Carville Alarmed That The Young Are leaving The Democrat Party

Carville is pushing the campaign to make changes. He knows he has pull with the party and when he wants change, he makes hyperbolic comments to get enough attention to get it.
But what basis for the idea that he is being hyperbolic. What basis for the idea that he doesn't simply mean what he says?
"I’ve been very vocal about this,” Carville said. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males. We’re not shedding them, they’re leaving in droves.”

How is this about things that MAY happen, not things that ARE happening. Again, not trying to argue. Trying to understand your reasoning for taking what seems a relatively straightforward statement and saying he doesn't mean what he seems to be clearly saying.
"I’ve been very vocal about this,” Carville said. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males. We’re not shedding them, they’re leaving in droves.”

How is this about things that MAY happen, not things that ARE happening. Again, not trying to argue. Trying to understand your reasoning for taking what seems a relatively straightforward statement and saying he doesn't mean what he seems to be clearly saying.
Look up the word hyperbole.

I realize in the world of histrionics, such as how Reichy operates in, might seem is not. Embellishment is not meant to be truth...its typically used to being attention to topics that have been ignored.
You don't care what Carville says. You like that it reflects on the man who occupies your head all day every day.
I like Carville. If he had the power, he would probably have me and everyone else who ever so much as sympathized with Bernie Sanders liquidated as a threat to public order (which, he he, we are), but I still feel that he ones of the most blunt and plain-spoken figures you'll ever find among Dem old guard.
Look up the word hyperbole.

I realize in the world of histrionics, such as how Reichy operates in, might seem is not. Embellishment is not meant to be truth...its typically used to being attention to topics that have been ignored.
Soooo... When a conservative uses hyperbole it is to be taken at face value and condemned instead of taking it for the intentional overstatement that it is? But I am to understand that this guy... isn't supposed to be seen as literal? I don't get it. Isn't that a double standard?
Look up the word hyperbole.

I realize in the world of histrionics, such as how Reichy operates in, might seem is not. Embellishment is not meant to be truth...its typically used to being attention to topics that have been ignored.
I am genuinely trying to understand your line of reasoning, not call you names and throw out cheap, easy lines and insults. Unlike your calling me... what was the term... a "fucking douche" because you disagree with my worldview and my enjoying watching that worldview defended well.
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But what basis for the idea that he is being hyperbolic. What basis for the idea that he doesn't simply mean what he says?

Because he is speculatong about things that may occur

There is also the matter of Carville's track record. While he is good at winning elections for the Dems, he also has an equally long record of overblown rhetoric.

Soooo... When a conservative uses hyperbole it is to be taken at face value and condemned instead of taking it for the intentional overstatement that it is? But I am to understand that this guy... isn't supposed to be seen as literal? I don't get it. Isn't that a double standard?

It would be if your silly caricature of progressives was even close to being accurate.
There is also the matter of Carville's track record. While he is good at winning elections for the Dems, he also has an equally long record of overblown rhetoric.

It would be if your silly caricature of progressives was even close to being accurate.
Okay, one off the top of my head. Several are there, but let's go with one that caused an entire hair-on-fire reaction. Trump, at a rally, while speaking of Hillary and her supposed "lost" classified email documents, and the Russian access to US government officials through hacks, cracks, "I bet Russia can find them! Hey, Russia, can you find those documents?" In the context of what he was saying, the line was a well-placed piece of hyperbolic humor to make a point. The crowd, for whom the joke was for, got the joke. They were laughing at the joke. They all understood it. Your side started screaming that Trump was, right there, colluding with Russia, asking for their help. Clear hyperbole. Your side treated it as though it was a serious statement meant to be taken at face value.

There are lots of these, but going on might trigger you, and it would distract from the question I was actually asking. If there is no context that indicates hyperbole, and he makes serious and direct statements as well, why are you assuming he didn't mean what he said? Do you have any quotes by him stating it was hyperbole?
I don't subjugate to your god.

You are

That's not why.

You aren't doing well at defending anything
One, I did not once mention God in this line of questions. Didn't even imply Him. You just did. Your belief in God or not is irrelevant to the question posed.

Two, in classic argument, the resorting to personal insults, no matter what you feel about that person, is the evidence of a weak argument, because an argument, if based in facts, is true or false regardless of the person delivering it. By classical thought rules, you have lost the debate by going there.

Three, I am simply asking a question here. As for the other thread, I am simply presenting what is very effective and very persuasive argument for various topics, as done by a very skilled man. Now, you may not agree. You don't have to. There are those who still believe the moon landing was a deep fake too. But there are many who do agree with me, as attested by the grassroots funding of TPUSA. So some agree, some disagree. And there are those who agree with me, and those who disagree.
Your opinion on this is extremely subjective. And you still don't answer the question I pose. I genuinely want to understand your line of thought here. But if you don't have the intellectual capacity to engage on that level...
Translation: I can’t win a discussion based on intellect, so I’ll denigrate upon gender.
Okay, I somehow missed this comment.

