Carville Alarmed That The Young Are leaving The Democrat Party

I'm not sure, she hasn't called me a "Bastid" yet. :D
For the record, I don't sound like that. :)

WASPy New Englander/Quebecois Blueblood though I am, I have a really good fake Southern accent. One of my grandfathers was from Georgia, so I grew up learning to talk like him and Lester Maddox. People say that I can actually sound a lot more Southern than a lot of real, modern Southerners who've had their accents diluted by tv and tiktok.

One of Jewish girls I was with back then was this self-hating, well-endowed redhead who once asked me to pretend that I was a Klansman. I had been ordered by the Kleagle of my Klaven to Konvert this Kikess into Klannly Kristian Kompusure, namely by breeding all the Jewyness out of her. I did it for her, once. It was, well... :confused:

She really was a nice girl. Mad as a march hare, but nice.
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For the record, I don't sound like that. :)

WASPy New Englander/Quebecois Blueblood though I am, I have a really good fake Southern accent. One of my grandfathers was from Georgia, so I grew up learning to talk like him and Lester Maddox. People say that I can actually sound a lot more Southern than a lot of real, modern Southerners who've had their accents diluted by tv and tiktok.

According to Thomas Sowell Southern culture is what has destroyed black culture.
One of Jewish girls that I actually liked back then was this self-hating, well-endowed redhead who once asked me to pretend that I was a Klansman. I had been ordered by the Kleagle of my Klaven to Konvert this Kikess into Klannly Kristian Kompusure, namely by breeding all the Jewyness out of her. I did it for her, once. It was, well... :confused:

She really was a nice girl. Mad as a march hare, but nice.
I've never had a Jewish girlfriend but I've known and have done business with several Jewish businessmen. They are an exacting and industrious group who appreciate doing business with people of a like nature. They are some of our most loyal associates and customers.
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According to Thomas Sowell Southern culture is what has destroyed black culture.
He probably has a point.

In a lot of ways, I'm rather fond of Southern Culture. But then I'm also fond of Black Culture.

I've spent enough time working in Black communities to have... realistic ideas of what they're really like. Something I learned very quickly is that it's the redneckish White guys with the scary-looking biker/prison tats and the rebel flags on their pickups whom most Blacks are most comfortable being around. They don't have a high opinion of libs.
Partially, it's shared class consciousness, of course. But I also think it's because they're so convinced that all White people are racist, that the ones who don't try too hard to act otherwise are appreciated for their honesty.
I can not believe Anyone is still voting. Seriously
He probably has a point.

In a lot of ways, I'm rather fond of Southern Culture. But then I'm also fond of Black Culture.

I've spent enough time working in Black communities to have... realistic ideas of what they're really like. Something I learned very quickly is that it's the redneckish White guys with the scary-looking biker/prison tats and the rebel flags on their pickups whom most Blacks are most comfortable being around. They don't have a high opinion of libs.
Partially, it's shared class consciousness, of course. But I also think it's because they're so convinced that all White people are racist, that the ones who don't try too hard to act otherwise are appreciated for their honesty.
We have to remember their culture was exposed for over a hundred years to the most brutal white supremacy culture in America the vast majority of it below the Mason-Dixon Line managed and applied by Democrats. Here Thomas Sowell, a stellar black intellect, explains the origin of the cancer in black culture:

We have to remember their culture was exposed for over a hundred years to the most brutal white supremacy culture in America the vast majority of it below the Mason-Dixon Line managed and applied by Democrats. Here Thomas Sowell, a stellar black intellect, explains the origin of the cancer in black culture:

While White Southerners are certainly far from innocent, blaming Southerners specifically for White Supremacy is idiotic and is frankly reminiscent of Americanized form of the Clean Wehrmacht myth.

Fact: I've already beaten her to death on that assertion she constantly brings up. She brought it up because she has nothing to offer the thread except her arousal at the sight of one of my threads.
RG and fact in the same sentance!
Fact: I've already beaten her to death on that assertion she constantly brings up. She brought it up because she has nothing to offer the thread except her arousal at the sight of one of my threads.
Are you sure of this?
Anyone who thinks only Southern whites were responsible for the plight of Black Americans needs to read a book on the great Black migration. The Northern cities did not welcome them with open arms by any means (and to head off the response Rightguide is already undoubtedly writing, those cities were not solidly Democratic in those days. Chicago, for example, had a Republican mayor in the '20s.)
How did we stray off topic to this? I thought this thread was about Biden's abysmal polling with young people.
How did we stray off topic to this? I thought this thread was about Biden's abysmal polling with young people.
Just about everything political, and especially anything concerning Democrats, always comes circling back to Black people in America.

