Can We Get More "Ethnic" Diversity on the Literotica Site?

vixenshe said:
I've been here since March. Not all that long if you ask me. I'm not trying to make a newcomer feel unwelcome, but rather trying to make that person see that spamming is kinda irritating. Often in the amateur pic forum, people begin a ton of threads with one pic each. In those cases, I ask the person to keep their pics in one thread in order that they don't fill the entire first page with just their pics, which I don't think is fair to other members. I'm not trying to be 'the big girl on campus', and I'm not trying to make the person feel unwelcome. I was just trying to help maintain order (and besides.. under free speech, I have every right to vocalize annoyance).

I think the situation in the amateur pic forum you mentioned and the situation at hand are pretty different, but I can still see your point. I said from the beginning that putting it into many forums might have been excessive, and I admit that I may have been a little defensive in my response.

Try to understand it from my perspective however. It was kind of annoying to see a whole bunch of people jump on Brnsuga for something that was really not that big of a deal, and I wanted to prevent a potentially great Litster from feeling like she was a stranger without any support. I didn't mean to single you or anyone out, and I have nothing personal against anyone. I totally respect your right to say what you want and when, but that doesn't mean I am not going to present a different perspective if I feel it is being underrepresented. Even if it means I have to be a gadfly.
I have never understood racism in any form. I certainly do not understand it here either. I am not accusing anyone of racism, I guess I am just amazed that even on a BDSM forum it can creep it's nasty way into things just as it has in so many other aspects of our culture. It truly is sad. As far as looking at ethnic porn it is all good to me!!
zipman7 said:
... However, I don't think this is limited to Americans, and is a basic fundamental aspect of how people perceive their surroundings.

I've lived in several culturally and geographically disparate areas of The United States, and also in Europe (while in the military). I've also done a fair amount of traveling abroad (though not nearly enough), and spend an inordinate amount of time in Canada. In my limited experience I've found that this reaches its absurd apogee in the United States. America is far and away the most racially polarized country (without regard for commonality of language, history, religion or socioeconomic status) of any country on whose soil I've set foot.

In Canada and Europe, it has been my experience that the Black people with whom I've interacted were much more greatly acculturated into, and included in, the larger society than are their American counterparts of similar prosperousness. I find this especially odd since the families of the Black Europeans with whom I am acquainted (largely American expatriates and a few Africans and some immigrants from the British Commonwealth) have only lived in their respective European countries for a couple of generations at most. In Canada there seems to be more Black families with long histories in Canada, but also a lot of Commonwealth types.

Conversely, the United States, land of suburban sprawl and the home of the subdivision, has been a multiracial nation since it's inception, and the majority of its Black citizenry are of families whose lineage in this country dates back hundreds of years. This is without even considering the large portion of African Americans who are of some Native American extraction as well as African and European.
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Very true CBM, I've noticed that on my travels as well. The US is probably the most racially divided non-homogenous culture in the world.
Marquis (with CBW agreeing)

Very true CBM, I've noticed that on my travels as well. The US is probably the most racially divided non-homogenous culture in the world

With respect: I don't agree. I lived decades in both Canada and the US. I think the basic racism is the same, but fewer racial hate crimes here. However, Helen Betty Osborne, a native young woman of 18, was brutally raped and murdered in Manitoba, in 1971. By 4 white guys, whose identities were known by townspeople. 16 years later, a trial was finally held, and one went to prison for life, others got no time. That was 1987, for crissakes!!

I know a Canadian Black, born in Canada who's taken a job in NYC and is quite happy there. A well known woman writer (of color) moved from Canada to the US and found it better. Wrote about it. (Mukhurjee? sp?)

The gist is that attitudes are more open in the US. Canadians may be more polite and smilely, but you (Black) still don't get the job.
Pure said:
Marquis (with CBW agreeing)

Very true CBM, I've noticed that on my travels as well. The US is probably the most racially divided non-homogenous culture in the world

With respect: I don't agree. I lived decades in both Canada and the US. I think the basic racism is the same, but fewer racial hate crimes here. However, Helen Betty Osborne, a native young woman of 18, was brutally raped and murdered in Manitoba, in 1971. By 4 white guys, whose identities were known by townspeople. 16 years later, a trial was finally held, and one went to prison for life, others got no time. That was 1987, for crissakes!!

I know a Canadian Black, born in Canada who's taken a job in NYC and is quite happy there. A well known woman writer (of color) moved from Canada to the US and found it better. Wrote about it. (Mukhurjee? sp?)

The gist is that attitudes are more open in the US. Canadians may be more polite and smilely, but you (Black) still don't get the job.