I don't want to side rail, but I do have to ask how Right's comment is based on gender. Both genders' nipples are sensitive and get hard. I am very confused by this particular response.
Dude, Right is spitting that out to try and use those words in that order as an insult against Izumi. It's not that hard to figure out. Plus it's not a very clever insult either.
Soooo... When a conservative uses hyperbole it is to be taken at face value and condemned instead of taking it for the intentional overstatement that it is?
When (most if not all) conservatives use hyperbole, they aren't trying to be funny, they're over-signaling what they'd like to happen and what they intend to bring into fruition through policy. They do it that way because their low-impact brained constituency loves rhetoric and eats it up every time like free burgers from Wendy's.
Dude, Right is spitting that out to try and use those words in that order as an insult against Izumi. It's not that hard to figure out. Plus it's not a very clever insult either.
I don't think it is a clever argument. Lack of thought in an argument on either side annoys me as well. I just wondered how it is gender-specific one way or the other. I just found the response to a very low brow response kinda off kilter and puzzling as well.
When (most if not all) conservatives use hyperbole, they aren't trying to be funny, they're over-signaling what they'd like to happen and what they intend to bring into fruition through policy. They do it that way because their low-impact brained constituency loves rhetoric and eats it up every time like free burgers from Wendy's.
While you are wrong about most of this, I am glad for your recognition that Conservatives' effective use of hyperbole. Some of the most skilled use of hyperbolic humor I have ever seen comes from Conservatives. It's because we have pretty thick skins, enjoy a good joke, and can laugh easily, even at ourselves. We can joke without worrying about caveats over intersectionality, trying to figure out whose pronouns to use, or what political or social classes might be offended. Unlike the more classically liberal comedians, many of whom, by the way, refuse to play on or near college campuses anymore for this very reason, our side can simply tell a joke or be a little hyperbolic, and the crowd gets the joke and laughs at it, even when it is at our own expense.

Because our jokes are geared towards laughter and intellectual appeal, not applause lines.

‘It’s Horrifying’: James Carville Sounds Alarm About Key Dem Voting Bloc Leaving Party In ‘Droves’​

April 01, 20241:00 PM ET

Former Bill Clinton campaign strategist James Carville expressed concerns on Sunday about the number of young voters, a key voting bloc for Democrats, that are leaving his party.

President Joe Biden was supported by 52% of Americans aged 18 to 34, while former President Donald Trump received support from 48% of this crucial Democratic voting bloc in February polling data. This is a major difference from past presidential elections, including 2020, which Carville called an alarming development on “Carville’s Classroom.”

“I’ve been very vocal about this,” Carville said. “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males. We’re not shedding them, they’re leaving in droves.”

Younger voters were key to Biden’s coalition in 2020 as a Pew Research Center analysis found 59% of voters aged 18 to 29 voted for him in the 2020 presidential election, while Trump received 33% of the vote among this bloc.

More here:

Even the young and dumb can see what Biden and his Marxists are doing to the country.

They're leaving over Biden's policy on aiding Israel in gaza not because they're against his Marxist agenda. They're far more in general terms Marxist as a whole than he is (not that Biden is anywhere near actual Marxism), and that doesn't mean they're going over to the Republicans side either especially since the Republicans' alternative policy for aiding Isreal in Gaza is to drop trousers and bend over for bibi more than even Biden is doing.

I think it might be why he's holding those 2000 pound bombs from Israel for invading rafah now. He's trying to appease young people who want a cease fire.
Three, I am simply asking a question here.
"Just asking questions...."

As for the other thread, I am simply presenting what is very effective and very persuasive argument for various topics, as done by a very skilled man.

Now, you may not agree. You don't have to.
Unless it has to do with the policies you agree with

There are those who still believe the moon landing was a deep fake too.
Yes, there are idiots who think stupid things.

But there are many who do agree with me, as attested by the grassroots funding of TPUSA. So some agree, some disagree. And there are those who agree with me, and those who disagree.

Your opinion on this is extremely subjective. And you still don't answer the question I pose. I genuinely want to understand your line of thought here. But if you don't have the intellectual capacity to engage on that level...
No you don't.
Translation: I can’t win a discussion based on intellect, so I’ll denigrate upon gender.
Fact: I've already beaten her to death on that assertion she constantly brings up. She brought it up because she has nothing to offer the thread except her arousal at the sight of one of my threads.
Fact: I've already beaten her to death on that assertion she constantly brings up. She brought it up because she has nothing to offer the thread except her arousal at the sight of one of my threads.
I wonder if BSG was hanging around Boston Latin circa 2002-2004. One of my JAP exes come back to haunt me, perhaps?