Can you really "turn" a straight man?

Can you really 'turn' a straight man?
Why should you even try? He should be reconciled and stable to be straight.
We should be proud and happy to be otherwise.
If we get to share the joy of a blowjob with him, so much the better.
We should always be open to experiment.
But we should all be content to be what exactly what we are...
Just curious about something I know we have all heard of for years. Can a straight man be "turned" to being gay? I mean,I consider myself as straight, bicurious, and my urges for intimacy with another man are fairly constant. But, I have always wondered that if I were to have an intimate encounter with a man that I liked and trusted, would I go back for more, want to continue, keep a discreet, but ongoing relationship with him? If I am to be honest, when I was much younger, that was my biggest fear. I secretly felt and feared that a gay man could turn me. However, could I actually be turned or would I be actualizing my true self? Honestly, the whole label thing blows my mind. Am I straight, am I just curious, am I gay, am I bisexual, or am I gay with an interest in women? Not trying to make any particular point here, just curious to know what others think.
I am a lot like you too.... I have been married and happy with my sex life with her but for whatever reason find myself wanting to take a cock in my mouth and maybe more.
Just curious about something I know we have all heard of for years. Can a straight man be "turned" to being gay? I mean,I consider myself as straight, bicurious, and my urges for intimacy with another man are fairly constant. But, I have always wondered that if I were to have an intimate encounter with a man that I liked and trusted, would I go back for more, want to continue, keep a discreet, but ongoing relationship with him? If I am to be honest, when I was much younger, that was my biggest fear. I secretly felt and feared that a gay man could turn me. However, could I actually be turned or would I be actualizing my true self? Honestly, the whole label thing blows my mind. Am I straight, am I just curious, am I gay, am I bisexual, or am I gay with an interest in women? Not trying to make any particular point here, just curious to know what others think.
Sometimes our greatest fear is our greatest desire. Heights aren’t the real fear ( often), it’s the fear you may jump that scares you.
But I would forget labels. They’re useful to have an identity, to have a way of defining yourself but they can be limiting and maybe you should just accept that you are on that spectrum.
To some extent sex is sex. Because gay is a description of attraction and not nessisarily sex itself (hence why someone can be both gay and a virgin) it's entirely possible for a man to have sex with a man without identifying as gay. Having sex with people you aren't attracted to is completely valid, asexuals do it all the time.
Sometimes our greatest fear is our greatest desire. Heights aren’t the real fear ( often), it’s the fear you may jump that scares you.
But I would forget labels. They’re useful to have an identity, to have a way of defining yourself but they can be limiting and maybe you should just accept that you are on that spectrum.
So right about the heights. It’s not the height that bothers me - it’s the compulsion I feel to jump! And I don’t want to jump!
The trouble is I do. It’s about letting go. I hate heights and only recently did I come to realise where it started and how it’s related to my fear of freedom. Did you ever watch “Taboo” ( bbc drama series)? I’m the servant who wouldn’t be able to handle freedom. Sad but, I fear, true
Penthouse letters got me too. It was a mmf story and the woman encouraged the guys to suck each other off.. I was surprised at how turned on I was and shot a big load... Been hooked ever since
For me it wasn't a mmf story, but their Boy-Boy section, WOW!! I came so hard, it was so intense. Then instant embarrasment, and confusion, "what just happened?" An hour or so later, I wanted more and to feel like that again.
It wouldn’t “turn” me completely, but if you show me a cock like this, I’ll definitely use it for my pleasure (and yours)

To some extent sex is sex. Because gay is a description of attraction and not nessisarily sex itself (hence why someone can be both gay and a virgin) it's entirely possible for a man to have sex with a man without identifying as gay. Having sex with people you aren't attracted to is completely valid, asexuals do it all the time.

Very well put. The idea of an absolute tendency one way or the other is artificial.
Mixing it up was common in the ancient world, even among tough people like the Spartans.

The related sexual taboos were embedded in Abrahamic religions and therefore created a more solid dividing line.
I reckon I have said this before, but labels are waaayyy overrated.
I totally agree! I just know that I enjoy masturbating and sucking the "right" cock...not just any cock...and I love having my anus paid attention to as hole is a very erogenous zone and I do enjoy most anything anal :) That said, I just consider myself a sexual being and one who enjoys some sexual experiences that others may not, no labels required...;)
To some extent sex is sex. Because gay is a description of attraction and not nessisarily sex itself (hence why someone can be both gay and a virgin) it's entirely possible for a man to have sex with a man without identifying as gay. Having sex with people you aren't attracted to is completely valid, asexuals do it all the time.
Very nice description of how I feel too. I have no "attraction" to men other than to simply engage in something sexual with him, like masturbation, oral or anal sex, but I'm not into kissing men for instance but I do appreciate a fit and healthy looking male if I'm going to be sexual with him.
So is the actual act of “turning” getting a predominately straight man (or woman for that matter) to admit to the fantasy of or actually participate in the act of same sex pleasure? And is that precipitated by a gay person being the catalyst to that “turning” point?

