Chain Story Continuity thread

sex at sea

I just finished Chs 3 and 4 of the series, and have enjoyed the entire saga to date. My only "nit" to pick is the scene where Erica is in the cockpit of the yacht and her hosts are making love belowdecks. Since the yacht is described as being 54 feet long, I can state with certainty that no amount of lovemaking would cause a boat that size to rock.:confused:

Sonia :
Re: sex at sea

Sonia_de_Beaumanoir said:
I just finished Chs 3 and 4 of the series, and have enjoyed the entire saga to date. My only "nit" to pick is the scene where Erica is in the cockpit of the yacht and her hosts are making love belowdecks. Since the yacht is described as being 54 feet long, I can state with certainty that no amount of lovemaking would cause a boat that size to rock.:confused:

Sonia :

But of course you have never sailed with me. :) I'm leaving for the Aeolian Islands next week - is it completely out of the question for you?

Hmmm, you have a good point.

Have you caught a dinghy sailor who only dreams of 54 foot yachts?

Or, have you failed to consider the POWER OF SUGGESTION on the mind of someone sitting alone on deck, first time on a sail boat, in a star filled sky, tummy warmed with a nice Valpolacelli wine brought along from Italy, boat moving in that complex way they have?

I would hope with all my heart that your own fancy has been tickled once or twice by just such suggestibility!?

Your comment brought a huge smile to my face. Thanks.



I still have not finished reading all the info posted since April on the 'Memoirs' chain.

What is the due date for my part? Or point me to a thread?


- Judo
due dates and pointers, final edition

Revised MOAL Chapter Authors/Due Dates
(This should be the last revision, too.)

Due Date / Chapter / Author Name
May 12 - Chapter 1 - Killer Muffin - posted
May 19 - Chapter 2 - Whispersecret - posted
May 26 - Chapter 3 - Gaucho - posted
June 2 - Chapter 4 - Charly - posted
June 9 - Chapter 5 - Samauri - story written
June 16 - Chapter 6 - cymbidia - story written
June 23 - Chapter 7 - bulld
June 30 - Chapter 8 - Ulyssa - story written
July 7 - Chapter 9 - circe!
July 14 - Chapter 10 - MunchinMark
July 21 - Chapter 11 - SteamyChik
July 28 - Chapter 12 - RisiaSkye
Aug 4 - Chapter 13 - Judo
Aug 11 - Chapter 14 - Mickie
Okay, let's get this chain on, take 2
posted 5/10
Let's get this chain on!
posted 4/5
Literotica Chain Story #2!!!
posted 3/25
Re: Re: sex at sea

Charly said:

I would hope with all my heart that your own fancy has been tickled once or twice by just such suggestibility!?
I have sailed since I was 8 years old, have been on boats from dinghies to schooners, and currently live on a 60' sloop, probably similar in many ways to your characters' boat.

A boat at anchor is indeed a romantic place, especially for first-timers, and especially when the anchorage is sheltered. I hope you find it so on your cruise as well.

Underway it is more complicated, especially in a blow when you are heeled over at 15 degrees or more and the seas are choppy. Then there is enough exhilaration from sailing, and sex can wait for calms or when you are hove to or even just motoring.
The White Rabbit

I'm late! I'm late! for a very important date.

Hopefully I can get together with my editors this afternoon or tomorrow and finish up, but right now its just not quite ready.

You know, so far its allmost like we have two projects going:

One memour written in the first person, and the other an anthology of stories about Erica. Both are good concepts, and I think that they are not mutally exclusive.
Re: The White Rabbit

Samuari said:
You know, so far its allmost like we have two projects going:

One memour written in the first person, and the other an anthology of stories about Erica. Both are good concepts, and I think that they are not mutally exclusive.
I'm glad you don't think they're mutually exclusive, Sam, cuz i'm up after you and mine is another one of the third-person anthology stories made famous by Gaucho. However, it's *done* and that, alone, makes it good, right? (At least until it's posted and other people start reading it...)

Any MOAL author who would like an advance read of Chapter 6, please email/pm me.
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Re: Re: The White Rabbit

cymbidia said:
I'm glad you don't think they're mutually exclusive, Sam, cuz i'm up after you and mine is another one of the third-person anthology stories made famous by Gaucho. However, it's *done* and that, alone, makes it good, right? (At least until it's posted and other people start reading it...)

Because I'm not done? Hell,. I'm going to go find some demask roses and see what they really smell like.

