Can We Get More "Ethnic" Diversity on the Literotica Site?

UCE said:
Which diaspora are you talking about? I don't suppose you mean the one in the paleoentology records that happened from Africa to other parts of the world about 6 million years ago? I just finshed reading a rather biased (toward a certain methodology) but fascinating account of that.


I'm talking about the one with the kidnapping, chains, whips, murders, rapes, and trafficking in human misery and so forth, that started around 400 years ago.
You know ... the one that heralded the bringing forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

That's the one that I'm talking about.

Also, anthropologically speaking, there are supposed to have been several migrations out of Africa. Not just one. A migration that took place 6 million years ago would have little to do with us, since there were no homo sapiens sapiens 6 million years ago. All homo sapiens came out of Africa (and probably killed everything in their path ... including the Neanderthals) considerably less than even 1 million years ago ... or so I've read. (I wasn't actually there)
Pure said:
As far as 'promised land' goes; yes, compared to Mississippi. But many Black people went to their own 'Black' towns in Ontario, and their own towns and sections of towns in Nova Scotia. De facto segregation.

On top of that, with every one of the major waves of Free Black immigration to the Maritimes there were subsequent waves of *emigration* from the Maritimes to Sierra Leone because of the unbreechable institutional and ordinary racism.

Alright porn lovers, I'm done now.

Hey lets get back to the praise of ethnically diverse women.

I like chocolate, vanilla, marble, rainbow....

Now praise the lord people! (lord being whomever give credit the evolution of man to)

Shall we get along and screw along now?
evesdream said:
It's scary that I can't resist pointing this out, but while Canada was considered a Promised Land for fugative slaves, it was at the same time a slave holding British territory. The idea that Blacks could be owned by Whites was well enough ingrained and the slave holding class here was politically powerful enough to keep their slaves and their slave trade until death - this at the same time as fugatives entering Canada were free. At one point American slaves were running here while Canadian slaves were running to the free States. Isn't that ironic?

The expression of the thing is slightly different, but the underlying social logic is the same- just as there is a differently expressed racism in Canada, there was a unique and complicated set of laws upholding slavery in Canada for hundreds of years, and the Canadian commitment to anti-slavery was actually very half-assed. Some would say the same about the commitment to multiculturalism.

Some of the first evidence of Blacks on Canadian Soil is in 1787, when Thomas Brownspriggs, a black man, was granted 3000 acres of land in Tracadie, Nova Scotia. This land was used for his family and over 70 other black families. The people who lived on this land were still enslaved by white men. This site is currently being documented for information. Many of the slaves' descendants still live in the area.

The first blacks arrived in B.C. in 1858 on Vancouver Island. The first police force on the British Colony of Vancouver Island was an all Black force called "The African Rifles".

Some of the other black Canadians were from the Canadian slave trade. Many of these belonged to the first interracial couples in Canada, particularly in Quebec. Evidence of these days is visible in the Underground Railroad, stories, letters and memories of the people involved.

It was never my intention to argue that Canada is free of racism. My comments were specifically in comparison to the United States. If the quoted passage above is at all indicative of the slavery in Canada, then the Canadian slave trade bore little resemblance to what happened in the United States. At that time I'm not so sure if a Black man would have been better off "free" in America, a place opposed to the existence of Black men.

I will stipulate that there is racism in Canada. Again, I never claimed that there wasn't. But, in my experience, it simply doesn't compare to the level of racial hatred that exists in the United States. Trent Lott's recent comments for example, can you imagine Dan Hays making such a reproachful comment? I can't. And even if, as you claimed, Canada's commitment to anti-slavery in the past, and multiculturalism now is half-assed, that's still worlds beyond anything that exist or ever existed here in the States.

I have to cut this short ... I have to go see LOTR
UCE said:
In the Southern city I live in there is heavy segragation and the neighborhood you live in matters a lot as to what people think of you. But the way it works is that there are good black neighborhoods and bad black neighborhoods and then in totally different parts of the city there are good white neighborhoods and bad white neighborhoods. We also have specific areas that populated mostly by latinos and certain ones for asians. These latter areas are isolated from the rest of the city by language barriers. The newest "third world" ethnic group, the Russians, have started moving in en masse in the past year or so and I expect they have their own area of the city where most of them live together, but I havn't found where it is yet.

This is nothing of course, compared to the multitde of ethnic neighboords you get in place like NYC, of course.

I live in an area that is largely populated with Jewish people (the clear majority), Yuppies (both White and Black), Chaldeans, and a smattering of Asian folks.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Every time that I've posted a reply to something that you've said, and every time that you've posted a reply to one of my posts, you've done so in, what I've interpreted as, a rather disdainful and supercilious manner. I would categorize your replies to me as terse attacks. Your discourses with me, albeit ever curt, have been laced with an almost palpable acrimony. Please do continue, Ma'am.

What the hell are you talking about?

I wasn't even talking to you.

Get a grip!

