people. It could even happen to you one day. It's why I have that observation and personal rule.

That it is happening to Trump shouldn't be any more cause for celebration than if it happened to you or someone you know. That you gloat over it only shows that you have a personal bias against the individual regardless of what your bias makes you do/say or what the result is on how the law is viewed by society as well as implemented against society by the government. In sum, to you it's ok that it's being done to Trump but you also probably feel that it wouldn't be ok if it was done to you. Except you can't put the genie back into the bottle and your favorable view on the weaponizing of the law against Trump WILL result in it being used against others in the same way.

It's that inevitability which disgusts me even while you gloat and dismiss it because Trump and the fact that you're too short sighted to understand that every crack in the protections against tyranny that you support out of political animas weakens the liberties we all should enjoy until eventually there are none.

I mean, this has happened to lots of people. It could even happen to you one day. It's why I have that observation and personal rule.

That it is happening to Trump shouldn't be any more cause for celebration than if it happened to you or someone you know. That you gloat over it only shows that you have a personal bias against the individual regardless of what your bias makes you do/say or what the result is on how the law is viewed by society as well as implemented against society by the government. In sum, to you it's ok that it's being done to Trump but you also probably feel that it wouldn't be ok if it was done to you. Except you can't put the genie back into the bottle and your favorable view on the weaponizing of the law against Trump WILL result in it being used against others in the same way.

It's that inevitability which disgusts me even while you gloat and dismiss it because Trump and the fact that you're too short sighted to understand that every crack in the protections against tyranny that you support out of political animas weakens the liberties we all should enjoy until eventually there are none.
With it being such an issue you would think Trump would be advocating for justice reform.

I mean, this has happened to lots of people. It could even happen to you one day. It's why I have that observation and personal rule.

That it is happening to Trump shouldn't be any more cause for celebration than if it happened to you or someone you know. That you gloat over it only shows that you have a personal bias against the individual regardless of what your bias makes you do/say or what the result is on how the law is viewed by society as well as implemented against society by the government. In sum, to you it's ok that it's being done to Trump but you also probably feel that it wouldn't be ok if it was done to you. Except you can't put the genie back into the bottle and your favorable view on the weaponizing of the law against Trump WILL result in it being used against others in the same way.

It's that inevitability which disgusts me even while you gloat and dismiss it because Trump and the fact that you're too short sighted to understand that every crack in the protections against tyranny that you support out of political animas weakens the liberties we all should enjoy until eventually there are none.
I avoid being prosecuted by the state by not falsifying my business records.

If Donald Trump couldn’t abide by the laws of New York, he should have moved his business to a state with less stringent laws.
With it being such an issue you would think Trump would be advocating for justice reform.

He did. Trump signed legislation reducing sentencing for certain non violent offenses.

Or didn't you know that because you've had your head up your ass for a decade or longer?

OH, and let's get this straight - KAMALA kept people in jail past their release dates in order to get more prison labor out of them.

And you think that making her President is going to lead to justice reform? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I avoid being prosecuted by the state by not falsifying my business records.

If Donald Trump couldn’t abide by the laws of New York, he should have moved his business to a state with less stringent laws.

One crack. And you support opening that crack even wider. Which will lead to other cracks and more cracks until one day, one of those cracks will open underneath you and swallow you whole.

It's inevitable. And trying to make out like you'll be safe "because I don't do any of that" won't work. The Government will not care when they come for you, and they WILL come eventually. Bet on it, because that's how tyrannies work.

Or don't you understand that? Of course you don't, you have TDS and if Trump gets punished, even if wrongfully, you're good with it.
He did. Trump signed legislation reducing sentencing for certain non violent offenses.

Or didn't you know that because you've had your head up your ass for a decade or longer?

OH, and let's get this straight - KAMALA kept people in jail past their release dates in order to get more prison labor out of them.

And you think that making her President is going to lead to justice reform? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So BEFORE he was convicted of 34 felonies? That legislation obviously didn’t do what Trump intended.
Now that Trump is on the election trail what changes is he advocating so an “innocent” person can’t be convicted of crimes they didn’t commit?

Looking forward to you answer.
One crack. And you support opening that crack even wider. Which will lead to other cracks and more cracks until one day, one of those cracks will open underneath you and swallow you whole.

It's inevitable. And trying to make out like you'll be safe "because I don't do any of that" won't work. The Government will not care when they come for you, and they WILL come eventually. Bet on it, because that's how tyrannies work.

Or don't you understand that? Of course you don't, you have TDS and if Trump gets punished, even if wrongfully, you're good with it.
Apply this thinking to abortion. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for servitude. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for freedom. You don't care now because you can't get pregnant. You think you'll be safe and they won't come for you. But they will, eventually ... .
Take your time and read this thoroughly and then think about it.

You might also want to think about the 1st Amendment implications on how and under what authority a judge has the power to potentially prohibit speech post trial and possibly for the duration of the defendant's remaining lifetime.

And then, when you get your panties soaking wet from the giddiness of thinking Trump might never be able to talk ever again on any subject, you might also want to think about how the trial courts denied Trump's motions to dismiss based on immunity, how the appeals courts upheld those denials and how the SCOTUS overturned ALL of those denials. And then apply that train of events to the gag orders and their constitutionality during and post trial.
The short version of this is... yes, the gag order is still in effect until his sentencing. Isn't that the NORM?

We know this, possibly because Trump is doing his best to refrain from maligning those the order specifies.

Now, what's all this about Constitutionality? I thought SCOTUS overruled the Constitution and declared it to be subject to SCOTUS interpretations only? Did it rule something new about soaking wet panties? Didn't see THAT in the news!
It's possible. Depending on the outcome, he might even be facing a section 1987 civil case AND a section 292 criminal prosecution.

I have a personal observation I try to abide by and not run afoul of: The closer you are to the Government in business or profession, the greater the risk you're going to end up in a jail cell.
That observation seems accurate, given those closest to Trump's tribulations and are under indictment, or awaiting such actions. Lots and lots of those people around.

Though it is doubtful Smith will be among them. Trump is not expected to win, in my opinion. So the trials should continue as planned.