Challenge .... Is it Erotic? Or is it Porn?


GP i'm home in Mumbai but have paddle , will fly !
ummmm let's see:

#1 Pluperfect - definitely erotic - and as I mentioned before, I still believe it's by Mags, who makes a point of muddying the waters where his authorship is concerned. Very lovely, sweet poem.

#2 - Ash - porn and humor, humor and porn

#3 - AH - erotic; despite it not being a sonnet, it's got some telltale AH marks.

#4 - Conjunction - definitely erotic - probably butters or Harry? can't tell which one; someone else probably can. Or maybe Calli?

#5 - of course Ash; I would guess it was written with the idea that it would erotic; it starts out that way, but then... for me, the spanking makes it something else, not porn exactly, but not erotic either. And that simply is my opinion, heavily influenced by my tastes. (Duh.)

#6 - another AH - again erotic, no porn in sight.

#7 - The Stevedore's Wife - - erotic, probably written by gm

#8 - The Object of My Desire - a cross between erotic and porn? a cross between Calli or GP and Tods? no clue

#9 - butters? Calli? possibly Trix? - erotic for sure, sli i i i i ding towards porn

#10 - Plumperfection - Magnetron - erotic humor or humorous eroticism; I love it, and it's not cause it's of the tanned bottom

#11 - Curse of the Pharaos - Magnetron - this one would be porn if it weren't so fricking humorous

#12 - Tony's Vintage... - gm would make sense but I personally have no clue; yes, porn; love Popeye's piccolo

#13 - Lost in Sin (or sumthin) - sort of in between erotic and porn, this one done lost its rhythm; it tries to rhyme, but does it succeed??

#14 - Superpluperfectified - another Mags special, methinks - porn with a dollop of humor - (had to write it out to see if I could; say this one 10 times fast; come on, I dare you!)

#15 - Fuck Me - no bloody clue who wrote it; or maybe Harry, or even Annie as an exercise in writing porn?

Re: #5 if it ain't porn 'n it ain't erotica it's gotta be BDSM ---elementary My Dear Mer !!!
I hope I'm getting your amendments in right as I had 26 PMs come in all that once!!
For some reason, this challenge is attracting an unusual amount of attention. I note also that people are beginning to let their hair down and contribute some bonafide porn.
I would otherwise swear on a Tibetan Book of the Dead that #30 was written by oneiria, except that he (or she) doesn't frequent here.
Let's see:

21- Ministration - AH, erotic
22- Untitled - Annie, porn
23- Ice Cream - Tods, porn
24- Secret Admirer - Piscator?
25- Aubergine - Tzara? or Angeline, erotic
28- Doggerel Style - AH, porn
30- perhaps the return of EllenMore?

That's all I got for now.... terrific job, all!
Of course if I'd have had any sense I would have written down who was each number as I posted them ............
What a stampede! I'll just comment on my favorites:

Aphrodite and Priapus: a shock to the system, like an unexpected but welcome taste of poetic BDSM.

As the Sun Sets in North Platte, Nebraska: another touching tale of love by GM

Aubergine: culinary metaphors for sex have been done before, but this is a very good one. Elegant sensuality. The untitled haiku is also headed in that direction.

The Ice Cream Melted on the Countertop: good, meat and potatoes erotica, with a winning title. Someone suggested Todski, and it rings true.
I spent about an hour this morning trying to figure out who wrote what so far.
#35 is a proper limerick, from someone who clearly honors the classical form. It took me a while to decipher it. Still not sure about "cred" -- as in "street cred"?
#35 is a proper limerick, from someone who clearly honors the classical form. It took me a while to decipher it. Still not sure about "cred" -- as in "street cred"?

But then a proper limerick needs an improper subject matter to give it cred.