Sexuality agendas? You mean like the right to enjoy your life and be left alone by the haters? Some "agenda".
That would be a winning platform if the Dems actually did that. What they do instead is their own brand of hate and controlling people's lives. The far left and far right of anytime, anywhere, have the same trait of totalitarianism.
That would be a winning platform if the Dems actually did that. What they do instead is their own brand of hate and controlling people's lives. The far left and far right of anytime, anywhere, have the same trait of totalitarianism.

So now letting GLBT people live their lives = "controlling people's lives"? You'll have to explain that one!
Anyone who thinks only Southern whites were responsible for the plight of Black Americans needs to read a book on the great Black migration. The Northern cities did not welcome them with open arms by any means (and to head off the response Rightguide is already undoubtedly writing, those cities were not solidly Democratic in those days. Chicago, for example, had a Republican mayor in the '20s.)
Are you claiming to understand and know about black culture and it's caused and history than Thomas Sowell, a black American man? Isn't that a little racist?
Are you claiming to understand and know about black culture and it's caused and history than Thomas Sowell, a black American man?
No, I'm not. Thomas Sowell undoubtedly knows about redlining and de facto segregation in the North, and he's probably aware that Martin Luther King said the resistance he met in Chicago was worse than anywhere in the South.

Now I haven't read whatever work of Sowell's you're apparently alluding to, so I see two possibilities:
1. He avoided mention of the above because it didn't fit in with his thesis. That more than passes the smell test given his track record.
2. He did mention it, and it didn't register with you because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. That, too, is entirely plausible.

So either way, the fact that you aren't aware of Thomas Sowell acknowledging Northern racism has nothing to do with me, nor is it relevant to that historical reality.

Isn't that a little racist?
It would be if it were what I was doing, but once again you've got me all wrong. (Surprise surprise.)
Now, you know what is a little racist? You presuming that the opinions of one Black American are the be all and end all of Black culture and history. That would be true with respect to any Black American, but it's especially true in the case of one whose politics you know damn well are massively outvoted among Blacks in general.
No, I'm not. Thomas Sowell undoubtedly knows about redlining and de facto segregation in the North, and he's probably aware that Martin Luther King said the resistance he met in Chicago was worse than anywhere in the South.

Now I haven't read whatever work of Sowell's you're apparently alluding to, so I see two possibilities:
1. He avoided mention of the above because it didn't fit in with his thesis. That more than passes the smell test given his track record.
2. He did mention it, and it didn't register with you because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. That, too, is entirely plausible.

So either way, the fact that you aren't aware of Thomas Sowell acknowledging Northern racism has nothing to do with me, nor is it relevant to that historical reality.

