Challenge .... Is it Erotic? Or is it Porn?

Annie just posted more erotic pooms.

I wish I had enough stamina to finish writing one.
Annie just posted more erotic pooms.

I wish I had enough stamina to finish writing one.

Yeah, it would be nice to see you add a piece to the challenge at some point.

I've been a bit stuck myself. So many poems in this challenge! I feel like a slacker. :)
Yeah, it would be nice to see you add a piece to the challenge at some point.

I've been a bit stuck myself. So many poems in this challenge! I feel like a slacker. :)

Subtract 2 because Annie doesn't know how to count.
Alright. No more procrasturbating and fluffing off. Today's the day I finish writing this darn thing.
Looks like everyone petered out.

Give us a list of participants.

Pwetty pwease?

* bats eyelashes *
35 untitled Erotic-? Porn-Y limerlick UYS
36 Poor Emily Doe Erotic-n Porn-n limersick Mags
37 untitled Erotic-n Porn-n true to life Harry
38 Beauty Marked Erotic-Y Porn-N fertile musing butters
39 Spluperfectifeyed Erotic-n Porn-n please stop Mags
40 Time Machine Erotic-y Porn-n well timed Trixie
41 Praying for Mary to Come Erotic-mildly Porn-mildly is nothing sacred? GM
42 Sheer Red Panty Delight Erotic-y Porn-n so much for open access Trixie
43 I Was Only Teasing Erotic-Y Porn-mildly tantalizing Champagne
44 [ swuck-slap ] Erotic-y Porn-y train of fuck Tod?