Chain Story - Bathtubs and Broomsticks

I'll try and take a look today.

I'm scheduled for Chapter 2, aren't I? Then I might start writing as soon as I've read your chapter.
I haven't quite finished. One more scene to write. I'm running into difficulties with AlinaX's suggestions.
I won't feel offended if you ignore my suggestions. I'm just impatient to read more...
I did ask everyone for e-mails, but I know there was one person missing from the responses.
Okay, Thank you. I've shared it again with some editing and additions. I'll write and post the final scenes tonight.

I haven't used Google Docs for a couple of years; how do I save without sharing?
I've been over the suggestions; most have been accepted, and all the typos corrected, as far as I could see. I shared it again, but I'm not sure that's how I should be dealing with it. If I don't, though, Google tells me my changes may not be saved. Any advice?

I'll be starting on the chapter's finale now; hopefully I'll finish it tonight.
Okay, Thank you. I've shared it again with some editing and additions. I'll write and post the final scenes tonight.

I haven't used Google Docs for a couple of years; how do I save without sharing?
It should save automatically every so often. It's shared with all of us all the time as we are all editors on the doc so we can add our parts as the time comes.
Okay, but how will I know if it's been saved?

A more important point: My chapter will conclude shortly with Charlie getting word about Adamir, and sending Lucy off in pursuit of the scoop story that he knows will make his zine top drawer. It is the intro chapter, and I've tried to set it up so everyone else can follow from it. Let me know what you think of it in general as a useful and interesting intro. Thanks.
Okay, but how will I know if it's been saved?

A more important point: My chapter will conclude shortly with Charlie getting word about Adamir, and sending Lucy off in pursuit of the scoop story that he knows will make his zine top drawer. It is the intro chapter, and I've tried to set it up so everyone else can follow from it. Let me know what you think of it in general as a useful and interesting intro. Thanks.
At the top of the document it should say "saved" from time to time. I'm not on my laptop, so I can't double check, but I think it's typically at the very top of the document.
And I think it's a good intro that establishes the characters and dynamics. (And absolutely made me hate her boyfriend, so I now *want* her to cheat on him, have a great time, and realize what an insufferable dick he is.)
And I think it's a good intro that establishes the characters and dynamics. (And absolutely made me hate her boyfriend, so I now *want* her to cheat on him, have a great time, and realize what an insufferable dick he is.)
Success!!! (and thanks)
I made a few changes, including her pen name - it's Lucinda Luna now - and added much of my ending. I'll finish tomorrow; I've had to work on a final report for a research project; it's due Friday if I hope to get a follow-up grant for continuing the project next season.

I've sent it to share among everyone. Has Pink Silk Glove been added?
I made a few changes, including her pen name - it's Lucinda Luna now - and added much of my ending. I'll finish tomorrow; I've had to work on a final report for a research project; it's due Friday if I hope to get a follow-up grant for continuing the project next season.

I've sent it to share among everyone. Has Pink Silk Glove been added?
not yet.

@pink_silk_glove Alina needs you to PM her your email to add you to the google doc if you want to see/comment on what everyone writes.
Is it that you don’t want to share an e-mail? (Or some other technical issue?)
I have written a short prologue, although I think it needs a bit from @StillStunned to introduce our leading actress into the story. Anyways, see what you think. It could either go at the start of Tio's or as a seperately published intro to the chain.
I have written a short prologue, although I think it needs a bit from @StillStunned to introduce our leading actress into the story. Anyways, see what you think. It could either go at the start of Tio's or as a seperately published intro to the chain.
I like that. It's a good lead-in to the story overall.
Hopefully I'll have time to read everything this weekend, but I can't make any promises.
I wonder if this is an annual thing...
The village of Čachtice ... sweet rewards or hot Royal Chocolate will please your taste buds ... Infamous Čachtice Bloody Lady is still present in the area. In Čachtice, a larger than life-size wooden statue of the Countess is located on the main square of the village ... red wine from Čachtice produced by local Agricultural Cooperative Farm is named after Elizabeth. If you dare, try the unique Báthory's Blood.
It would be nice. Can the story keep them there until Advent, or should we plan a sequel for Lucy and Mina?
The hot chocolate and blood wine seem to be recurring things. I'm guessing there are celebrations of some sort around Christmas. Maybe the story could end with Christmas in Čachtice...
Your citation was from "the Magic of Advent . . ." We could have celebrations earlier, or we could end with a combination wrap party and Advent/St. Nicholas/Christmas/Winter Solstice bacchanal.