Challenge .... Is it Erotic? Or is it Porn?

Hey ..... what's up with my name being dropped in the last few ??????????
I'm almost overcum by the volume of discharge for this challenge, Annie has certainly found our g and p spots.

1 Pluferfect Erotic-Y Porn-n too sweet for porn AH
2 untitled Erotic-? Porn-y somewhat preachy Ash
3 untitled Erotic-? Porn -Y hommage to a sex toy? if M Tod, F -??
4 Conjunction Erotic-y Porn-? nice GP?
5 untitled Erotic-N Porn-y not my style Ash
6 untitled Erotic-y Porn-n sweet Remec?
7 The Stevedore's Wife Erotic-y Porn-n too sweet for porn GM
8 The Object of My Desire Erotic-Y Porn-mildly weak ending mer?
9 untitled Erotic-mildly Porn-n over top cliched Oggbashan
10 Plumperfection Erotic-n Porn-y made me smile Harry
11 Curse of the Pharaohs Erotic-n Porn-n cuts to the boner Mags
12 Tony's Vintage Comic Fetish Erotic-n Porn-mildly over colloquial GM
13 Lost in the Joy of Sin Erotic-mildly Porn-mildly wandering rhyme Sinseria
14 Superpluperfectified Erotic-n Porn-n lost my smile Mags
15 Fuck Me Erotic-n Porn-y I'm fucked Tod?
16 Paranormal Pluperfectivity Erotic-n Porn-n frowning UYS
17 The Art of Joinery Erotic-y Porn-mildly well fi AH
18 Penis Double Acrostic Erotic-mildly Porn-mildly at least it was short UYS
19 T-rantosoreass Erotic- n Porn-mildly give it a backsided compliment Tarza?
20 With apologies to Thomas Hardy Erotic-n Porn-mildly wandering rhyme lost me butters?
21 Ministration Erotic-mildly Porn-mildly train of cock Tod?
22 untitled Erotic-n Porn-mildly not elipses butt……. Ash
23 The Ice Cream Melted …….. Erotic-Y Porn-mildly hot calli or Trixie
24 From Your Secret Admirer Erotic-y Porn-n wistfull undergrad AH
25 Aubergine Erotic-Y Porn-y vegetable porn Angeline
26 Inspirational Erotic-y Porn-n 16linesbutnotasonnet butters?
27 As the Sun Sets in North Platte …. Erotic-y Porn-n rest home porn GM
28 Doggerel Style Erotic-y Porn-y true to title UYS
29 Blonde Widow Erotic-mildly Porn-y free style porn Harry
30 untitled - Haiku Erotic-mildly Porn-mildly at least it was short Remec?
31 Aphrodite and Priapus Erotic-n Porn-Y incestuous Neo???
32 Plurpefect Erotic-n Porn-n deeper frown Mags
33 Woman on Man Erotic-Y Porn-Y elegant UYS
34 XXX-Men: Perfect Past Pluperfect Erotic-n Porn-y sigh Harry
35 Untitled Erotic-Y Porn-y a proper improper limerick UYS

I apologize for poor formatting, I had it all set up as an Excel table then found I couldn't copy it into here.
I'm almost overcum by the volume of discharge for this challenge, Annie has certainly found our g and p spots.

I apologize for poor formatting, I had it all set up as an Excel table then found I couldn't copy it into here.

You got some of mine and insulted me in others! :D

Edited to add not insulted by who you guessed wrote them but by the comments.
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Nope I did not write Aubergine. I think GP wrote it--or possibly Champ.
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Piscator, you flatter me in naming some wonderful poets as the creators of mine.

No one has guessed mine yet. 'nuff said?
42 [forty-two] and counting!

Will it never end - this deluge of debauchery, this torrid torrent, this tsunami of sexuality????
I'll wade again into the flood of filth.

#26, "Inspirational," is Mer's. It's erudite, yet horny, and she likes to use "column" as a naughty image. It also features kinky apparel. Definitely Mer.

#29, "Blonde Widow" -- Tods? He doesn't normally go goth-y.

#34, "XXX-men" -- arggh, Magnetron, there is no apostrophe in "gets".

#37, "Poor emily doe." I'm guessing Magnetron again, due to the flagrant disrespect for the hallowed traditions of limerick writing.

#40, "Beauty Marked." This could be Mer. The title in particular is Mer-ish.

#41, "Spluperfectifeyed" -- I'm going to go WAY out on limb here. Magnetron?

#42, "Time Machine" -- that was fun. I'll guess Trix.
Beauty Marked may be Mer-ish but it isn't by Mer. One giveaway is that Mer's thumbs tend to spell death to plants.

Hope that being Mer-ish is not an insult. It is a lovely poem, and I wish I had written it, but that don't count...
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I must be the only loser at home on a Friday night trying to write an erotic pome. :(
Beauty Marked may be Mer-ish but it isn't by Mer. One giveaway is that Mer's thumbs tend to spell death to plants.

Hope that being Mer-ish is not an insult. It is a lovely poem, and I wish I had written it, but that don't count...

Gangrene thumbs instead of green thumbs?