I don’t see myself being 100% either way. I’d still identify as predominately hetero with some tendencies towards homosexuality, but the same sex attraction as a few have stated above is purely sexual.

I’m not a big fan of labels, so personally consider sexuality a sliding scale that can adjust up or down towards all kinks/tendencies/preferences at any given time. Society is hopefully easing up on having to label everything in a specific box. I don’t think that way.
I think many of us are just sexual beings. The label you choose to define that is merely a placeholder for where you are on your sexual journey at that point in time.

People often get hung up on labels because humans often feel the need to exact ideas that are, quite often, too nuanced to be even defined. We like simplicity, and the difference between black and white is easier to see than the differences between shades of gray.

We've always battled with what it is or isn't called when it comes to pinpointing our sexual proclivities, but that's an impossible task. There are exactly two irrefutable truths when it comes to sexuality:

1.) Sexuality a spectrum. There are 7.8 billion people in the world and an infinite number of things that could make someone's dick hard. No two sexualities are exactly the same... More unique than a fingerprint.

2.) We only know what we  know about ourselves. Back to your main point...

How is it possible for a "100% straight" person, who's never been intimate with someone of the same-sex, to know they're what they say they are? That's like saying you hate olives when you've never tried them. The only person who can say they are 100% straight with any with confidence, has tested their hypothesis and confirmed it.

I would argue that most people could find some amount of pleasure in some amount of sexual contact with a person of the same sex. But they'll never be able to say they are "straight", nevermind "100% straight" without trying it. What's more, some people may find that they even  prefer the same sex activities. So, unless they've tried it, there is always the possibility that someone who identifies as "straight" is actually wrong about their own sexuality.

I think often when we see a "gay" man turning "straight" man, what we're actually seeing is just a person who is curious enough to test their hypothesis. When it's over, they'll be closer to right than wrong about themselves.
What a great answer!

And since I'm toying with the notion of sucking some cock, I'd amplify two thoughts:
> We shouldn't generalize something from our own experience to be universally true, or to be some kind of standard; and
> For guys in the center of the orientation spectrum, coming to terms with life-long social conditioning (often anti-gay!) vs biological response (excitement) can be a gradual process. Cocksucking without guilt or shame takes some work once the idea presents itself.
You are indeed lucky to have to have a wife like that!!
Right--not quite "turned". So maybe the right term for you would be "enabled"? You had the makeup to enjoy bi-sexuality all along but needed to be enabled to enjoy it?