I was on a scheedule that would have worked out fine if we hadn't had two drop outs, but now I'm asked to produce two weeks eairly, and I can't find either one of my editors. secch may have to go find some mud to drive the 4runer in.

Cym, I love your story, it is about the best thing that you ever wrote, and I hope that it gives you the confidence to share the other things that you have floating arround in that twisted mind of yours. I would kiss the at luccios ass, but I think that you would rather have it slapped instead.
Oh Sam, i like kisses as much as anyone else does! Besides, i only play slapping games with the very experienced.

BTW, Laurel is swapping my chapter in for yours tonight (i think) so you'll have until next weekend to put the finishing touches on yours. Does that help?
It helps alot, colect your kisses any time, or anything else that you want... is that a pig face on your ass? Com a little closer so that I can make sure.
~poke~ Don't start with that pig face crap again! :p
(I'm getting some new av's. They won't have "pig faces" on them!)


Thanks for the links and the due date! Now to immerse myself in Erica.

By the way, the lovely rose looks very pretty on your behind. No more "cheeky" comments, Sam.

- Judo

[August 4th - the date LOOMS already] :eek:
To End


Okay, I think I'm beginning to finally get caught up with what's going on with the chain story.

I really like WS's sugg of communicating to those that follow asap, but I'm also noticing that some authors have their story practically finished long before the one before them is finished.

Is there that much communication going on behind closed doors? Because I'd like to communicate forward a little, if possible.

I'm writing this to talk mainly with those who are concerned about ending the piece. Mick, you will be following me and have to wrap up any loose ends, so what can I do to help?

I'm trying to plan my segment and have been thinking about it for a week or so, but I want to make certain that I'm not creating a scenario that someone else is already working on.

Partcularly, since the one I'm considering has been mentioned in another author's story already, KM.

Is there some way to get a log-line (1 to 3 sentences) of other author's intent? Oh, email, of course, not giving stuff away on the Boards.

And Mick, is there anything I could include that will make your piece easier? Just say the word, Bucko!

So far, I'm not planning on introducing any loose ends in my segment, but it might be fun, if it helps the one who follows. :p

Let me know.

- Judo

[It's okay, really. I'm just an obsessive neurotic.]
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cymbidia said:
~poke~ Don't start with that pig face crap again! :p
(I'm getting some new av's. They won't have "pig faces" on them!)

Now you went and your changed picture thingy, and everyone will think I'm even more nutso than they do anyway. Where do they find those thingys anyway?
MORE nutso?

I think not, Sam, not *more* nutso, certainly.
And i did it just and entirely to screw you over, too.

I dont' know about others, but i get these thingeys from trodding the less travelled net back alleys, sometimes they come from my own favorite pics collection, and sometimes (like the fractal that is named, believe it or not, for me) they just come to me of their own accord, a gift, so to speak, from another. Does that answer your question?

(I've taken your advice to heart and seem to be writing action into stories and feelings into poetry, but i'm afraid you real poets are readying yourselves to stone me out of the place for my puny efforts...)
Not worthy! Not worthy!

~on my knees bowing~

Thanks to the Goddess Cym...

...I am less clueless than usual. She reminded me of the "Spoiler's thread" and sent me the link.

So, I will post my intentions there. ~see this is what I get for trying to play with the big girls~

Mick? Still waiting, would love to help you in any way whatso...uhm...with the story, that is.

- Judo :D
Re: MORE nutso?

cymbidia said:
I think not, Sam, not *more* nutso, certainly.
And i did it just and entirely to screw you over, too.

Don't I wish? :p

{b}(I've taken your advice to heart and seem to be writing action into stories and feelings into poetry, but i'm afraid you real poets are readying yourselves to stone me out of the place for my puny efforts...) [/B]

Don't let her kid you, guys. This is one very pasionate lady, and when she gets her poet's hat on, look out she is going to be something very special.
:eek: Shhhh! Sam, shhhhh! It's all pretty much just therapy for me at this point.

And stop it Judo, for gods sakes! ~pulling you up and giving you a hug~ It was just a thread. :cool:
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Well Laurel has my chapter now, so we'll see if I have to find a new fake name and fake identity. Maybe Patryn will lend me one of hers?
Damn Cym

I didn't mean for you to change your thingy back, heck I liked it! not sure which one I like better, but shute girl. I mean they all know how silly nutso I am. So come closer so that can kiss you, silly nutsoiness isn't cotagious, ya know.