
jon.hayworth said:
Canes - hmmmmm we have one in the toy-box, but it is the only toy we have never used.

Maybe this is because we are both products of the English education system, when we were at school caning was the usual form of punishment.

Yes they do hurt and yes they can shatter. My headmaster broke one across my arse when caning me, he selected up another one from his cupboard and gave me the final two strokes of the six he was administering.

As a recalcitrant schoolboy the cheeks of my arse usually bore scars despite the caning having been administered through my trousers.

Memory of those days makes me afraid to use this implement and so that toy will remain untested.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

I can hardly blame you. When I went to catholic school the nuns used yard sticks...nothing like a cane.
As a child, I received yard sticks to the behind also and have had an aversion to canes. Mistress had a nice pair and through her, I was able to control it a bit. We have bamboo growing here and I was thinking about making one myself.
When i was in private school they had paddles made from canvar belts and mounted into wooden handles.

They used them on the palms of the hands

In parocial school they used rulers on the knuckles
*begins to get the idea that most teachers are sadists....* (well, it IS true in the case of one particular english prof i could mention!) but jeez, were they such bad teachers that they couldn't hold their authority any other way? c'mon, working with little kids shouldn't be SO challenging that you need to actually hurt them. pain should be reserved for those of us who like it!
That was how the education system was Bunny.
Judging by the state it's in now, I think perhaps we should return to those former times.
Well the yardstick was never used on me in school. I'm too young for that. It was employed by my parental figures instead.

Navarre: I agree with you. The school kids have such a lack of respect for teachers these days is scary.
WynEternal said:
Navarre: I agree with you. The school kids have such a lack of respect for teachers these days is scary.

they lack respect for anyone or anything
navarre said:
That was how the education system was Bunny.
Judging by the state it's in now, I think perhaps we should return to those former times.

Well when I taught high school the parents were involved more. All I had to do was threaten to call mom and dad and they straightened up in a heartbeat.

I bet that would not work now.
Ebonyfire said:
Well when I taught high school the parents were involved more. All I had to do was threaten to call mom and dad and they straightened up in a heartbeat.

I bet that would not work now.

You're right. It wouldn't. Now, they'd just scoff at you, with their parents saying their child would never do such a thing or the parent wouldn't care. :(
Ebonyfire said:
Well when I taught high school the parents were involved more. All I had to do was threaten to call mom and dad and they straightened up in a heartbeat.

I bet that would not work now.

No, it wouldn't Eb.
Fortunately I got out of teaching just as things were turning.
Now I'm glad I did.
Ebonyfire said:
Well when I taught high school the parents were involved more. All I had to do was threaten to call mom and dad and they straightened up in a heartbeat.

I bet that would not work now.

No, it doesn't work. The response is one of the following.

You can't call her, she's at work.

You can't call him, he's in jail.

I don't have a daddy.
i happen to love the cane. i love the beautiful sound it makes as it cuts through the air before it lands against my pale skin. That delicious, lingering, spreading heat as it bows against my flesh as it makes full contact...

i admit i am more than a bit on the extreme side of loving pain. i don't enjoy being 'warmed' up. The sight of the cane, the anticipation of the first lash.. the sounds, the heat... that is what i crave when it comes to pain..

( i also enjoy tomato sticks in place of a cane at times.. a handy money saving tip for those who want to experiment without purchasing a cane )

Ebonyfire said:
I am not an expert at caning either, but I have had lessons, which I feel is important. Lessons or an experienced mentor is necessary, cause you can do a lot of damage if you do not watch out.

I love the marks that a cane leaves on my sub's ass cheeks.

See, I took the old-fashioned route of being Mentored by a VERY experienced Domme when I got in to BDSM
She showed me the ropes (in more ways than one) and taught me to NEVER do anything unless I'd been properly instructed & been smacked a time or 2 myself to see how it felt
I don't bottom to anyone but if I get a new toy I seek out an experienced user, take lessons, and subject myself to a few strikes so I know how it works
I wouldn't expect anyone to let me touch them otherwise
alright, damnit! *scowls* i was a good student! and i happen to believe that my personal space is to be respected by EVERYONE, teachers (with one exception! :p) included.

and moreover, my dad was always there to bail me out when i needed him.

i don't think the answer to unruly behaviour is to beat the kid (i'm talking about in school, let's not start the corporal punishment by parents argument). i think parental involvment is the best way. i know i HATED my dad for intruding onto "my life" when i was 12-15 yrs old, and i thought there was nothing more heinous that could be done to me. but now, i thank him, and i've even apoligized since for my wild ways during that akward time of puberty. my dad is one of my best friends, and because he was so stubbornly nosy and (to my perception at the time) controlling, i was wrenched kicking and screaming from a very bad path in life.

ok, i'll go turn my soapbox back in now.