I'm not with anyone, so for me there's no external impetus or validation involved, but I'm still thinking that's a better term for me too. Maybe I'm enabling myself by facing up to where I got my ideas about sexuality and realizing a rigid hetero stance is unnatural.
Why put a label on it at all? Say you did explore with another gut & loved it, and even went back for more & more because you liked it, why would you automatically consider yourself gay or bi even? Why do people (mostly guys) do that to themselves? Question their sexuality over a sex experience or a few or many? WHY? I don't get it. Why bother doing that even? After a few M2M experiences, when I was younger way back in a time when it was pretty much considered "abnormal" to act on such things, I did it for pleasure & another form of sexual release was all. I was 100% attracted to women. I never looked at men when they would pass by. I suppose you could question yourself if you find men attractive.
Just because you might have some sex acts with other guys doesn't mean you want to have a relationship or would then turn bi or gay. Imho, Bi people are "attracted" to both sexes. Gay people are attracted to same sex. Straight people are attracted to the opposite sex. Looking at them. I have had m2m sex before & I got over my hang ups & I know I'm straight. Some would say I'm "bi" because I enjoyed sex with the same sex. Whatever IDC what they think I know I want sex with a female first. I look at females when they walk by & don't look at dudes. I find it more a turn off when I see 2 guys kissing and in romantic relationships. To each their own but I never wanted to kiss a guy or make out or cuddle with a guy EVER. That is a total turn off to me. I can understand the sex act and not the relationship part. Gay people are attracted to the same gender for more than just the sex. So I guess the answer to your question is depending on how old you are & how attracted you are to the same sex. Does it matter even? If you are maybe curious in the same sex, then is it for the sex acts or more. Do you want to find out or discover if your gay? The having sex is different imho than one "becoming gay". And just because you might find yourself wanting more gay sex doesn't mean your gay either. Unless YOU want to interpret it that way then that is your own conclusions. Having sex is different than relationships or "connections" of love. Putting on the labels seem to attach themselves to psychobabble imho basically trying to inflict more guilt or a mental state when it isn't even necessary to "find out" what you are. Know what you want & proceed with whatever you like & don't put shame on yourself for anything. And for heaven's sake don't talk about it to everyone else in your life everyone's sex business is their own privacy. I'm not talking about on this website, I'm talking about people in your daily life you know. NOBODY has to know anything that is private. I don't understand why people are so into this "finding themselves" or finding their true identity & sexuality bullshit. I just smh that waste of time mental nonsense that cause people to "question themselves" into feeling negative guilt or shame & unnecessary confusion. Why do people feel a need to do that to themselves? It's like self abuse. Actualizing your true self? Honestly, DON'T let the whole label thing blow your mind it's over rated psychobabble nonsense. If you want to try it, enjoy. Don't automatically assume you are anything but yourself still. Even if you end up liking it. I never beat myself up about any of my sex experiences. I always knew I was attracted to females 100%. For myself, the thing with m2m male experiences were just fun & exciting and a better way to masturbate really that felt better than my hand. And I got pleasure from also giving pleasure. But did it make me want to get in any relationships with guys? Hell no. It was just for the sex fun & release and that was it. Mostly when I couldn't get a girlfriend or I was between girlfriends. I didn't guilt myself because I already knew I wasn't gay for doing that and liking it. Or even bi for that matter. F labels anymore. That is just a negative stupid mental trip. Why bother with that nonsense? Actualizing your true self? LOL. You should stop thinking & analyzing so much it doesn't do a bit of good. C'mon man!
Best of luck. My two cents.
Anyways that is what I think.
Nailed it. Labels are horrible, and cause more confusion and problems than the folks trying to use them "properly" ever had in the first place!!!
Any time ive ever been asked the "what am i " question, ive always asked right back -"Does it matter? Do you enjoy what youre doing?" And followed up with MissNikkis #1 Rule: If it isn't illegal, and nobody's getting hurt, then go for it!!"
Everything else is psychobabble... other people trying to create holes that everyone supposedly has to shape their peg to fit into.
Nope. Dont bother!!
I was 100% straight until i sucked my first cock. Now im totally bi. Actually the more i sucked cock the more attracted i became. Then i topped a guy and i dont miss pussy one bit. A mans tight ass is exquisite. I see a hot woman and im turned on of course! But then my mind wonders and i start thinking about the hot cock that girl gets to suck. I dont like the looks of men until i see them nude. My Dick just naturally gets hard and my instinct causes me to want to give them head
I can relate to this. Saw a woman in store yesterday, built like a brick house. Obvious gym rat hard body. Found myself wishing she had a big cock, or willing to do me with a strap on. I naturally gravitate to TS girls nowadays and wish they all had big hard cocks.
Just curious about something I know we have all heard of for years. Can a straight man be "turned" to being gay? I mean,I consider myself as straight, bicurious, and my urges for intimacy with another man are fairly constant. But, I have always wondered that if I were to have an intimate encounter with a man that I liked and trusted, would I go back for more, want to continue, keep a discreet, but ongoing relationship with him? If I am to be honest, when I was much younger, that was my biggest fear. I secretly felt and feared that a gay man could turn me. However, could I actually be turned or would I be actualizing my true self? Honestly, the whole label thing blows my mind. Am I straight, am I just curious, am I gay, am I bisexual, or am I gay with an interest in women? Not trying to make any particular point here, just curious to know what others
Personally I think sexuality is fluid with everyone depending on the person and situation.
Look at men in male only environments such as prison.
But, since we love labels, I consider a guy to be gay or bisexual if he is actually attracted to men. I don't think just having sex with a guy makes one gay or bisexual.
Labels carry so many assumptions and generalizations they are usually more harmful than helpful. We are what we are, we're all on a spectrum, and should embrace that rather putting people in defined categories. We should accept that we are nuanced and complex and that's what makes us beautiful.
I hate labels as much as I can’t stand activism. Why can’t you just like what you like? Why does society keep hijacking things like that and turn them into issues? I’m comfortable with what I like and I don't overthink it.
Nailed it. Labels are horrible, and cause more confusion and problems than the folks trying to use them "properly" ever had in the first place!!!
Any time ive ever been asked the "what am i " question, ive always asked right back -"Does it matter? Do you enjoy what youre doing?" And followed up with MissNikkis #1 Rule: If it isn't illegal, and nobody's getting hurt, then go for it!!"
Everything else is psychobabble... other people trying to create holes that everyone supposedly has to shape their peg to fit into.
Nope. Dont bother!!
Love this. So well said
Just curious about something I know we have all heard of for years. Can a straight man be "turned" to being gay? I mean,I consider myself as straight, bicurious, and my urges for intimacy with another man are fairly constant. But, I have always wondered that if I were to have an intimate encounter with a man that I liked and trusted, would I go back for more, want to continue, keep a discreet, but ongoing relationship with him? If I am to be honest, when I was much younger, that was my biggest fear. I secretly felt and feared that a gay man could turn me. However, could I actually be turned or would I be actualizing my true self? Honestly, the whole label thing blows my mind. Am I straight, am I just curious, am I gay, am I bisexual, or am I gay with an interest in women? Not trying to make any particular point here, just curious to know what others think.
I believe a straight man can be seduced by a gay man given the right circumstances. Intoxicated, in a vunerable position like his wife/girlfriend left him or is other circumstances. We all want to be loved. I once heard of a man on the radio being seduced by a hairdresser. They made out, but he stopped there. He said he was seduced by him.