It would be if it were what I was doing, but once again you've got me all wrong. (Surprise surprise.)
Now, you know what is a little racist? You presuming that the opinions of one Black American are the be all and end all of Black culture and history. That would be true with respect to any Black American, but it's especially true in the case of one whose politics you know damn well are massively outvoted among Blacks in general.
The very fact you haven't read his Black Rednecks, White Liberals makes my point well. The fact that you say I paint a whole culture any way, which is my point, that neither I nor my side does this while it is a traditionally your side does that, attacking those who dare oppose your views in the most in the most despicable and racist of tropes and insults.
The very fact you haven't read his Black Rednecks, White Liberals makes my point well.
Well, it certainly says a lot that you have, but that's beside the point.
The fact that you say I paint a whole culture any way, which is my point, that neither I nor my side does this while it is a traditionally your side does that,
But that's exactly what you are doing, by effectively arguing that Thomas Sowell is the final arbiter of the Black perspective. Regardless of how much you respect him or how persuaded you are by his arguments, you know perfectly well that the great majority of Black Americans disagree with him and with you.
attacking those who dare oppose your views in the most in the most despicable and racist of tropes and insults.
By calling them "misguided"? That is "the most despicable and racist of tropes and insults"? Please.
So now letting GLBT people live their lives = "controlling people's lives"? You'll have to explain that one!
Kids pushed into transitioning is the most obvious control of sexuality on the Dem side, usually the kids who don't fit gender norms. They are too young to understand the consequences of such a life changing decision. If they're too young to consent to sex then they're far too young for sex changes. The much more severe violation of bodily autonomy is everything they did in the past few years with the covid excuse. The shots are increasingly recognized to be unhealthy at best and often fatal. People who never had the shots can still absorb some spike protein shedded from the shot up. Trump pushed the approval process, but the Dems moved that a giant step further with the overwhelming pressure and lies to get the shots.
Kids pushed into transitioning is the most obvious control of sexuality on the Dem side, usually the kids who don't fit gender norms.
Yeah, that's not happening.
They are too young to understand the consequences of such a life changing decision.
Which is why it's not happening.
If they're too young to consent to sex then they're far too young for sex changes.
They are not too young to know if they're trans or genderfluid, and they're entitled to age-appropriate care (counseling, etc.)
The much more severe violation of bodily autonomy is everything they did in the past few years with the covid excuse. The shots are increasingly recognized to be unhealthy at best and often fatal.
Okay, now you're in Jewish space lasers territory!
People who never had the shots can still absorb some spike protein shedded from the shot up. Trump pushed the approval process, but the Dems moved that a giant step further with the overwhelming pressure and lies to get the shots.
No evidence at all of that.
Why is Carville (and many other Democrats) so alarmed? CNN’s Fareed Zakaria delivers a sobering analysis of the multitude of problems Biden has created for himself. Enjoy 😀

"The economy is in a robust economy"?!!!!.... I work in service and retail. I see food prices. I watch Indeed for resumes. Those "robust economy" statements are some of the most doctored numbers out there, and people who live in the real world know it. And people who live in the real world, have to work real jobs, and see how little their dollar is buying, we remember a Trump economy. I'm not sure it is possible to ever go back to that again, not even convinced that Trump is the best guy for that anymore (I had other preferences for the candidate), but that claim, and the fact that Dems keep repeating that lie as though repeating it enough will convince middle and low income voters that it is true, that is a huge reason they can't stand Biden. He's seen as incompetent on the economy because he is incompetent on the economy.
"The economy is in a robust economy"?!!!!.... I work in service and retail. I see food prices. I watch Indeed for resumes. Those "robust economy" statements are some of the most doctored numbers out there, and people who live in the real world know it. And people who live in the real world, have to work real jobs, and see how little their dollar is buying, we remember a Trump economy. I'm not sure it is possible to ever go back to that again, not even convinced that Trump is the best guy for that anymore (I had other preferences for the candidate), but that claim, and the fact that Dems keep repeating that lie as though repeating it enough will convince middle and low income voters that it is true, that is a huge reason they can't stand Biden. He's seen as incompetent on the economy because he is incompetent on the economy.
Yep. Economists focus their attention on “the” economy. Voters focus their attention on “my” economy. The different vantage points can result in different conclusions. An economist looking at unemployment, gdp, and other metrics might conclude “the economy” is in decent shape.

For someone trying to buy a home and is looking at a 7% mortgage, “my economy” sucks. For someone who just got hit with another rent increase, “my economy” sucks. For someone stunned by the tab for a burger and fries, “my economy” sucks. For someone buying a car, “my economy” sucks. For a mid-level white collar worker who just got laid off and has discovered that there’s little demand for their skills, “my economy” sucks.
Yep. Economists focus their attention on “the” economy. Voters focus their attention on “my” economy. The different vantage points can result in different conclusions. An economist looking at unemployment, gdp, and other metrics might conclude “the economy” is in decent shape.

For someone trying to buy a home and is looking at a 7% mortgage, “my economy” sucks. For someone who just got hit with another rent increase, “my economy” sucks. For someone stunned by the tab for a burger and fries, “my economy” sucks. For someone buying a car, “my economy” sucks. For a mid-level white collar worker who just got laid off and has discovered that there’s little demand for their skills, “my economy” sucks.
"THE economy" is made up of a whole bunch of "MY economies". To say THE economy is doing great while the MY economies suck is the evidence of doctored numbers.