I am succinct to everyone. I do not like to type a lot of words. Maybe there others here who have nothing better to do than type a short story in reply when a few choice words will do.

Marquis said:
The reason I mentioned the "high post count brigade" before was because of how it seems to me like those of you who have been here longest are always so quick to defend each other against someone new.

Prove it.

It never fails to amaze me the amount of times someone will go for the obvious.

Perhaps we agree with the poster. I will and do agree with whomever I feel like it. It just seems to me that there are many here who expect me to put my own opinion aside to break out the welcome wagon. It is not gonna happen.

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Ebonyfire said:
Prove it.

It never fails to amaze me the amount of times someone will go for the obvious.

Perhaps we agree with the poster. I will and do agree with whomever I feel like it. It just seems to me that there are many here who expect me to put my own opinion aside to break out the welcome wagon. It is not gonna happen.


Ah, you went and changed the post on me!

Well, in light of your additional comments, I have no problem with your way of dealing with things. It has seemed to be in the past, however, that old timers would specifically come around to fuck with newcomers if they pissed off one of the oldguard. If this was all a coincidence of a specific group of people all having the same opinions at similar times towards specific people, than please excuse my misinterpretation, I hope you will agree it was only reasonable. It's not like I am the first to have noticed this or comment on it.
Marquis said:
I hope you will agree it was only reasonable. It's not like I am the first to have noticed this or comment on it.

Just because it is mentioned, that does not make it TRUE. And you know that. Anyone with a rudimentary command of the english language knows that is a classic ploy to discount the comments of one group of people who happen to agree with each other.

I'm not saying its true because I've heard it mentioned. I'm saying that it seemed true to me, and my assertion that this was the case and not a misperception of mine was reinforced by the fact that others had seen this. I understand that correlation can't always show causality, which is why I still use words like "perception" and talk about how things "seem." However, this "perception" of mine does "seem" to continually prove itself.
Marquis said:
I'm not saying its true because I've heard it mentioned. I'm saying that it seemed true to me, and my assertion that this was the case and not a misperception of mine was reinforced by the fact that others had seen this. I understand that correlation can't always show causality, which is why I still use words like "perception" and talk about how things "seem." However, this "perception" of mine does "seem" to continually prove itself.

I can see you are so proud.


Marquis said:
Ummm... OK.

Perhaps I am being unfair, personally, I see all this commenting by all these varying sources about their "treatment" at the hands of posters who may or may not have been here longer as nothing but whining.

Everyone here can and does hide behind a screen name. If they are here seeking knowledge or discussion, they can do so. But they cannot control the other people who post here.

I was new to this forum too, and I was treated very badly. I did what I wanted to do, I decided to post anyway. If others cannot do the same, it is not my problem.

This endless commentary about the need for a kinder gentler forum is a lot of claptrap. This is a forum for discussion on BDSM.

Re: LOTR?!?

sterlingclay said:
You lucky bastard!!!

It was a damn fine film. It diverges wildly from the text of the book at times. However, I this time I was expecting it. When I saw the first installment of LOTR, I was aghast at the liberties taken by the director.

Two worlds though ...

No Shelob.
Ebonyfire said:
What the hell are you talking about?

I wasn't even talking to you.

Get a grip!

I am succinct to everyone. I do not like to type a lot of words. Maybe there others here who have nothing better to do than type a short story in reply when a few choice words will do.


Hence this comment:
I realize that your comments weren't directed at me. I don't count. I just decided to pipe up for no particular reason ...

In any event, I just wanted a quick dose of being talked down to by a Black woman before I left ... Thanks. I feel thoroughly put in my place. :D
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I'm talking about the one with the kidnapping, chains, whips, murders, rapes, and trafficking in human misery and so forth, that started around 400 years ago.
You know ... the one that heralded the bringing forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

That's the one that I'm talking about.

Also, anthropologically speaking, there are supposed to have been several migrations out of Africa. Not just one. A migration that took place 6 million years ago would have little to do with us, since there were no homo sapiens sapiens 6 million years ago. All homo sapiens came out of Africa (and probably killed everything in their path ... including the Neanderthals) considerably less than even 1 million years ago ... or so I've read. (I wasn't actually there)

I've never heard the term diaspora applied to a forced movement of people, but I guess it applies.

Yes I know there were several migrations. But the book I read was talking about the one that occured approx. six million years ago.

Are diasporias only defined by whether they were performed by homo sapiens or not?

Your paleoathropological opinions are highly disputed by the experts in the field, including the person who wrote the book I read. The theory proposed in that book was that the homo erectus diaspora from Africa to points north and east of six million years ago had _everything_ to do with who we are today--that we may, in fact, be decendants of a homo erectus that re-setted in non-African lands and in northern Africa and then slowly evolved. There is a lot of evidence to support this theory, but there is evidence that supports other theories as well. At any rate, we're still at a point in our knowledge about this where nobody knows for sure. The fossil fragements still too sparse.
Africans in the diaspora is quite a common term ... especially among Africans in the diaspora.