There are incidents of racism everywhere. I could detail a hundred such incidents that have taken place in the U.S. THIS YEAR. But, that isn't what I was talking about. I was talking about the over-all, deeply ingrained, institutional racism that is a part of every American institution, and has been central to the social landscape of America for hundreds of years. Racism

I've worked in Quebec city, and I'm in Toronto at least twice per month. The attitudes that you've described simply don't jibe with the reality of Canada. I personally know dozens of Black professionals in Canada, many of whom wouldn't set foot in the U.S. for fear of racist violence. And, it's not random yahoos that they are worried about. They are afraid of racist American Law efforcement. Given the murders of Amadou Diallo, Timothy Thomas, Malcolm Ferguson, Marvin Harris and dozens of others in recent years, I don't blame them.
There are racists everywhere, but Canada is committed to multiculturalism at every level.

The suggestion that racial attitudes are more open in the U.S. than in Canada (the place that Black people in bondage in America though of as the Promised land) is ridiculous to me, having spent a considerable amount of time in both countries.
Marquis said:
Very true CBM, I've noticed that on my travels as well. The US is probably the most racially divided non-homogenous culture in the world.

This is patently obvious. Those who deny this have a racist agenda of their own.
It's odd to read this contention here about race issues and then to go over to the top-opolis thread where currently black women are being praised by nearly everybody as the most attractive of the various ethnic groups.

What is the amateur picture post forum? Is it her on this message board or over in the photos section somewhere?
UCE said:
It's odd to read this contention here about race issues and then to go over to the top-opolis thread where currently black women are being praised by nearly everybody as the most attractive of the various ethnic groups.

What is the amateur picture post forum? Is it her on this message board or over in the photos section somewhere?

That's not really true. You're the one who claimed that Black women are more beautiful than women of other races. I merely made mention of several very beautiful women of color, all of whom weren't Black. I never extrapolated their individual beauty into a broad racist generalization that Black women are more beautiful that all others.

It almost seems like you're trolling in an attempt to instigate a flame war in another thread.
No More Ms. Nice Girl!

I've cut you and your incessant droning grumpiness toward me a whole lot of fucking slack in the last couple of days, CBM, and all you've done is act like a total ingrate in response.

For what it's worth, I percieve you as one of the most obnoxious and crabby posters I have run into in a long time. It's as if you perpeutually get out of bed on the wrong side?

I'm putting you on Ignore for a month. Maybe when I take you off you shall have learned some manners?

Trolling in an attempt to instigate a flame war in another thread? Are you talking about that High and Mighty Queen Femdom bitch who I slapped down along with 50 other people who did the exactly same thing? If not then WTF ARE you talking about? I'm not going to know, but it's not like I really care.

See you in a month...if I don't change my mind. The last thing I need right now is some guy with a chip on his shoulder a mile wide following me around and bitching at me constantly! Take that fucking chip off and maybe we can talk like real people someday.

Unda. Cruica. Eximius.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
That's not really true. You're the one who claimed that Black women are more beautiful than women of other races. I merely made mention of several very beautiful women of color, all of whom weren't Black. I never extrapolated their individual beauty into a broad racist generalization that Black women are more beautiful that all others.

It almost seems like you're trolling in an attempt to instigate a flame war in another thread.
Re: No More Ms. Nice Girl!

UCE said:

I'm putting you on Ignore for a month. Maybe when I take you off you shall have learned some manners?

Oh no. Please don't ignore me. I don't know if I can bear not having your uninformed feedback on issues that don't concern you in the least.
CBM, you seem like a bright guy, but from what I've seen in this and one other thread you are being a huge dickhead to UCE for no reason.

Also, to say that anyone who says America is not the most racially divided nation has their own racist agenda is beyond absurd. Perhaps someone just has what they think is a logical reason for feeling that way.

Actually, now that I think about it, I can say that the statement I said before was definitely NOT true. Tribalism in Africa, particularly in some countries, is WAY worse than racism in America today. Rwanda was a perfect example of how bad the racism in those countries can get.

You said

There are racists everywhere, but Canada is committed to multiculturalism at every level.

The suggestion that racial attitudes are more open in the U.S. than in Canada (the place that Black people in bondage in America though of as the Promised land) is ridiculous to me, having spent a considerable amount of time in both countries.

Without wishing to incur your wrath. You misread me. I said attitudes were more open in the states; my meaning was 'candid', as the example indicates. In the states youre more likely to know if someone dislikes or fears you for a racial reason.
The Canadians are less open, i.e., they smile and conceal their attitudes. But you still don't get the job.

There is a commitment to multiculturalism, mainly by the liberals, but many politically active people see it as window dressing. The University of Toronto may finally have an African/Caribean Studies program, but that's probably the only one in Canada. I don't think there's any Hispanic Studies. These programs exist in many US universities.

As far as 'promised land' goes; yes, compared to Mississippi. But many Black people went to their own 'Black' towns in Ontario, and their own towns and sections of towns in Nova Scotia. De facto segregation.

Canada has no horror story quite like Diallo's, who took 40 bullets while unarmed and unresisting from NYCs finest. But several Black persons are shot each year in Toronto. In one well known case, the man raised a garden hoe against a cop and was shot dead.

