Can you fall in love with someone online?

I don't know if it is possible to fall in love with someone completely online but now I know that is very much possible to develop feelings for someone especially when you talk to them everyday from morning to evening. Happened to me twice and the results ultimately were not good. I guess its a matter of luck...sometimes you can find that special person and click with someone online easily and other times you live in an illusion of having something special. The only issue is that when the illusion disappears you're left empty.

I agree with all of this. It's happened once and I don't intend for it to happen again. Emptyness does not feel very good!
I have to say yes to this, with one large caveat. As long as the two people are being honest. I don't just mean honest like, their age, or eye color, or body type. I mean honest as in, they are being their honest selves. It is very easy for people to act unlike themselves in this "made up" universe we call the internet. The anonymity of it, the "room" or lounge, or whatever it is titled is msde up, or a fantasy because it is in fact just you on a computer or mobile device while lounging in your living room. The fact that this already starts a fantasy makes people fantasize and therefore say or "do" things they normally wouldn't. So because of all this a person could develope fantasy feelings for another person. I'm not saying everyone does this. I for one let myself fall into this false love once. After taking a hiatus though, I revisited my old hang out, actually had honest conversations with that same person, and persons actually, and actually fell in love with alot more women, smfh. Which is why I no longer visit that place and have been Kik free for several years, lol. So I say yes, it can definitely happen.
I would have to say Yes, Sometimes you can just meet someone that you click with and that you get on with so well, you share the same sense of humor and the more you chat to them the more you cant wait for their next message to drop into your inbox. They are on your mind all the time, and you want to spend all your time chatting to them. They become an important part of your life and you never want to loose that. Id say that was love but i'm just an old romantic at heart!
I know it is possible. I know several people including myself that met and later married someone that they met online.
Yes you can. Some of my best friends I have met on line and never in person. You sometimes really get to know the real person online.
I keep starting and stopping to reply to this thread, and realise there is one blocker in the way of me being able to complete my thoughts...

"What is love?"

I think when this is answered I'll be able to contribute :)