Doesn't the more ubiquitous usage of the word diaspora in reference to Jews outside of Israel also refer to a "forced migration?"

I've never read any generally accepted theory that suggests that any modern humans are descended from either Homo erectus or Neanderthals. It sounds like the rantings of someone who, for wholly unscientific reasons, wants to make the claim that humans came out of Africa before they were human, and that the "races" evolved separately. I'm sure these spurious theories find much support among the various neo-Nazi and/or white supremacist propagandist groups.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
It was never my intention to argue that Canada is free of racism. My comments were specifically in comparison to the United States. If the quoted passage above is at all indicative of the slavery in Canada, then the Canadian slave trade bore little resemblance to what happened in the United States. At that time I'm not so sure if a Black man would have been better off "free" in America, a place opposed to the existence of Black men.

I will stipulate that there is racism in Canada. Again, I never claimed that there wasn't. But, in my experience, it simply doesn't compare to the level of racial hatred that exists in the United States. Trent Lott's recent comments for example, can you imagine Dan Hays making such a reproachful comment? I can't. And even if, as you claimed, Canada's commitment to anti-slavery in the past, and multiculturalism now is half-assed, that's still worlds beyond anything that exist or ever existed here in the States.

I have to cut this short ... I have to go see LOTR

Oh, no CBK your source is all wrong. The first documented Black presence was in the early 1600s accompanying the French, recorded as slaves. And the first Free settlements were more or less abandoned for West Africa***

I don't believe that racism can be quantified in the way you're trying to do,'s all one and the same phenomenon, but the U.S. is more violent than Canada so I see how that qualifies what you see as different.
You're still wrong though.

***I can tell that you and everyone in this thread would love to know more Canadian history. This is a reasonably okay source
evesdream said:
Oh, no CBK your source is all wrong. The first documented Black presence was in the early 1600s accompanying the French, recorded as slaves. And the first Free settlements were more or less abandoned for West Africa***

I don't believe that racism can be quantified in the way you're trying to do,'s all one and the same phenomenon, but the U.S. is more violent than Canada so I see how that qualifies what you see as different.
You're still wrong though.

***I can tell that you and everyone in this thread would love to know more Canadian history. This is a reasonably okay source

We'll simply have to agree to disagree. I don't see how anyone familiar with both countries could ever make the claim that racism as it exist in Canada compares in any way to the murderous systematic race hatred that permeates every facet of American history and present day culture. I agree that all race hatred is bad, but there is bad and then there is being dragged down a road behind a pick-up truck or being shot at +40 times by the police while unarmed and attempting to show them your I.D. I don't stipulate to your claim that there can be no qualification between the two.
I think Reginald Denny being almost beaten to death is yet another example of the racism and hatred that does indeed exist in our society. I think this is important to note as racism is not a one-way street in America, it's just not politically correct to discuss it.
zipman7 said:
I think Reginald Denny being almost beaten to death is yet another example of the racism and hatred that does indeed exist in our society. I think this is important to note as racism is not a one-way street in America, it's just not politically correct to discuss it.

You're entitled to your beliefs, but that is not racism. An example of racially motivated violence, yes. Racism, no. Racism has a societal component, where a majority culture is engaged in the oppression of a minority based on apparent racial diferences. The gang member who hit Mr. Denny with a brick was committing wanton violence upon him, but he was in no position to, for example, deny him a mortgage for no reason, prevent his children from going to certain schools, collude with real estate agents to steer him away from certain neighborhoods, etc ...

Also, a gang member hitting someone with a brick in the midst of an civil uprising is world's apart from duly sworn officers of the law executing an unarmed University student, or A group of Yokels, on a complete whim, waylaying a man (whom one of them knew socially and had been friendly with) and dragging him to his death behind a truck, dismembering him in the process. None of it is good, but the level of diabolical evil is shifted a couple of standard deviations to the right in these examples.

The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

This has nothing to do with Political Correctness ... which much like Liberal has taken on a bad connotation in the fascist jingoistic climate of present day America. That simply isn't what the word means.

Moreover, he didn't kill Mr. Denny.
Race, like all other questions of personal identity--all the issues we hold near and dear to ourselves, that we use to define ourselves and our relationship to the world around us--is a highly charged issue. People have strong feelings, which is great. We are passionate people, and that's why we're here, right?

But it also means that when there are disagreements, there are heated emotions, which can easily erupt into ugly kinds of confrontation. This tendency, I suspect, is only exacerbated by the fact that we are a community (BDSM) so entrenched in thinking about the world in terms of power difference and rituals of respect, etc.

While this conversation, I think, needs to happen (not just here, either), I would ask all participants to refrain from engaging in flame. Disagree, take strong positions, of course. Get out whatever it is that you want to say. But treat each other with the respect due any other adult, and a member of a community you belong to--that's the social contract, the agreement we make that forms "society." I expect everyone to honor their individual principles and beliefs, and to do so in a manner befitting civilized adults.

Thank you. I look forward to the continuing conversation.

Best to all,