It's true of course that US cities are more violent. There are more killings of all kinds. Hence numerically more killings of Blacks by cops. But in Canada, though the police shoot far fewer people, Black persons are overrepresented.

As far as 'institutional racism', etc., Black persons are few in teachers' colleges; a friend in a graduate psychology program tells of single Black PHD in the last several years. The largest graduate school in education, which has dozens of faculty [>40], has ONE black professor--from Ghana.

I lived in Canada for two decades, and in the US for two. But you're entitled to your opinions. A well-known Canadian paper is running a series on racism in a major police department; for Black persons, the police statistics show: excess numbers stopped (while driving), charged, convicted, and more stiffly sentenced throughout the system

Best regards,
Thank you CBM for the "First Nations" reminder. I am aware that there are mostly Americans here and from my experiences down there, they can't figure out my ethnicity.

"Are you hispanic?" They usually ask. And when I say I am Native or indian or first nations they wonder what the hell I'm talking about until I bring up John Wayne's spaghetti westerns.

Pure, let us not forget the treatment of Canada's first nations peoples. The Indian Act was originally designed to irradicate indians within a hundred years - humainly by isolation, assimulation, and providing free room and board plus an allowance. Free room and board sounds wonderful doesn't it? But what it actually does is slowly kill the human spirit by taking away the need for self preservation. Without that, why bother doing anything? The Liberals back then figured it would take about a hundred years to fumigate Canada, their lovely commonwealth, of those pesky bush people. Canada's racial history is foul. Much more so than America's straight forward shoot'em up butt whoppin methods of uethenasia.

But I think we're getting off topic.

UCE, for you... But that's the last one for now :)
Posting pics

I personally do not care about whether people of color bare it all or not. I sometimes read the stories, but I am herely primarily to further knowledge about femdom/malesub relationships in this forum.

sterlingclay said:
UCE, for you... But that's the last one for now :)

LOL, thanks Sterling. I like the longhaired look on men a lot.

On a related off-topic note, I went and looked at that amateurs picture post forum the other night, and was depressed to see very few of the bdsm people there (with the amazing exception of PBW that is--what a showoff!). I think that literotica is so big that even if many people from here had posted in Amateur Pic Post, it would be impossible to find them among the hundreds of threads they get every week.

Maybe we should start a picture thread just for the members here? Or maybe not. A lot of kinky people are shy about having their faces attached to their practices. :)

The Canada Vs. US Racism Thing

I don't have an informed opinion about this because all I've done is visit Canada (Calgary and all points west of there), but every time I've made a visit it just seemed that blacks, Indians, and other ethnic groups had it better there and were more satisfied with their lives than similar people in the US. In general, for all people, the quality of living there seemed better.

The first time I saw the downtown streets of Calgary, for example, I was absolutely amazed at the total absense of litter of any sort. You'll never see streets that clean in American cities, even when they're tidying up before the Olympics comes to town!

Racism? Cultural Diversity?

Ok, I give, just what does all this have to do with the subject at hand at this forum...BDSM?

Ebony < Sheesh>
To answer Ebonyfire,

Like I said, I've only started posting but I've been reading up on this forum for a few months. The Forum title, BDSM, is too discriptive. It should really be fetishes . So don't be disappointed when you hear I've never been whipped. yet:)
OK, Eb, back on topic:

A Question: For all, of either sex, who are not African-American,
What does a Black domme/mistress offer that's special?

Here's a part of my answer, from my experience: She has a view of white males esp., and maybe females, that's more objective, more full: in older times, the man's maid maybe knew him better than his wife did. Who better knew Jefferson: his wife, or Sally Hemings?

White males, including myself seem to more readily reveal certain things; those odd little fetishes our gf's don't know about.

In all, the Black domme is in a position to be exceptionally authoritative: she 'sees through' evasions more readily; she'll know the 'corruption' of the white sub better, and be able to discipline it better.

Maybe this sounds like stereotyping. Black women come in a great variety of temperaments, education, likes, dislikes etc; but most every black woman who grew up in North America has had
some 'informative' experiences with/of white males, which are the basis for the generalizations about, brash and indefensible as they may be!!
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Re: To answer Ebonyfire,

sterlingclay said:
Like I said, I've only started posting but I've been reading up on this forum for a few months. The Forum title, BDSM, is too discriptive. It should really be fetishes . So don't be disappointed when you hear I've never been whipped. yet:)

Keeping bugging me and you will be...soon.

Re: To answer Ebonyfire,

sterlingclay said:
The Forum title, BDSM, is too discriptive. It should really be fetishes

I have to correct you. The forum is named properly. If you read the stickies you would have found out that this forum was started by cymbidia from the monster thread for the frank discussion of skin-to-skin BDSM.

A fetish is the the fixation of an object or body part whose real or fantasied presence is needed for sexual gratification.

I am lifestyle service oriented Domme who does not deal in fetishism.