*edited to take out the word "hand" where it didn't belong
But you believe in corporal punishmnt NOW, right bunny?
A little taste of the cane when you get out of line, hmmm? ;)

bunny bondage said:
alright, damnit! *scowls* i was a good student! and i happen to believe that my personal space is to be respected by EVERYONE, teachers (with one exception! :p) included.

and moreover, my dad was always there to bail me out when i needed him.

i don't think the answer to unruly behaviour is to beat the kid (i'm talking about in school, let's not start the corporal punishment by parents argument). i think parental involvment is the best way. i know i HATED my dad for intruding onto "my life" when i was 12-15 yrs old, and i thought there was nothing more heinous that could be done to me. but now, i thank him, and i've even apoligized since for my wild ways during that akward time of puberty. my dad is one of my best friends, and because he was so stubbornly nosy and (to my perception at the time) controlling, i was wrenched kicking and screaming from a very bad path in life.

ok, i'll go turn my soapbox back in now.

*edited to take out the word "hand" where it didn't belong
The cane has become one of the instruments that I enjoy using the most and most likely use the least...simply to increase its already dynamic impact.
If I am going to punish with it I enjoy making the pain a little more intense and the stripes a little deeper and long lasting. I accomplish this by having My toy or trainee bath first..long and hot baths increase the vulnerability of the skin...hense (sp?)deeper marks and bruising and more intense burning pain with each stroke.
Pissing Me off can be painful and doesn't have an ounce of erotica in it...except perhaps the aftermass when the sub is enjoying the beauty in a mirror when the pain has subsided.
Shadowsdream said:
The cane has become one of the instruments that I enjoy using the most and most likely use the least...simply to increase its already dynamic impact.
If I am going to punish with it I enjoy making the pain a little more intense and the stripes a little deeper and long lasting. I accomplish this by having My toy or trainee bath first..long and hot baths increase the vulnerability of the skin...hense (sp?)deeper marks and bruising and more intense burning pain with each stroke.
Pissing Me off can be painful and doesn't have an ounce of erotica in it...except perhaps the aftermass when the sub is enjoying the beauty in a mirror when the pain has subsided.

just judging from your av, i wouldn't reccomend pissing you off to anyone. i can only imagine the look on your subs' faces when you bring out a cane! *eek!*
<hijack continuation>

navarre said:
That was how the education system was Bunny.
Judging by the state it's in now, I think perhaps we should return to those former times.
Kids don't need beatings from their teachers, but they'd certainly benefit from getting rid of all the feel-good pop psychology shit about "self-esteem." The fucking Cult of Self-Esteem is teaching kids that competition is bad, performance doesn't matter, grades are negotiable, and rules are really just suggestions. This is what happens when self indulgent Boomers breed late in life...we get self-indulgent, financially spoiled and absolutely unsupervised teenagers.

On the flip side, though, kids aren't really any worse than they ever were, I don't think. The older generations have been bemoaning "these kids today" for so long, it's hardly even worth mentioning anymore. Back in ancient Rome, they probably had the same grumbles..."Damn children today, they hardly even take the time to visit the Vomitoriums anymore." Same shit, different millenia. We're just getting old.

<end hijack>

Canes are neat-o. A year ago, when this thread started, I never would have believed that I'd say that. So it goes, so it goes. Limits change with time. Now there's a truism.

bunny bondage said:
just judging from your av, i wouldn't reccomend pissing you off to anyone. i can only imagine the look on your subs' faces when you bring out a cane! *eek!*

I think your imagination would pretty much reflect reality!
I'm not much older than today's generation of kids and I'm one of those who think it's all gone to hell in a handbasket. Now I hear they're doing away with valedictorians because not being #1 would make the others feel bad.

Kids need discipline and guidance. Unfortunately it seems many are not getting it in the home.
Re: Re: Caning

James G 5 said:
See, I took the old-fashioned route of being Mentored by a VERY experienced Domme when I got in to BDSM
She showed me the ropes (in more ways than one) and taught me to NEVER do anything unless I'd been properly instructed & been smacked a time or 2 myself to see how it felt
I don't bottom to anyone but if I get a new toy I seek out an experienced user, take lessons, and subject myself to a few strikes so I know how it works
I wouldn't expect anyone to let me touch them otherwise

A wise Dom.
WynEternal said:
Now I hear they're doing away with valedictorians because not being #1 would make the others feel bad.

WHAT?! ok, now they've gone too far. i'm sorry, but those who try harder and get better grades should be allowed to feel good about themselves because of it, and should be given recognition accordingly. if the slackers can't handle getting lower scores, then that's a sad sad story - they should try harder.
Bondage Bunny wrote
WHAT?! ok, now they've gone too far. i'm sorry, but those who try harder and get better grades should be allowed to feel good about themselves because of it, and should be given recognition accordingly. if the slackers can't handle getting lower scores, then that's a sad sad story - they should try harder.

I agree! I think it is a sad reflection on both the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. that there is this desire to dumb down education just so that some gullible people will feel good about themselves. I say gullible because a lot will see through the con and not feel any better.

What did Lincoln say. "You can fool some of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." - think I got that correct.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
bunny bondage said:
WHAT?! ok, now they've gone too far. i'm sorry, but those who try harder and get better grades should be allowed to feel good about themselves because of it, and should be given recognition accordingly. if the slackers can't handle getting lower scores, then that's a sad sad story - they should try harder.

I would think that not getting a job that pays enough to support themselves would make them feel worse.

All that does is postpone the inevitable.